Music from the Kingdom Hearts series is created by the Japanese music composer Yoko Shimomura. The main theme of the Kingdom Hearts series has is generally though of to be Dearly Beloved, a piece that has appeared in all of them games in various forms. The majority of the music in Kingdom Hearts has no lyrics except for the secondary themes (Hikari/Simple and Clean and Passion/Sanctuary), both sung by Utada Hikaru; however, sections of other songs, such as the Atlantica musicals, feature vocals sung by the voice actors for the characters portrayed in the scene. Furthermore, songs such as Dive into the Heart feature synthesized vocals as part of the melody. Besides a variety of original music created exclusively for the series, the games also feature a wide variety of songs by original Disney composers that have been rearrganed by Shimomura. It has been described that some original songs had to go complete remixing in order for console sound chips to support the data.

Although a 9 disc series album has been released containing all the music from the games KH1, KH2, COM, RECOM, and the Final Mix additions, it is only available in Japan and as such all songs with lyrics (such as Under the Sea) are sung in Japanese.


Also, Square Enix has released an album entitled the Kingdom Hearts Piano Collections, which contains a variety of the original music by Shimomura performed exclusively on piano. The pieces are performed by various artists, including Takehiko Yamada, Hiroyuki Nakayama, Miwa Sato and Miwa Sato.



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