The Ravine Trail is a location in the world Hollow Bastion. The Ravine Trail is found inbetween the bailey and the Crystal Fissure. It plays a major role during the player's 3rd visit to Hollow Bastion, when Heartless invade the Trail and head towards the town gate. To stop the invasion, Leon, Tifa, Cloud and Yuffie decide to deal with the Ravine Trail Heartless. The Player must help them in order to continue. the ravine trail is also a good place to level up wisdom form. it is also a good place to prepare for the hades paradox cup because leon yuffie cloud and tifa use the same moves that they do in the hades paradox cup.

Tifa, one of the people the player must help at the ravine trail


Sora had just returned from his visit to Ansem's Computer, a world known as Space Paranoids, to discover Hollow Bastion was under attack! After a duel with Demyx, Sora followed Leon, Yuffie, Tifa and Cloud to the Ravine Trail, a path leading to the Crystal Fissure. After four battles with the heartless, Sora reached the Crystal Fissure and with King Mickey, he rushed to the Great Maw, only to be greeted by an army of 1000 Heartless.