Accuracy of information?

Sorry, but this entire article seems to be almost entirely speculation. I haven't heard Mickey's Key referred to as Darkside anywhere. And I also don't understand the talk about keychains meaning a keyblade is "real." If this info is valid, someone needs to point out where its coming from (actual game event/interview/etc). Otherwise, I think this page needs to be more like the "Kairi's Keyblade" article, which basically says "we dont know where it came from or what its for, but hopefully they'll tell us in future games." Thanks. Zephyrus11 04:21, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

I have to agree with Zephyrus here. This entire article doesn't really have any basis in fact and offers a lot of speculation. KeybladeWarriorNick 18:00, 5 April 2008 (UTC-8)

Should this article be moved to "Darkside"? -Azul 00:29, 19 April 2008 (UTC)
"Darkside" already exists. Its the giant heartless Sora fights at the beginning of KH1. Besides that, I still don't believe that Darkside is this keyblade's name. Can anyone give any evidence for/against it? --Zephyrus11 02:44, 19 April 2008 (UTC)
I think a lot of it is actually based on facts, but it just went wrong somewhere. Anywho, if you lose and get to play as Mickey, can't you just press pause and check his equipment to see the name? I'd do it, but I packed away my PS2, and even if I unpack it, I don't think I have any KHII save files left. --Hecko X 14:06, 19 April 2008 (UTC)
i have a link that may sort this prblem out it's the offical merchandise site and lists the keyblade as kingdom key (darkside) probily to show it's from the realm of darkness (Myself 123 16:21, 21 April 2008 (UTC)).
also, i don't think that it's the keyblade that fires the holy spell, i think it's a spell that mickey has learnt, after all, all of sora's spells are fired from his keyblade (Myself 123 16:29, 21 April 2008 (UTC)).
i recall hearing somewhere(like a year ago) that it was named "Save the World" because goofy's shield is named "Save the King" & donald's wand "Save the Queen". think theres any truth to that?
Coroxn - The Lunar Brigade
TALK - "The heart's a battleground. But it matters not the outcome of the battle, nor how you battled. Only that you battled..." - Coroxn 12:41, October 25, 2009 (UTC)
Well, we can't do an invintory with Mickey, because pausing while playing as him will result in the little box pop saying"play as the King until Sora is revived", or something along those lines. And I doubt you can call it "Save the World" b ause of Donald and Goofy's "Save the Queen" and "Save the King", because if you go along those lines, you could call Kingdom Key D any of these: "Save the Jester", "Save the Prince" "Save the Princess", "Save the Knight", "Save the Castle" ect....


I realy think we need to change this page's name. It looks the kingdom key, from the dark relm so it probily is, it also seems weird that there's keyblade and heartless called darkside. Myself 123 20:54, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

Yes, please. This page should be called 'the Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness'. That's what it is called in the Ansem Reports, so let's call it by its official name. Shall we?

It would appear that Dark-Side is emerging as the official name of Mickey's Keyblade, at least by way of merchandising sites, including the official Square-Enix site. It may not be the final spelling, though; I've seen minor variants. I am going to move this back to Mickey's Keyblade until something more concrete (like an article) emerges, but admit it does indeed look probable at this point. BebopKate 06:01, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Morghman - Now! Let's savor the utmost of suffering together!
TALK - As the other dies, their agony radiates through my body, and living through it is pure ecstasy!
I always thought it was called the Kingblade. It does look more royal than the regular Kingdom Key, after all!
KrytenKoro - "An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on."
Judging by the 358/2 Days name, it might be a combination of all of these - the "Kingdom Chain (Dark-side)", basically "Kingdom Chain from the Dark Realm". Hopefully, once the game is translated it will be clearer.


Sorry, but the single item in the Trivia section sounds ridiculous and is purely theoretical. Why isn't the Star Seeker that Mickey carries inverted?

We don't know anything that keyblade, besides in BBS both "Mickey's Keyblade" and the star seeker can be seen. Myself 123 00:47, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm aware of that. I'm just wondering why a strange claim that "All Keychains attached to this Keyblade will have inverted colors" is even on the page. Even if it's just an assumption, I don't see how it has any basis in anything. 05:45, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

thaT starseeker may not have anything to do with this keyblade

Took pictures of This in BBS its only usable using cwcheats for now, I assume it will be one of the Keyblades added for the eu and Na release. I added an edit to the article but didn't add the picture to avoid clutter. [1]

how do we know for sure?

I noticed that Mickey's Keyblade has been named as Kingdom Key D; which I think means Kingdom Key of Darkness. But how do we know for sure that that's what it's called? Better have some proof before using that name.

KrytenKoro - "Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life."
Yes, that is the name given to it in 358, as the note says.


No Gears: Kingdom Key D

+1: Kingdom Key D+
+1: Kingdom Key D++
+Pandora Gear: Star Seeker
+Zero Gear: Kingdom Key DΩ

Kingdom Key DO

Needs to be split off, it's a different weapon.Glorious CHAOS! 03:04, October 10, 2009 (UTC)