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uh...okay now. I just added major points in the article, and I need help as well. So...yeah.


Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
We should have a page called Sora/Ven theories, Roxas/Ven theories or Sora/Roxas/Ven theories. This could get each user to think whether Sora has a conection with Ven or not, since Ven looks like Roxas, Sora's nobody. I mean, when I first saw a picture of Ven, I thought he was Roxas. I am waiting for Birth by Sleep to come to Australia or when one of us finishes it.
  There are a lot of these pages in the forums, if you hadn't already noticed. Go take a look.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Twoface13 - There's someone with a "key" -- the key to our survival.
TALK - No... They'll pay for this!
I have a page for theories (click on Light.)


I know this is kinda odd. but the subject of sora, kairi, and riku's ages in kh2 is kinda up in the air. It is never officially stated anywhere in KH2 exactly how old they are. but i would say that Sora and Kairi are 16 and Riku is 17. i know they were 2 years younger in KH1 but really. look at them. no one matures that much in a single year. especially sora. compare him to from both games. the level of maturity is so drastically different and its absurd to say he got all that in one year, the voice change, growth spurt and mental maturity. could people stop saying that they are 15 and 16 in KH2. i know it takes place a year after Chain of memories, but really people.


sorry to bother who ever is reading this but I just have one thing I don't understand

I'm not comlpaining so sorry if it sounds this way. I don't understand why no one has added a list of soras abilities under the section "abilities"

I know the people who work on this site got a lot to do so I pasted it at the bottom of the page(really sorry it takes up so much room) so if the members deside they want to add it its all here and a simple copy and past away (that should save some time)


Kingdom_Hearts_Abilities#Abilities, this time, try actually reading it. Other than that, you can see same stuff, but in a different setup, here. --Hecko X 14:46, 1 April 2008 (UTC)

ok thanks sorry to bother you


Cleaning Up

This article could use some cleaning up.--Dreyfus 07:05, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

Yeah, plus originality - it's pasted form Wikipedia. Scottch 06:32, 26 January 2007 (UTC)


I can't help being bothered by my friend's comment about Sora being gay with Riku...... Do any of you guys think he's a fag? Because I don't know what to believe anymore... --Greyrose 12:33, 25 June 2007 (UTC)

I don't. Fandoms will always perceive sexual relationships between characters whether they exist in canon or not (take all the Organization pairings, despite the fact that they can't really feel emotion and don't have hearts). There are plenty of times where Sora's attraction to Kairi is made apparent, like when he's watching some couple get all lovey-dovey (Jasmine and Alladin maybe?) and Donald and Goofy tease him about thinking of Kairi. Scottch 09:00, 27 June 2007 (UTC)
<sigh> thanks! At least there'll be less stress on the upcoming KH3 {-D --Greyrose 12:17, 27 June 2007 (UTC)

My friends give me the same crud... Though there is "proof" that he could be, you gotta remember: this is part Disney, and Disney can get pretty...well...out there, let's put it that way. Sora is not gay, he has obvious attractions to Kairi. As Kairi has obvious attractions to him. Case Closed. Period. Akamoron 20:55, 22 June 2008.

Well then you have to remember in Chain of memories, no pun intended, that in Destiny Islands he was going to Protect HER, or Namine/Kairi?, not HIM, or riku, and even his friends form the island tell him things hinting that he likes her very much KingdomKey 4:09 August 27,2008

BamaSebastian - Do you know the rules?
TALK - 10:50
Not to mention, in plot, Riku would punch Sora's teeth in. I can't stand yaoi personally, and it's bad for my fanfic reception, due to the fact I usually pit two Organization members together on a mission, non-yaoi, and most will perceive it's just another yaoi-fanfiction, so they won't read it. As for Sora actually being Gay....? Disney's done some stupid stuff...but so much....(There was that time when he drew Squal Leonhart in a sort of feminin appearance but...xD

Drake Clawfang - Anger and hate are supreme....power and control are pretty nice too.
TALK - 03:18, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
Unfortunately, in any Japanese franchise, video games, anime or manga, if two male characters are good friends, they MUST be gay. Even if one or both of them has a female love interest, they are gay. That's the rule, there is no such thing as "just friends" in Japan between guys, if two guys are friends, they're homosexuals and are together. </sarcasm>

Alright, look. A lot of people think he's gay, a lot don't. Either way, it's all arguably based on speculation, and as such should either be clearly classified as theory, or left out /entirely/, homosexual OR straight. Something like this is never actually confirmed in the games, and like an attribute such as height, bloodtype, or birth, should not be filled in falsely. Furthermore, cases can be made in both directions; anyone with expereince with basic social interactions and psychology could explain it. In addition, Nomura actually stated at one point that he wasn't pairing /anyone/ (that he invented for the series) together, as he perfered to leave it to 'fan interperitation', meaning it's up to each individual. So there is no answer. In sum - just let it go. Leave it out. It doesn't really belong here. User:ILHI/Talk

As I said, there's no such thing as "just friends" in Japanese franchises. In all seriousness, homosexuality isn't taboo in Japan, but it's not the doctrine of the land. In the series it's quite clear that, if anyone, Sora loves Kairi. Sure he's good friends with Riku, they've been through a lot together. I don't get where all these yaoi pairings come from, honestly. Drake Clawfang

Eh, I've heard too much about yaoi and I can't take not knowing. I'm out of the loop. It took a long time before I found out what a noob was. Anyways, it's obvious isn't it that he's attracted to Kairi isn't it? Like how with Sally and Jack, Aladdin and Jasmine, and others, he thinks about Kairi. Besides, I've heard stuff about Axel and Roxas, and Roxas is supposed to be with Namine, right? Xicera 15:42, 12 October 2008 (UTC)

Well he could be bi but who knows.

  Sora ? Bisexual ? Oh puhleeeeeze. Drake had a point when he said that Sora's attracted to Kairi, and he's good friends with Riku - that's the main intention of the series, and what do we do ? We twist and turn it and call Sora yaoi !

(hangs head in shame)

But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out! TroisNyxÉtienne

Well what if he's attracted to Kairi and Riku. But didn't you read the last quote "but who knows"

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
UGH, don't tell me slash has gotten here too. For crying out loud. Sorry, I am a tolerant person, but come on people, its common sense here. The reason why Sora was crying in relief for finding Riku was because he searched so long to try and find his best friend. Nothing about being gay, its about friendship. It was OBVIOUS he had feelings for Kairi that anybody can figure it out. Stories like this are never about romance, its about friendship and protecting those they care for. the sora/kairi relationship is just a side story. Again sorry, I just had a real bad experience with dealing with yaoi fanatics on the internet who are just hormone crazed and stubborn as mules. Which is why I'm going all that I can to tell everyone that there is no slash at all ever in the series. Besides, Yaoi fanatics act annoying for a reason.......THEY ANNOY YOU!!

  Oh well. Behind every innocent set of stories lies a small, perverted fan base. And that is the same for many, many games.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne

HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us.
TALK - *&&X%
True, too true. Sorry if i offended anybody here. Like I said earlier, I am a tolerant person, I have friends who like slash and heck, my girlfriend is nuts about it. the the only difference was that they're calm about their love of it and they mostly use characters from other media that actually has confirmed gay characters so that works out. its just how some people can get annoying drives me nuts, even when trying to explain that i'm not fond of it but tolerable, they said they felt sorry for me and called me an ignorant idioitic man. THAT'S the kind of yaoi fans I cannot stand.

That is just gross, I don't believe anything anything written in here should be here. Sora loves Kairi. Sora is friends with Riku, but they often want to kill each other. CAN WE NOT DISCUSS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:(--PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart 17:21, 2 May 2009 (UTC)

  We're addressing the issue, not like anyone believes that Sora and Riku are yaoi. Now, if you wanna vent your anger, vent it elsewhere. Not when I'm around.

But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out! TroisNyxÉtienne

PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
Sorry I just am very touchy on the subject. And mood swings drive me crazy.

NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
If you want my opinion, I think Riku and Sora do have some sort of feelings for each other. I like that pairing. I don't care if there are homosexually, just saying. I believe love isn't about age or sex, it's about loving that person you love back and making him/her happy. That's what relationship is all about, right?

AbOhWn - I'd rather we just skip the formalities
TALK - Parley !
Why are you people talking about this? This is a video game. You guys need to grow up.

xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き!
TALK - I am...glad.
Why can't we talk about this subject? It may be completely irrelivent to the storyline, but it's not in the official article and we have the right to wonder. Most people on this wiki are mature enough to handle such a topic, so I see no problem.

Okay, I'm going to bring up the point again that Riku would punch Sora's teeth in any day of the week, so him having any intimate relationship with Riku doesn't seem logical. Besides the whole game series has him pointed towards Kairi like a compass points north. Keyblader 19:56, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.<
TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
i agree with keyblader riku would litreally beat sora up if he even thought about it but then again i have the weirdest feeling it might happen

About Riku and the Keyblade

I removed the part about Riku being the "intended weilder" from this article and "Keyblade" due to lack of sufficient evidence. Its a theory, but its never stated in the game and therefore I dont think it should be said here.


I recently watched the Destiny Islands scenes and the Hollow Bastion scenes, and none of them support the fact that Riku was the original intended owner.

Also, to me, the fact that The Awakening occurred at the very start of the game means that Sora would have had to be the keyblade wielder all alone. If anyone can support the data that I took out, they are welcome to prove me wrong and put it back in. However, until then, I'm removing it. Thanks. --Zephyrus11 02:33, 2 April 2008 (UTC)

Answered my own question by finding this

Though my point about The Awakening still leaves me confused...

--Zephyrus11 05:02, 2 April 2008 (UTC)

  Who said Riku being the intended wielder of the Keyblade was never mentioned in-game ? Didn't you take a look at Sora's story or even Riku's journal entry right after defeating Dark Riku for the first time in Hollow Bastion ? It did explicitly say that Riku was supposed to be the original master of the Keyblade, but having chosen darkness over light, the Keyblade chose Sora instead. Then again, the only mention it gets is in Jiminy's Journal in KH1. That's all.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne


Hey, has anyone else noticed this? We all know that Sora lost his heart by releasing it for Kairi, and that it created Roxas, blah blah blah. But has anyone noticed that since he doesn't have a heart (having given it back to Kairi), wouldn't that make him a nobody, too?! HarukaHeart13 00:11, 1 May 2008 (UTC)

He basically went through a loophole that let him give his heart to Kairi while still keeping it for himself. XienZo 01:11, 1 May 2008 (UTC)
Well, uh...that's kinda confusing. HarukaHeart13 02:58, 1 May 2008 (UTC)
Actually...He didn't give his heart to Kairi, Kairi's heart was inside his (yes it's confusing, but it's Square-Enix). Therefore, he unlocked his heart to free hers, turning him into a heartless. Kairi helped Sora see the "light" and put his heart back in order. It wasn't really explaned, but that's what I got out of it.
Akamoron 21:05, June 22 2008

Alright, here's as clear as I'm going to see it. In the beginning of the game, as Destiny Islands was getting destroyed, do you remember that cutscene in the Secret Place, where Sora saw an illusion of Kairi come flying at him, then suddenly disappear just as he was about to catch her? From what I can see, there is evidence that it was at that point that Sora actually started housing Kairi's heart. When Sora stabbed himself with the dark Keyblade made out of the other Princesses' hearts, he released Kairi's heart from his own being, returning it to its original body, and lost his own heart in the process, which became the Shadow Heartless you temporarily play as. However, because of the strong connection made between their hearts, both when their hearts were separate from each other and when they were both housed inside Sora, Kairi managed to call his heart out of the darkness and bring him back to normal form. As to how he got a body back, now that's for your own speculation, especially since Roxas and Namine were supposed to be created from his body after the sacrifice. If it gets any clearer than that, someone please let me know. Keyblader 02:16, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

Sora's height

You should put down the characters height like sora is around 5'2 or 5'3 so that would make kairi 5'1 or 5'2

No, we shouldent unless some official material states their height, otherwise it's just speculation which dosent belong on a Wiki.Brago-77 19:17, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

ok sorry to bother you


i found a spanish wiki that had a concept section for Sora so i thoguht it made sense that we put one up.

It is kind of odd that we don't have one, considering how much information there is on the subject... I mean, there's concept art sketches all over the place back from when Nomura was still thinking about making him this... wierd... lion... thing. On that note, we should probably mention the change his hair color undergoes from KH1 to KH2, given the Roxas article mentions the inverse observation.

sora and roxas's hair color

Do you people have problems with hair color in kh2 sora does not have ginger in his hair its blonde and roxas is blonde 2 Have you never played kingdom hearts II?

What exactly do you mean by problem with hair color? Hasn't his hair always been brown, Roxas's hair blond? That's how it was in KHI... wasn't it? Yes I have played KHII Xicera 15:33, 12 October 2008 (UTC)

  Well, Sora's hair colour does change, but there isn't exactly any problem, is there ? They say that Sora's hair colour must've changed due to the existence of Roxas, but we wonder if the hair colour will ever switch back to the original dark brown that he had in KH1. ;-)

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne


File:Sora Kingdom Hearts II.jpg

Biggest piece of evidence regarding the sora/kairi relationship

Quote: "The biggest evidence, however, was in chain of memories, when Namine admits that she was never Sora's friend, and he sadly says: "we were never anything... more than that either."

Im just curious as to how this would be the 'biggest' evidence that we have regarding sora's relationship status with kairi. And probably the main reason why I ask this is most likely because I cannot clearly translate what Sora has stated to Namine regarding her. Could this piece of evidence suggest that:

A. Sora states that they were more than just friends.

B. Sora states that, although he is not a friend of Namine, he is more than a friend to Kairi?

C. All of the above, except A, B & C.

But all I ask is a clarification of what Sora means about kairi in this quote.--Pkthis 02:50, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

The entire section is speculative and should probably be deleted or at the very least rewritten. --Hecko X 12:31, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Actually, there is a point to all of that in the article. Sora says, in a sad and confused sort of tone, that they were never anything more than friends (they were never friends to begin with, but you get my point) after going through the vast majority of the castle having his memory altered to think that he was trying to save his childhood friend. Since Namine had used her powers to put her memory in place of Kairi's, this would indicate that he had feelings toward Kairi as being more than just a friend. Considering that, it could be the biggest piece of evidence towards their relationship purely because of the fact that Sora openly admitted his feelings, if indirectly, towards the original girl whom he thought was his childhood friend, aka Kairi. Keyblader 01:41, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

Time\Space Mage?

Aint sora being able to do gravity make him a time mage? If so than stop and Roxas could work together? It's just an unsumtion, but I gotta clearify. Here, there, everywhere User:Clarkmaster

Nope. You know, since Mages don't exist in the Kingdom Hearts universe.XienZo 03:00, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Yer right, I didn't thank of that, but if it was in the FFs wouldn't I be right?User:Clarkmaster

No. Since when are Time Mages in FF able to use black or white magic spells, which Sora also does? --Hecko X 04:40, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Good point, so I reckon he's some kind of omnimage huh, well you can't blame me for trying! User:Clarkmaster

Red Mage

Sora/Sion connection?

Character designs being similar doesn't mean much as far as the storyline goes, but is there any evidence in the game world that Sora is the child-form of Sion from The Bouncer?

The fact that Sora is connected to Xion is only evident in the fact that she is shown hanging out with Roxas. The whole thing is speculative, and as far as what I've heard, nothing's been confirmed yet. Keyblader 02:22, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

OK, so to whoever thought I was refering to a character from Org. 13, yeah, no. Sion. The Bouncer. Squaresoft beat-em-up. Sora shares character design to a T with the main character, Sion.

Oh. Well, then, I wouldn't know. Disregard what I said earlier. Keyblader 19:24, 21 May 2009 (UTC)

Wow. I found some pictures of the guy you were talking about, and you're right: that guy does look a lot like Sora. That's just freaky. Keyblader 01:43, 9 July 2009 (UTC)


Sora89 Hit me ! — I want to line the pieces up - yours and mine.

I see myself the way you remember me.

May i add the German voice actors for Sora and all the other ones? I know this is an English wikia, but we do have the Japanese voices, too^^ Rather asking before i edit all these pages and some1 deletes them afterwards xD

In my opinion, no. The english voice is included because this is an english wikia, the japanese is included because the Kingdom Hearts series is originally from Japan. If the german voice is added, then the french and spanish voices would want to be added and that will make it look sloppy. Sorry. xNaminéx

Sora89 Hit me ! — I want to line the pieces up - yours and mine.

I see myself the way you remember me.

Ya true :) Prolly better to leave it as it is then.

  Had I added Donald Reignoux (my most favourite voiceover ever !), I think the Xehanort Bot would've come after me.

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne


Amy Cotton - Trust in yourself and you can archive anything.
TALK - You are better off talking to me here.
I wonder what is going to happen to Sora and his friends in the future? My sister, Emily, said his garments will change to match both his red and black garments he wore in the first three games. She also said that the movie, the Hunchback of Notra Dame, will have it's own world and the main character is the party member of that world. I don't beleve her at all. I wonder what is going to happen to Sora, and I think the next game where we find out what King Mickey's letter was saying, he will be 16 or 17 years old. We will find out soon enoth.

Pesonly, i think the letter has somthing to do with coded. I think during the evenys of coded, he discovers something and sends the letter to Sora, Kairi and Riku telling them about what he found out (most likely a new threat). Myself 123 10:41, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

  That or... could it also talk about the truth of what happened to Sora during Chain ?

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

what does that have to do with anything we know about coded.(no offense)

  The subject isn't on Coded, but on the letter.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Besides, I don't really think the King would have told him about what happened in Castle Oblivion. Namine couldn't destroy the memories she had already put into his heart, just break the links so he couldn't remember anything. If the hearts are as unpredictable as Ansem the Wise made it out to be, then I don't think that it would make much sense in the storyline to bring those memories up without seriously screwing with Sora's heart and taking him out of commission. Honestly, where's the appeal in that? Keyblader 01:29, 24 April 2009 (UTC)

  Question is, now, there's already been a loophole in Sora's memory. Wouldn't it be a bit...... "derogatory" for Sora now that Riku knows a lot more than he does, even if he has put his darkness behind him ?

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Who knows? Square Enix has been known to cook up some crazy stuff. Come to think of it, that memory messup might be just the loophole Square would go for to reset all of Sora's abilities and Drive Forms. Either that's just coincidence, or these guys have really lengthy and strung-out plans. Keyblader 02:30, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

358/2 days

Can i see some proof? I really want to know if he's in or not.

Proof as in Images or video. --Zack fair 007 03:53, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

on that note we should do a limit break section on the other 358 playables(Sora=ragnorak) so that means we need the limits for Riku (seems to be dark aura) mickey (don't know) donald (don't know) and goofy (don't know)

here we go

Hey, I beat 358/2 Days but I don't see any item called Return of the king or Soul of Sora in the Moogle Shop. So do you have to beat it on a certain difficulty? If so then could someone add it to the 358/2 Days section of the article? Thanks.

  The 358/2 Days section is poorly written (good facts, but it's all crammed into one paragraph). And I've no idea how to split it up. Guys, please help... thank you.

Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. TroisNyxÉtienne

in order for mickey you need to unlock every mission.for sora you need to get every item, complete every objective and complete every mission absolutely perfectly (not exactly but thats the best way i can explain it)

sora's limit break is "ragnarok".Glorious CHAOS! 03:24, 12 July 2009 (UTC)


Does anyone else think Sora's necklace might mean something? I mean it is part of the design of Kingdom Key, it was a used by Roxas to find the computer room in the old mansion, and whenever Sora unlocked a world it appeared on the ground. I'm just thinking that it might have some greater purpose. Givox 22:58, 23 June 2009 (UTC)Givox

xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き!
TALK - I am...glad.
Personally, I think the crown symbol is simpley the symbol of Light or the Keyblade, and Sora having a necklace of that symbol is just another way to emphasize the fact that he is the Keyblade weilder of Light. Nice theory, though ^_^
Coroxn - The Lunar Brigade
TALK - "The Hearts A Battle Ground. But It Matters Not The Outcome Of The Battle, Nor How You Battle. Only That You Battled..."
I think this will be touched upon in Birth By Sleep. I kind of think that there's a King of Kingdom Hearts (hence the name)who creted the keyblade.
Sorceror Nobody – The Supreme Nonentity
User Talk · Sandbox · 358/2 Days Guide · 20:11, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
There is certainly plenty of evidence that points to the Crown emblem being symbolic of the Keyblade, not least of which is Oblivion's keychain. Why should a Keyblade symbolic of Riku have Sora's pendant? Because Riku was the intended wielder before Sora inherited the Keyblade from him, ergo, it's symbolic of the Keyblade via its intended wielder. The negative space in the teeth of the Kingdom Key and Kingdom Key D? Obviously, that directly ties to the Keyblade. Furthermore, in the prologue of KHII, when Roxas draws another symbol on the table in the Old Mansion library alongside the Heartless and Nobody Emblems, it's the crown again. That completes a trinity composed of the representatives of Darkness (the Heartless), Nothingness (the Nobodies) and Light (the Keyblade).

On a related note, I personally think it'd be a good idea to have an article dedicated to the many recurring emblems, i.e. Heartless, Nobody, Unversed, Crown, Paopu (and the similarly-shaped lucky charm of Oathkeeper), etc...

Category: Meaning

Sora and Kairi

--YESS 16:29, 2 July 2009 (UTC) I think Sora and Kairi will hook up or something in the next game :) i hope they do...

They won't. Nomura stated once : "Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenarios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with your friends."

There will be implications, but nothing more, sorry to say. It's for the best, as not everyone will ever like a specific pairing (this goes for ANY ship, not just this one).

Well, who knows? He might change his mind with time. And honestly, what straight person who's played this game doesn't at least entertain the idea? Keyblader 19:46, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

y'know that's the first thing i saw when i played the game. i don't endorse it or support as a pairing it's just *there*. most of the other crap comes from perverted fangirls anyway. 15:20, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Post that on any other site and you'd probably get your ass burned by those very fangirls. Regardless, I don't see where even they get these ideas. The whole game has Sora pointed towards Kairi so obviously, you could draw a map of it. Keyblader 01:38, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

Ninabean822 - No matter what, I'll always be with you.
TALK - Sora, don't ever change.
He might be saving the sora and kairi thing for the end of the official kh3 or for the end of the series.

I don't paritcularly give a rats ass about pairings, but when was the above quote stated? because it sounds awfully similar to the response I heard he gave a completely different supposed question.


Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream !

Sally, why didn't I listen to you?

This might sound childish buuut....I really don't like the main picture for Sora lol, I just think its not that great and we could pick a better one for it, I didn't want to change the picture without permission so I was wondering if anyone would mind?

Azul said i could change the picture so I have ^^

What does that mean??

At the end of the kingdom hearts II summary or whatever for sora, it says that "Sora saw that Kairi drew the other half of a paopu fruit. He smiles, mimicking Kairi's actions a year ago." What does it mean by "mimicking Kairi's actions from a year ago. Does it mean the way he walked in the cave was the same as kairi a year ago??or did kairi do something?? (i think i just figured it out but im not sure....) User:Ninabean822

Watch the endings of both games, and it will make more sense. Xeno the Hedgehog 05:42, 2 August 2009 (UTC) i get it. thnx^^-ninabean

Sora Song

PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart - I'm the only one!
TALK - Woo hoo hoo hoo!
Totally random, but I found this online about Sora Random but funny.

Sora's hair color

Sora's hair color changed when he turned 15, some people say it was because Roxas was born. Is tht true? User:Ninabean822

A separate Sora page

Does anyone think we should create a page for Virtual Sora? Because technically, he isn't really Sora, but just a replica made of data to solve a puzzle.

Just a suggestion. I know it will cause controversy, but still.

User:Charmed-Jay (2009-August-13)

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it.
TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 14:30, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
  I believe not. While you bring up a point, the Sora from Coded is not really worthy of an article and has been merged onto the Sora page, as far as I believe...should you do this, the article would either be deleted, or edited into what we have now...

That was precisely why I asked first. I knew what would befall that page if it were created.

User:Charmed-Jay, 2009-August-13

Sora heartless?

It's said in KH that someone with a strong will makes a stronger heartless and a nobody. Since Sora made a unique nobody, we must assume he has a strong will, which would also mean he should have Become a stronger heartless Than a shadow when he released his heart. Why didn't he? (on an unrelated note, where would the heartlesses for the rest of the organization be?) Torrent299 16:24, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

You get a strong Heartless if your heart is very dark. Willpower only makes the Nobody. Sora's will was strong enough to make a Nobody, but he's not dark enough to make a powerful Heartless; he's barely dark enough to make a Shadow.
Also, apparently his will isn't that strong, since he was rapidly losing his memories and only regained those and human form because of Kairi.—Urutapu 18:21, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Neku and Sora

Ninabean822 - No matter what, I'll always be with you.
TALK - Sora, don't ever change.
In 2008 square enix came out with another game called the world ends with you[1]. and the main character neku looks almost identical to sora...was this an accident or something. another thing is the girl shiki looks like kairi....

JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – 15:28 17 September 2009 (UTC)
I think Neku was meant to look like a reference to Sora. After all, the team that worked on Kingdom Hearts also worked on TWEWY.

It's not surprising, though. Squeenix loves making references to its characters.


I AM CLUELESS AND JUST GETTING INTO THE SERIES! Is 358/2 Days in between Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2? E.G. for those who don't understand Does it go...

  • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Kingdom Hearts 2

Because I am slightly confused cause I know in CoM he went to sleep for a year and he woke up in KH2 and he is sleeping during 358/2 days Please respond ASAP!

~ Ciao ShadowJr (Reply) 01:45, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

Days isn't between any two games. It starts near the end of Kingdom Hearts 1, around Day 20 Chain of memories starts, and then Day 359 is the beginning of KH2. 00:36, October 4, 2009 (UTC)