Trinity Limit is a recurring special ability in Kingdom Hearts series. The term "Trinity" is actually referring to Sora, Donald, and Goofy, given the fact that the three of them must be present to execute this ability. The overall damage and efficiency depends on Sora's overall status, including Drive Form's levels in Kingdom Hearts II.


Kingdom Hearts

Trinity Limit
AP Cost: 5
MP Cost: All; minimum MP required 3 bars or above.
Effect: When near to a targeted enemy, Trinity will appear at the last command box. Selecting it will allow Sora to execute a few powerful flips and leaps, which later does a back somersault, planting his Keyblade into the ground, summoning a large energy wave crushing all enemy down within the area. It should be noted the more MP Sora has during the executing period, the more powerful the finishing attack becomes.
Additional Info:Learnt after completing Hades Cup, defeating Rock Titan. Actual damage calculation is 600+(Max MP*5), in percentage of target max HP. Whachi means it's instant kill for any enemy. BUT, as soon as you have fought Riku possessed by Ansem, every enemy resist this "%dmg" element. Plus, bosses also resist it, taking only 2% of damage. With Trinity Limit, it's still consequent damage, but not worth all your MP

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Trinity Limit
Description: Inflict heavy damage to enemies in sight
card requirements:

  1. Any attack card
  2. Donald
  3. Goofy

Additional Info: Learnt after events of Twilight Town, the opening of Castle Oblivion.

  • The effect is that Sora thrusts his Keyblade into the floor of the battlefield, and turns, letting light spill out in powerful beams, damaging all opponents heavily
  • There is an additional Trinity Limit in Kingdom Hearts: re-Chain of Memories where Sora is required to stock Goofy first, any attack card and follow up by Donald's friend card. In this sleight, Sora and Donald uses Goofy as a battering ram, knocking and piercing all enemies in sight.

Kingdom Hearts II

Trinity Limit
Characters: Sora, Donald, and Goofy
AP cost: 5AP
Auto Limit auto equipped: Not available, cannot be used/equipped.
MP cost: All
Limit: Trinity
Combo: Break/Major Drive/ Ultima
Combo Finisher: Finish
Command Triggers: Command Menu changes the buttons to:

  • Triangle - Major Drive
  • Square - Ultima
  • X - Break

If Sora is without either Donald or Goofy (or both), he only performs a 'Break' attack combo, which attacks ten times, the first eight building power for the finishing slash, the ninth lunging back and the final blow piercing the enemy with a powerful finishing move. You can use this command 2 or 3 times by activating the Reaction command at the good moment