Sorceror Nobody's logo ← My personal logo

I am Sorceror Nobody (not to be confused with Sorcerer Nobodies). Although I am a Nobody, I am not under Xemnas's control, nor am I affiliated in any way with Organization XIII. I like it that way, since they are all losers. Except Axel of course, and Roxas I guess. Zexion is also pretty cool, mainly because he's a bit mysterious.

Anyway, the point is that I am a fan of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, with Kingdom Hearts II being one of the stronger candidates for my favourite game ever. I have FFVI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 and XII, as well as KH and KHII. I have played and completed both FF Tactics Advance and KH Chain of Memories on GBA.

I am also on the Final Fantasy Wiki [1], YouTube [2] and [3]. Feel free to check out my videos and fanfiction (which has the grand total of one chapter so far).

Sorceror Nobody ← Self-portrait (lol)