Absent Silhouette

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The Absent Silhouette of Lexaeus, found in the corner of Twilight Town's Sandlot.

An Absent Silhouette (アブセント・シルエット Abusento Shiruetto) is a "ghost" version of a member of Organization XIII who had already been slain. It appears as an extra set of challenges in Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+. Whenever Sora challenges an Absent Silhouette to a battle, the Absent Silhouette takes the form of the slain member it represents and fights him. There are five Absent Silhouettes in total: Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia and Larxene. All of them died in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

At first, the Absent Silhouette looks like a sphere of darkness with nothingness and the slain member's element circling around it; a picture of the slain member Weapon is also featured in the center of the sphere. When Sora accepts its challenge, it warps Sora to wherever its member was last fought, with the exception of Marluxia's, which is the area of the second to last battle against him. There, it challenges him to an extremely difficult battle.

An Absent Silhouette usually bears a different fighting style than the member originally exhibited in Chain of Memories. For example, Larxene often threw her knives and Zexion created copies of himself using the stolen skills of his opponent. However, in Final Mix+, Larxene's Silhouette favors using copies of herself for speedy attacks from all directions, and Zexion's favors trapping his prey into a dimension within his weapon, a lexicon.

Their respective locations are:

  • Vexen - Merchant's Shop in Agrabah. Appears last, when the shop changes.
  • Lexaeus - The Sandlot in Twilight Town appears third, after defeating the Nobodies in the area.
  • Zexion - Cave of the Dead (Inner Chamber) in the Underworld (Olympus Coliseum). It appears first, after escaping Hades. After Demyx's "battle" in the same world, a brief cutscene commences in which he explains to Sora about the Absent Silhouettes. Zexion's sphere has no actual element swirling around it, but instead his lexicon fades in and out, supposedly in illusion, his element.
  • Marluxia - appears,fitting of his element, in Beast's room in Beast's Castle appears fourth, after the Beast decides to join you and defeat Xaldin. This sphere is notable in that before Marluxia himself appears, it is seen through two different camera views at once until both cameras focus on the same point.
  • Larxene - Isla de Muerta's Rock Face area in Port Royal. It appears second, materalizing when you arrive at Isla de Muerta.

It is also suggested that the Absent Silhouette is a type of Nobody, since it appears in the same fashion a Nobody does.


Once an Absent Silhouette is defeated, Sora gains a Vanished Vision and a recipe. The recipes allow Sora to synthesize accessories that are similar to the weapons wielded by the Absent Silhouettes, with the exception of the recipes obtained after defeating Lexaeus and Vexen, which instead lead to weapons that can be wielded by Donald and Goofy respectively. The recipes are:


  • The Absent Silhouettes do not say any words at all; instead they simply grumble, grunt, laugh, and cry out whenever you hit them or when they perform their attacks. Like in Chain of Memories, these members were not given English voice actors for the English audio track used for Final Mix+. Their Japanese Seiyūs provided the voices.
  • The voices of the Absent Silhouettes sound exactly like their Japanese Seiyū's in Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories. There could be a high possibility that they were, in fact, voiced by the Japanese cast, since the end credits quote the names of Larxene's, Marluxia's, Vexen's, Zexion's and Lexaeus' Japanese voice actors.
  • Since Absent Silhouettes are "ghosts" of slain Organization Members, it's possible that the other members of Organization XIII, except for Roxas, could return as Absent Silhouettes in future installments.

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