Drive Orb

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File:Drive Orb.jpg
A drive orb

Drive Orbs are pickups used to increase the Drive Gauge in Kingdom Hearts II. A small orb increses the bar by one, and the larger orbs increse it by 10. You can receive more if you have the ability Jackpot. They are also needed to level up Master Form. The small orbs are worth one Experience point, and a large orb is worth three. Drive Forms are helpful with battling Heartless, Nobodies, etc.

Different kinds of Heartless can drop Drive Orbs, but Nobodies will never do so. This can make it a bit harder to level up Final Form, since Drive Orbs would sustain the form for a bit longer. In addition, this means that it is nearly impossible to level up Master Form when fighting Nobodies.

Two areas in which most of the Heartless drop Drive Orbs are Beast's Castle and the Land of Dragons.