Halloween Town is a world found in all the Kingdom Hearts games so far. It is based on Tim's Burton's classic stop-motion film, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Being based on the holiday of Halloween, Halloween Town is in a constant state of night, the main light coming from the moon. The buildings are twisted and gothic, and Guillotine Square is named after the deadly guillotine in the middle of the area. There is also a fountain full of green water. There is a graveyard with a sundae swirl hill that can unfurl. Also, there are woods that lead to trees encarved with various symbols of other holidays. They in fact lead to towns of varying holidays - Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, Bonfire Night and Valentine's Day. Notable buildings in Halloween Town include Jack Skellington's house, Dr. Finkelstein's laboratory, the Town Hall, and Oogie Boogie's manor (which collapses in Kingdom Hearts).
Main Character Design
Halloween Town is one of the few worlds where our heroes (Sora, Donald Duck, and Goofy) change outfits.
He wears a black outfit quite similar that of a scarecrow. His hands also have white gloves that are typical to Disney characters. He has fake, skeletal bat wings on his back and wears a pumpkin mask on the right side of his face. He has black makeup all over his face, so as to blend into the gothic atmosphere. Sora's alternate form in Halloween Town, is a black Santa Clause outfit.
Wears mummy-like bandages that cover almost all of his body. A gap in the bandages shows that there is nothing under them. The make-up is used mostly everywhere. His other Halloween Town form is a snowman.
Has the look of Frankenstein's monster, with screws coming out of his head sides. His nose is discolored as well. Make up is still prominent. Goofy's alternate Halloween Town form is a reindeer.
- Sorahalloweentownrender.jpg
Sora as a Vampire
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Donald as a Mummie
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Goofy as Frankenstein's Monster
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- Dr. Finklestein.jpg
- The music played in Halloween Town is based on the song "This is Halloween" from "The Nightmare Before Christmas".