Struggle, as the name implies, is a common sport played throughout Twilight Town, while it appears to be a simple fighting competition, Struggle consist of three different "Bats", one modelled after a regular bat(symbolizing strength and power), one modelled with a handguard(symbolizing protect and defence) and one modelled somewhat like a wand/staff(symbolizing Magic and mystic).
The Struggle bat is also Twilight Town's most basic self-defence weapon, as seen in Seifer utilizing it. In Kingdom Hearts II, Struggle takes a large role in Roxas's storyline, where his first battle with Seifer consist of choosing three different bats as stated above. Should Roxas chose the regular bat, his strength will increase by one point. Same with the other two, should Roxas chose teh handguard modelled bat, his defence will increase. Finally should he chose the staff modelled bat, his Magic potential will increase by one point.