Template:User Sephiroth Q

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ad40hJz.png Tell Cloud to come here.


To use this template, paste the following code into your user page:

{{User Sephiroth Q}} (Random)
{{User Sephiroth Q|1}}
h6hH2mf.png Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud.
{{User Sephiroth Q|2}}
lPHLLWN.png The light doesn't suit you.

{{User Sephiroth Q|3}}
bDsSwdP.png No matter how many times I fall, your darkness keeps calling me back!

{{User Sephiroth Q|4}}
ad40hJz.png Tell Cloud to come here.

{{User Sephiroth Q|5}}
tm1gw5r.png Let's see what this light of yours can do.

{{User Sephiroth Q|6}}
sGoEb53.png I wonder if it won't change its mind— once I defeat you.

{{User Sephiroth Q|7}}
DeTMnEF.png Tell Cloud to get over here. Say that Sephiroth wants to settle things.