Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Howling Moon

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Howling Moon
(ハウリングムーン Hauringu Mūn?)
Demonstration of Howling Moon
A Limit Command that unleashes Beast and Sora's joint attack, Twin Howl. Consumes all of Sora's MP.
Attack Element Power Drive Value Deflect Finishing
Twin Howl Magic Command Neutral x0.75 X
Outcry Attack Command Neutral x1.0 O
Stalwart Fang Magic Command Neutral x0.5 O
Last Howl Magic Command Neutral x5.0 O
AP Cost 3 MP Cost All remaining Limit Gauge 5.3
"Get out!"
—Beast, when using Twin Howl

Howling Moon is a limit that appears in Kingdom Hearts II. Together, Sora and Beast can use the joint attack, Twin Howl.


In Kingdom Hearts II, Howling Moon is an action ability exclusive to Beast. It costs 3 AP to equip and all of Sora's MP to use. The limit begins with Twin Howl (ツインシャウト Tsuin Shauto?, lit. "Twin Shout") in which Sora and Beast roar at enemies. Afterwards, in the Reaction command slot, Stalwart Fang (ハードファング Hādo Fangu?, lit. "Hard Fang") causes Beast to damage nearby enemies with a sonic wave. Meanwhile, in the Attack command slot, Outcry (ハウリング Hauringu?, lit. "Howling") allows Sora to lunge at an enemy at close distance. The finisher move is Last Howl (ラストシャウト Rasuto Shauto?, lit. "Last Shout"), which causes the duo to unleash a powerful howl in an intense burst of light. During the limit, Sora can move freely. The limit can be ended prematurely through the Stop (やめる Yameru?) command in the Limit slot.

Learning Howling Moon[edit]

Kingdom Hearts II[edit]

  • Beast has Howling Moon as a default ability.


Howling Moon is the ability of the summon Fenrir in Final Fantasy VI, and one of Red XIII's Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy VII.