Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Bio Barrage

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Bio Barrage
(バイオバラージュ Baio Barāju?)

Bio Barrage KHBBS.gif

Launch a salvo of projectiles that poison targets.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power Additional inputs
LV1 Bio Barrage 1~8 3.0 None
Additional input 4/6/8[1] 1.5
LV2 800 Bio Barrage 1~8 3.0 3 times
Additional input 4/6/8[1] 1.5
LV3 850 Bio Barrage 1~8 3.0 4 times
Additional input 4/6/8[1] 1.5
LV4 900 Bio Barrage 1~8 3.0 5 times
Additional input 4/6/8[1] 1.5
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Neutral Poison (50%/3.3s) +0

Bio Barrage is a technique in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It allows the user to launch poison blobs at targets.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Bio Barrage is a Shotlock that has a maximum level of 4 and max lock of 8. After the initial volley, the player can perform extra attacks by pressing X at a precise time to fire additional blobs. The more accurate you are with your button press, the more blobs will be fired.

Learning Bio Barrage[edit]

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit]


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit]

Bio Barrage is a Shotlock Command that can be melded through five different recipes.

Character Command #1 Command #2 Success
Command LV Command LV Shimmering Fleeting Pulsing Wellspring Soothing Hungry Abounding
T V Poison 3 Block 1 20%[2]
T V Poison Edge 3 Block 1 20%[2]
T V A Quick Blitz 2 Poison 2 5%[2]
T V A Strike Raid 2 Poison 2 5%[2]
T V A Sliding Dash 2 Poison 2 5%[2]


Bio is a reoccurring Black Magic spell used in the Final Fantasy series, often used to inflict the Poison status on enemies.

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^ 4 hits when scoring TOO FAST or TOO SLOW, 6 hits when scoring GOOD, and 8 hits when scoring EXCELLENT.
  2. ^ a b c d e 0% after obtaining Bio Barrage.