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Guys, let's put the pieces together[edit]
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We can say that Terra's a jackass just like Xehanort, but seriously, We can put together that Terra is the only one able to be Xehanort, Ven is Sora's Unbirth, we have no clue who is Aqua, the apprentice looks like Dark form Riku, and that apperintly we are very good at puttin stuff together-Clarkmaster
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Well as far as we know, she died, or turned into heartless/nobody/unbirth because of her armor in Xemnas room, I've also seen that Xemnas in armor form vagly resembles Terra in his armor-Clarkmaster
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Well, there's two ways this could happen, one: her soul is possesing the armor, two: Xemnas is crazy-Clarkmaster
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I vote on him being crazy, but what I just thought the two heartless optional bosses, phantom and kurt ziza, they could be the apprintece-Clarkmaster
When Xigbar is talking to Zexion about the room of sleep (Where Aqua's armor is), he is ends by saying that: Maybe, in Calstle Oblivion, that's where the "other" room is. (Or something like that) What could be in the Other room? Xiggie
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Well the awakening could be what sora and roxas had to go through, exactly why I dont remember, but it could be the awakening of the only one that's missing, Ven, so that could further help explain Ven choosing Way to Dawn as the castle was in the nobody castle, a castle of twilight- Clarkmaster
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Ok, but technacly they are nobodies so no one is actually living there, but I get what your saying, so what are the unbirth atributes? Heartless=Darkness. Nobodies=Nothingness/Twilight. Sora and friends=Light.-Clarkmaster
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I thank you nailed it at menace. If you can't controll something powerful, than it causes chaos and if they're is a realm of chaos than the keyblade and its weilder would have to be one of the five new keyblade weilders from Birth By Sleep-Clarkmaster
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Well, if all of the keblade Masters die or something in birth by sleep than there's gotta be a sequel with a keyblade masterClarkmaster
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Of course, but that would mean another major character, the revealing of Ven, Terra, and Aqua to Sora and the revealing of the new Clarkmaster
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Lol, we all totally got off track, but let's look at this. Xigbar seems to know the most about all this Birth by Sleep stuff, followed by Xemnas. So maybe Braig is the reason why Xehanort lost his memories. It could also explain why Xemnas and Xigbar never seem to like eachother. Another theory, is that Xehanort IS Terra, explaining the similar looks, and Braig was supposed to be like a keyblade master, but instead Terra was picked instead, and Braig did the same thing Riku did with Sora in KH1, and then they became friends again... I probably sound crazy, but from my point of view... no I am crazy-- Morghman
Heartless,Nobody,and Unbirth[edit]
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Well what you say is wrong i think. people have hearts. something without a heart = heartLESS people have bodies. something withouth a body = NObody people have souls. something without a soul, meaning that it has never been born. =unbirth.
The opposite of life is something wich hasn't been born. because death is part of the circle of life, it isn't the opposite.
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Unbirth - Unborn[edit]
It may be referring to beings that never had the chance to be born. If that is right, then it will explain why an Unbirth isn't present in the original games, seeing how Heartless and Nobodies are already born beings. User:Charmed-Jay
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It's called "Unbirth" and refers to the opposite of human life. if not death, then it mean never-born. maybe the spirit that died before it could hatch in a body. User:Charmed-Jay
Heartless are created from the hearts of people who fall into darkness. Nobodies are created from those people who lose their hearts. IMO, Unbirths are created from souls who don't have hearts and/or bodies. Simple, makes sense. Drake Clawfang 20:40, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
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In Kingdom Hearts II[edit]
Just throwing this one out there. My friend and I restarted Kingdom Hearts II for the umpteenth time last night, and at the part where Roxas takes Naminé's drawing to the library, I though of something. You know how there are three symbols he has to draw in? You only get to see two: the Heartless and Nobody symbol. This is just a guess, but maybe the third one that the light blocks out is the unbirth symbol. Sorry if someone already mentioned this... ><;; Daydreamer3173
GREAT THEORY. I think yours works. =) --Zack fair 007 23:05, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
that symbol was a crown (perhaps a "Somebody" or "Complete" emblem)and we already have an Unbirth symbol.and this theory has been stated thousands of times.Good try though.Swing and a miss.
Ah, well, I never heard it before, so I wasn't sure. What a shame. ><; -Daydreamer3173
These aren't even called Unbirths in english.[edit]
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- "Unversed" is a real word and "inversed" isn't, if Forefox's spellchecker is anything to go by.—Urutapu 18:03, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
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- How did you possibly come to that conclusion?—Urutapu 21:20, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
- By the way, can we like not ever make up the katakana for something? I'm not sure who changed it, but Urutapu and me have been having to clean that up way more than should happen.Glorious CHAOS! 22:08, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
- Nevermind, it looks like the "Ba" spelling was the one that was made up.Glorious CHAOS! 22:09, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
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Che, we might as well call it Verse By Sleep now. LOL Maggosh 04:18, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
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I can only hope that this name change and new information will put an end to the Ven=Sora's Unverse theory. I really freaking hate people that think they would reuse that plot point. 01:47, 1 September 2009 (UTC)
Isn't there a scene where ven and terra watch Riku and Sora fighting on the beach.....thus Ven can't be Sora
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- Well, the quotation marks don't really mean anything (Japanese people put quotation marks on things when they want a little emphasis, apparently, because they use them about twice as much as an English speaker would) but no, it's not the enemy's name. I'm looking at the Japanese scan and in the same place, there's a Japanese name (kanji and hiragana); I doubt they'd write an enemy name in anything but katakana. The article is simply describing it as a magician-like enemy.—Urutapu 17:23, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
"Buckle Bruiser"[edit]
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have any confermation of name of the unversed? i need hes official name for my research
Birth by Sleep Spoilers[edit]
The Unversed appear to be the creation of Vanitas, who is the creation of Master Xehanort (with Ventus' help). Vanitas, being made of all of the Darkness that was extracted from Ventus' Heart, is possibly the first Unversed. The Unversed, as you know, are considered the opposite of human life. In the KH Universe, humans are denizens of the Realm of Light. Vanitas, though extracted from a human, is pure Darkness and therefore cannot be a denizen of Light. Thus making him a human from the Realm of Darkness, which would overall make Vanitas a sort of 'anti-human', or the opposite of Human life. Because Vanitas is comprised only of Darkness, it is implied that he would have some control over it and could even influence the Darkness into consciousness and form as the Unversed.XYZ. 05:27, March 4, 2010 (UTC)
Niiicceee!! Sounds like a winner to me!
Iron Prisoner?[edit]
who is Iron Prisoner? --PRISON KEEPER 14:31, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
Someone that you are holding against their will? LET THEM GO!
What Are They?[edit]
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isn't that the heartless, darkness made real or darkness given form... 23:27, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
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Oh I get It now, um I think, man this game is confusing... 23:32, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
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I have played all the games before it's just this birth by sleep is little more difficult to understand considering it's not out yet, anyways, so is vanitas a heartless because he is the darkness in ventus's heart? 23:38, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
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Now Im not familiar with the FF storyline so don't be mad if it's not as funny as intended but couldnt sephiroth be considered a unversed because he is clouds darkness? 00:00, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
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Yeah, Vanitas is an Unversed. The way I see it, Unversed are the only creatures made of pure darkness. Heartless have a small bit of light deep within, as all hearts have some light (remember, Heartless are hearts). Also, Sora is full of light even though he is a humanoid Heartless (yes, he is, get used to it). Nobodies are just nothing. They have no alignment. So yeah. -- 22:03, July 29, 2010 (UTC)
Proof of being "the first enemy"?[edit]
The Unversed seem to combine attributes of the Heartless and Nobodies. They have similar appearances to Heartless, and move like Nobodies. A sign of their being precursors, perhaps? And, should this be put in the article? 03:23, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
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The Unversed, being an extension of Vanitas, wouldn't exist until his creation, right? Before Vanitas's creation, we see Ventus trying to fend off some Neoshadow Heartless. Unless someone had created an Unversed before Master Xehanort created Vanitas, I think it's safe to assume that the Heartless are the "first enemy," especially since Heartless could've existed for as long as darkness has been in hearts. Now depending on whether a heart strong enough to create a Nobody had been consumed by the time of Birth by Sleep (and if so, if they had the number, means, and desire to become a threat), Unversed would probably end up as the second or third.
A big problem we're having is that the history of the Kindom Hearts universe doesn't go very far back. Aside from a fairy tale and a few passing references to a Keyblade War, we've got little more than a decade of information.
ChicoKiri 15:08, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
Hi-Res Emblem[edit]
I've noticed two things. First, the wiki's using higher-resolution emblems on the Heartless and Nobody pages, and the Heartless emblem in particular was a cleaned and upscaled version of the emblem found elswhere. My second observation, which may just be a lack of decent screen grabs, is that the Unversed don't use a blue-to-black faded scheme, but rather a black emblem with a white outline. As such, I've retraced the current emblem on the wiki in a vector program in black and added the white outline. I humbly offer it here for those with a bit more sense for this sort of thing to decide whether it ought to be added to the page or not. I've saved the image as a png with transparent background.
ChicoKiri 04:24, January 23, 2010 (UTC)
Well, we do need a new image but not that one. Take a look at these images here and here. The top four spikes on the emblem are more curvier than what is shown on the image that we have and your remake. The image we have on the page is an old image back from when they were still known as the "Unbirth". If you could make a updated version with the new curved spikes, we could talk about putting it up. - HeartOfOblivion 04:41, January 23, 2010 (UTC)
You know, I'd looked at those pictures to double check the colors, but it never occurred to me that the shape might've been altered. After taking a close look at the images, I decided to redraw all the points.
Unversed Emblem: Take 2 ChicoKiri 16:08, January 23, 2010 (UTC)
Connection to Heartless and Nobodies[edit]
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Something confuses me[edit]
The article says that the Unversed are "those who were not well-versed in their own existences," but Vanitas is an Unversed and he seems to understand exscactly who he even more than Ven knows who himself is.Black Tornado 21:02, February 24, 2010 (UTC)Black Tornado
the unverseds are the sentiment ofvanitas, vanitas may be technicaly a unversed but i don't think that he is
Emblem Unverseds[edit]
Don't you think that the only Unversed that Vanitas really creat is the Flood(the only one without a emblem) and the others are Floods that grew from other peoples negative felling? I know that this seem to came out of nowhere but it kinda make sense--Xabryn 02:49, March 27, 2010 (UTC)
Similarities to Heartless and Nobodies?[edit]
There are some. For instance, the numerous types of both heartless and unversed. And look at how the unversed react when hit, similar to the nobodies, right? 05:52, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
- Maybe the Nobody thing, but there's numerous types of cats, as well, and that doesn't make cats similar to Heartless.Glorious CHAOS! 08:11, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
They used the same movements for many things (the Flood "jumps" in the floor the exact same way as a Neoshadow, the ArchRaven flies exacty like a Wyvern, etc...), I guess they were simply a bit lazy. -- Unbirth Submit!! 13:27, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Nah, there's some sort of actual connection. I mean, yes, there are numerous types of cats, but look at the unversed, say, a flood, then look at a heartless, say, a shadow. You can tell that they're alike. And it's more that just a coincedence.--Kingdom zachdawg 13:59, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, that's what I was talking about. It seems like several of the Unversed have a similar Heartless (Flood/Shadow, Scrapper/Soldier, Trinity Armor/Guard Armor, the list continues) 22:23, April 9, 2010 (UTC)
New Symbol[edit]
I dont know if any of you know this, but the unversed symbol we have here is a fan made one, they never introduced the official unverse symbol until the theme showed up. So i suggest we change it
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Yes, but they used one seen from the unversed not the symbol by itself. still, we should remove this symbol and add in a new one. i'm sure the symbol is in the BBS Ultimania aswell>Aqua00000 19:15, April 21, 2010 (UTC)
The user is right we shouldn't keep the symbol that we have is an artwork and it doesn't have the same shape of the real symbol--Xabryn 19:40, April 21, 2010 (UTC)
I tihnk there's an imange in the BBS ultimania. Does anyone here have a better unversed picture?Aqua00000 19:26, April 23, 2010 (UTC)
Why is Vanitas listed as an Unversed? He's a human with a heart of pure darkness. Just because he controls the Unversed, doesn't mean that he is one. That's like saying that Maleficent and Pete who can control the Heartless ARE Heartless. --BreaktheIce16 (talk) 10:08, 22 June 2010 (UTC)
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Except he's not, he's all of the darkness of a person's heart given physical form.however, while technically he's not an unversed, he is the only one capable of creating them and controlling them and absorbs their sentiments when their defeated. He's almost like sora after Hollow Bastion, or Namine in some respects. 18:25, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
In the English version of Birth by Sleep, they are known as "Verseless" not Unversed (Source) YamiNoBahamut 11:05, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Okay, obviously that was just G4 being pricks. Sorry for the confusion YamiNoBahamut 18:45, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Vanitas is a uversed[edit]
Okay unversed r negative emotions given off by plp vanitas is a unverse but hes like more heartless like But heartless dont get keyblades and arent born with a human apperance.So vanitas is special and pure evil.
the Trivia is false, it states the Unversed are the only species not controlled by some form of Xehanort, yet they are controlled by Vanitias, which is working for Master Xehanort, may i please fix this problem?--My Keyblade + Your face = pwnage 15:12, September 5, 2010 (UTC)Chihuahuaman
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Alright i guess that makes sense, thanks for clearing it up.--My Keyblade + Your face = pwnage 15:17, September 5, 2010 (UTC)Chihuahuaman
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Unversed are beings of pure evil manifested in physical form. Negativity, if you will.
Vanitas is Ventus' darkness in physical form. And what does negativity beget? Darkness. He is technically Ventus' Unversed as he is his darkness embodied. All of his evils. As stated in a previous headline, he's considered the king Unversed because of this. Kaihedgie 16:09, September 15, 2010 (UTC)
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Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all[edit]
Why is the magic mirror listed? He can't be an Unversed, he is a Disney villain. How can a Disney character be an Unversed? SeanWheeler 22:15, October 3, 2010 (UTC)
Gane talk:Magic Mirror.LapisLazuliScarab22:17, October 3, 2010 (UTC)
BBSFM Pallette Swaps[edit]
Hey Guys, Just Recently, The Famitsu Scan Shows The Unversed In Different Colors. That Means the Unversed Will Receive Pallette Swaps Just Like the Heartless. Check it Out, It's on the KHInsider Forums Under Birth by Sleep. Here's the Website
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- We already knew this, but we are waiting for the game to come out so that we can rip the pictures. There's nothing really to insert but the pictures.(ಠ_ೃ) Bully! 14:38, October 15, 2010 (UTC)
A Way to Tell?[edit]
The Floods are credited as representing irritation. I was thinking, could there be a way to tell what emotion each Unversed represents?Neo Bahamut 03:53, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
There's no way to know for sure. We only know that Floods represent irritation because Nomura said so.LapisLazuliScarab03:58, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Well, wouldn't the Cursed Coach & the Symphony Master be jealousy, since that's the emotion credited to Lady Tremaine & her daughters? I'm hoping we can at least chip away at this a little.
I'm not sure how accurate I can be on most of the boss Unversed, since those ones seem to be a complicated mix of different negative emotions. I'll try a few of them though:
Flood; Lots of sudden, jerky movements as though bothered by something. Represents irritation.
Scrapper; Often moves in straight lines relative to the character's position (character is always the front end of the line), only curving around the character or running right past the character on rare occasion as though overly cautious of the character. Will sometimes appear to hug itself as though insecure and scan it's surroundings nervously while doing so. Represents nervousness.
Bruiser; Hits extremely hard, often using moves that would hit an entire crowd at once. Burns itself out and gives into fatigue after rampaging for too long, however. Represents anger.
Symphony Master; Conducts it's Unversed instruments, using them as nothing more than tools. Mostly acts all graceful, however will relatively frequently use a rather ungraceful combo as though enraged especially when an instrument is destroyed or things otherwise are not going as it planned. Represents lust for control and a superiority complex.
Iron Prisoner; Hits as hard as it can at every opportunity to, often using lengthy combos and overall never stopping to rest. Not as powerful when kept pent up. Will make attempts to trap it's target, though these attempts are quite telegraphed and relatively easy to avoid. 100% unchained, will even suck it's target in and try to take it's target down with it in a fiery explosion (albeit that gameplay-wise it won't actually take any damage from this the animation is indeed that of it blowing itself up to try to take it's target down with it). Represents hatred in it's purest form.
How's this seem? Does it seem fairly accurate so far? RadiantDarkBlaze (talk) 00:00, 30 May 2015 (UTC)
Proposed New Section[edit]
Name: Creation and Purpose "- Master Xehanort created Vanitas by using his Keyblade to extract the darkness within Ventus's heart. He explains that Vanitas uses his Keyblade to "sew the seeds of darkness in the worlds." This would imply that Vanitas uses his Keyblade in a similar manner to what Master Xehanort did to Ventus, creating the lesser Unversed out of the emotions of the inhabitants of the worlds. Indeed, Symphony Master and Cursed Carriage were credited as being born from the jealousy of Lady Tremaine and her daughters. - - As Vanitas explains, they were used to build up the trio for their respective purposes as pawns for the X-Blade's Creation or vessels for Xehanort. Additionally, there were several occasions where the Unversed attacked the Princesses of Heart. Although Master Xehanort claimed to want to protect their light, he most likely wanted their hearts to forge the Keyblade of People's Hearts."
It was deleted for being speculative. I must say, I am a little shaky on it, but I don't think I'm quite done with it yet. The first part coincides quite nicely with something earlier in the article, about Vanitas creating the Unversed from the negative emotions of others. The second part, again, coincides with an earlier statement in the article. The last part comes from Xehnort's Reports mentioning that said Keyblade is necessary to obtain Kingdom Hearts. And also that this is a prequel game.Neo Bahamut 04:33, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
i was looking at the pictures of the unversed and magic mirror is on there. this is wrong can someone please tell me why its on here24.9.94.34 23:50, November 29, 2010 (UTC)
Read.LapisLazuliScarab23:55, November 29, 2010 (UTC)
ok thank you for clearing that up for me lapisScarab 00:02, November 30, 2010 (UTC)
Since the eyes of the Unversed are suppose to represent different emotion, should we make a gallery for the different eyes or atleast put a screenshot of their eyes in the unversed individual pages.--Masgrande 16:30, December 31, 2010 (UTC) I think people can see that for themselves. But this does remind me of something that's been bothering me for a while now: I agree that it's hard to tell what specific emotion most of the Unversed are, but those blue Unversed that are the BBS equivalent of Soldier Heartless (it's been a while since I've played the game, so sue me) are pretty obviously fright. They hang in the back, they shiver before attacking, & so on. 21:02, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
According to goldpanner, there were official interviews and other info in Japanese magazines covering Birth by Sleep in which the Unversed's name was written "Unbirth" in English letters. This should be verified and noted on the page if true, which currently claims that "Unbirth" is entirely due to the fandom."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 22:03, 20 October 2012 (UTC)
They can exist even without Vanitas[edit]
In both BbS and KH3 after Vanitas's death/defeat, you can still find Unversed. In BbS in the final episode, if you go in other worlds, you can still find Unversed, and in KH3, after you defeat Vanitas, you can still find Unversed at Monstropolis, so they can still exist without Vanitas-- 12:30, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- That's because of gameplay, not story. Story-wise, you're not visiting the other worlds in the Final Episode, or Monstropolis after completing the story there. Therefore, you do not encounter any Unversed after Vanitas's death. TheSilentHero 14:43, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- I can agree with BbS, but in KH3, there is the portals, and Sora can do them only before the final battle... so... yhea, Sora return to Monstropolis. "but that will not make sense", in the begining of KH3 was said Sora already fight against Rock and Ice Titans, and he could do that just after he do the final keyhole, same for Xemnas, since he say to Roxas that he meet Sora... so... the "optional battles" are indeed canon, then if you want to ignore that, ok, I just wanted to help. I too agree the Unversed die after Vanitas's defeat, but not immediatly, since seems more they die after a bit-- 14:50, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- I don't believe the battlegates are considered canon, like how the Secret Portals in 3D aren't canon. TheSilentHero 14:58, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- Can we add a citation for this claim that they can't exist without him? My understanding was that they were what brought him back in the first place."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 15:56, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- My understanding was it was the opposite: Xehanort brought Vanitas back, and the negativity in Monstropolis allowed Vanitas to spawn Unversed. -
Eternal Nothingness XIII
16:36, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- My understanding was it was the opposite: Xehanort brought Vanitas back, and the negativity in Monstropolis allowed Vanitas to spawn Unversed. -
- Can we add a citation for this claim that they can't exist without him? My understanding was that they were what brought him back in the first place."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 15:56, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- I don't believe the battlegates are considered canon, like how the Secret Portals in 3D aren't canon. TheSilentHero 14:58, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
- I can agree with BbS, but in KH3, there is the portals, and Sora can do them only before the final battle... so... yhea, Sora return to Monstropolis. "but that will not make sense", in the begining of KH3 was said Sora already fight against Rock and Ice Titans, and he could do that just after he do the final keyhole, same for Xemnas, since he say to Roxas that he meet Sora... so... the "optional battles" are indeed canon, then if you want to ignore that, ok, I just wanted to help. I too agree the Unversed die after Vanitas's defeat, but not immediatly, since seems more they die after a bit-- 14:50, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
Second Lump of Horror image[edit]
I noticed that the Lump of Horror's second form is not recorded on here yet. I would put this statement on its discussion page but I coudn't. Surry to be a bother. 18:05, 5 March 2020 (UTC)
Pre BBS[edit]
Why is this section not considered canon? TheFifteenthMember 17:19, 27 July 2020 (UTC)