Talk:Avatar Menu
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Feeling Lucky
Okay, I still don't know how this works exactly. So I'm collecting evidence here:
There seem to be at least two forms of the stat upgrade.
I don't know if the one with the notes is a lesser one or just a different form.
This are the comments on other Avatars I got:
- That outfit! Ugh, don't make eye contact...
- Err, can you say "akward"?
- Hopefully a friendship is in the cards.
- But...which one of you is cooler?
- You hate to admit it, but that outfit's the bomb!
- Have you met before? You're pretty happy!
- You have alot in common. You're pretty happy!
- You sort of think alike. You're pretty happy!
- Seems you two get along. You're pretty happy!
The last ones all contain the "You're pretty happy!" line. My theory is, that after you get a specific amount of this comments in a to be determined time frame, you get a stat boost. The stat boost itself seems to last for a defined playtime or is dependent from real time. I think it's the last, because the boost vanished after two days or so. --ShardofTruth 11:01, 28 February 2011 (EST)
Okay, this is probably totally coincidence, but:
I was farming the fifty special avatars to finish my Avatar Sector, and when I received a Sazh, who had none of the same parts I did, I got the 100 Acre Wood card. Immediately afterward, I had the notes, and each Scratch Card I got afterward had a Mickey or Captain Dark (I already have all 99 puppies). After a few, I got a virus, kept on farming without notes or special cards, then cleared the virus real quick and went back to farming, this time with notes but no special cards. A while later, I got an ILuvDarkness avatar, and got the hearts. I immediately got a Dive to the Heart card, my first "special card" ever, and though I lost it, I kept the hearts, and every scratch card after that had 1-2 special cards (none were empty). However, I accidentally quit out of Tag Mode while receiving a random avatar, and I went to delete it to make sure I had room for all fifty special avatars. However, after doing so I found I had lost the hearts.
So, this is totally a guess, but:
- The notes and hearts appear to have nothing to do with which parts you and the other guy are wearing.
- The type of card you get appears to be Luck-based.
- Either failing to scratch or deleting a floor (not sure which) negates the notes and hearts.
"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 10:12, 8 March 2011 (EST)
That's very confusing. Maybe it's an overall luck based thing, but why does deleting (even if it's not the Avatar you got the notes/hearts from) resets it? Did you check your matrix stats in notes or heart form? --ShardofTruth 12:57, 8 March 2011 (EST)
- With notes, Luck remains the same, but I didn't have hearts long enough to check that."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 13:30, 8 March 2011 (EST)
Okay, here is some information from the Ultimania:
The Avatar can gain happiness (ハッピ一度) in the game, the minimum is zero and the limit 100. Once it reaches 50-79 the notes show up, from 80-100 it's the hearts. Various events can change the happiness:
Condition | Outcome |
Receive a letter | Happiness increases +1 for every part both avatar uses |
Over time | Happiness decreases -3 every hour (this includes the time the NDS is not even on too) |
A virus appears | Temporarily to zero (after getting rid of viruses it's back to the original) |
If a floor is deleted from the Avatar Sector | Happiness is set to zero. |
The only thing Happiness affects is a higher chance to get a rare scratch card and if it's beween 80-100 the doubling of the luck stat (which it's colored in green then or yellow if the max luck 28 is reached). The quotes from the Avatars above just reflect how many parts you share with the other Avatar.
There is not much to say about the viruses though, the chance that they occur rises with the number of letters you open. To get rid of them just start a floor or delete the infected one? I don't get the Japanese expalantion:
The formula is: basic probability + number of opened letters * 0.5%
The basic probability can be 0% or 1%, I don't get the Japanese explanation this time either:
How Happiness affects the probability to get a a rare scratch card and the appearance of a special character (Puppy, Mickey, Captain Dark):
Happiness | Special Char | 100 Acre Card | Ice Cream Card | Villians Card | Princess Card |
0-49 | 8% | 0.4% | 0.3% | 0.2% | 0.1% |
50-79 | 20% | 2.4% | 1.8% | 1.2% | 0.6% |
80-100 | 40% | 9.6% | 7.2% | 4.8% | 2.4% |
--ShardofTruth 20:28, 14 April 2011 (EDT)
- Huh, we weren't that far off."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:27, 14 April 2011 (EDT)
- "The virus-infection probabilities are to the left; the probability goes up the more letters you open. To exterminate the virus, you just need to begin any floor in the Avatar Sector, and destroy the Bug Baddies."
- "When the sender of the mail is another player, the probability is 0% (though if the friend is already infected with a virus, it is 1%), and the basic probability is 1%."
So, there is no chance of infection if you get a balloon letter from another gamecart that has no infection, but if you get a unique/random balloon letter or a friend letter from an infectee, the chance is 1%.
- I'm going to write up a draft to add this to the page; could you get transparent rips of the noted and hearted statuses, using the default outfits? If you need to make a mocked-up image of it, that should be fine at this point."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 21:59, 14 April 2011 (EDT)
- Re:clock - does resetting your clock assauge this at all?
- Does n_letters ever reset or max out? Or will all letters infect you if you get 200 of them?
- Happiness effects would work best using an image of the default avatar (the mascot for Mobile, using all of the "Saisho" parts), with the three levels (nothing, notes, hearts).
- What section should this go in? Should it get its own section, since it operates across both Avatar Menu and regular gameplay?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 01:10, 15 April 2011 (EDT)
Introduction to Happiness Points, will write later, include nihongo. Raising your avatar's happiness increases the chances for Balloon Letters to include special icons or even rare Scratch Cards, and when it is 80 points or above, Data-Sora's Luck is also doubled, allowing it to be raised to its maximum of 28.
Possibly move to virus page? However, opening more Balloon Letters also increases the chances that the next Balloon Letter will infect your Avatar Sector with a virus. Link to virus explanation here. The probability of a letter carrying an infection is
Where is the base probability the letter is infected (1% for letters from special avatars, random avatars, or infected friends; 0% for letters from uninfected friends), and is the number of letters that have already been opened.
Ultimania columns
Okay, from personal experience, I believe the way that Genre works is that, when you get a random part (either from an avatar where you already have all their parts, or a scratch card), you usually get them in a certain order. I know that I got all of the BbS and Form parts together, the Keyblades together, and all of the Mobile/coded bodysuits last (in chapter order, as well). Once I had every piece, it just kept giving me random parts of Ansem and Large Body.
So, I would roughly guess that it draws from the parts in the genre you are currently in, then moves on to the next genre. Once you have them all, it stays in the genre you finished in. (So, any random parts I would get would be C parts). I'm sure the intro to the section explains the exact mechanic, and I can work on a rough translation if you guys desire, but that seems to basically be it.
Anyway: Given that, despite this, the parts you get are out of your control, and the system is essentially "just go through the Avatar Sector for slightly less than 800 floors", is it at all worth listing the genres? Sure, it's a hidden stat within the games, and we have the info, but it's about as important as the stat that determines the exact sound that Sora's shoes make on the ground: sure, it's there, but you can't change it in any way, it doesn't change how you play the game in any way, and there's no point in looking it up (actually, even less than that. It's possible you could somehow try to moderate your walking for echo-y floors to hear enemies spawning better. I can't see how it would really help you, but still, you could use it somehow).
The other column lists which parts not in that category the piece replaces—so, if a starter kit replaced a shirt or pants, for example. For Items, it also lists which hand the piece appears in. This is actually useful, but it's also pretty self-evident from the pictures, and anybody actually playing the game can see it clearly as the replaceable pieces blinking when you highlight the part in question. So, this is actually practical in the game, and it could be used for info, but there's no point in looking it up. Also, it would use up quite a bit of space, especially for the Bodysuits.
Finally, the Ensembles: Each Ensemble listing lists the parts used to make the ensemble. As Ensembles are not true parts, knowing what these are IS the only way to get new Ensembles.
Now, I would definitely like to put these in. However, it would be quite a bit of work, and we'd have to figure out how to put it in. Furthermore, the nature of the Avatar Menu means that even this has no real use in gameplay: you get parts when you get them. There is absolutely no way to get them faster, unless they belong to a specific avatar on a specific floor.
So: my personal view is that it would be worth putting in the "Ensemble parts" lists, but not the "Genre" and "Parts replaced" lists. What do you guys think?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 10:04, 15 March 2011 (EDT)
- It has been over two fucking weeks since I posted this."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 10:06, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
- People will probably see this and say "tl;dr", either that or it's just that they don't know much to help. Honestly, I can't understand what you're trying to say. If you had given an "Overall, we... *blah, blah, blah*." or a conclusion, because overall not many people know Kanji or Katakana except for the few we have on the wiki. Ay, dios mio! I might be late tomorrow. - Erry 15:07, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
So: my personal view is that it would be worth putting in the "Ensemble parts" lists, but not the "Genre" and "Parts replaced" lists. What do you guys think?
"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 15:55, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
- Makes sense, I say. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 16:32, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
- Oh look, I look like a douche. Still, people don't know what exactly you're talking about, i.e. the Ultimania columns. Ay, dios mio! I might be late tomorrow. - Erry 16:59, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
- Resummarize: We have translated the Ultimania's Avatar Parts table, except for three columns. These three columns are:
- Makes sense, I say. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 16:32, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
- Genre
- Parts replaced
- Ensemble parts
I believe that "Genre" and "Parts replaced" are pretty useless, but that "Ensemble parts" should be listed."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 18:42, 1 April 2011 (EDT)
- "Parts replaced" should get a blurb in the paragraph, though. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 21:19, 2 April 2011 (EDT)
Avatar Parts last copyedit
I'm going to go ahead and say that I didn't confirm the nihongo for each one with the Ultimania, but the ones I did were right (except Sora B at the beginning). Still, they can't be that far off, since they are all legible.
I relaxed the literalization of "の" to be treated as an adjectival form for some cases (basically, whenever the dub used it that way). I hope that's acceptable, since it removes a lot of mostly useless "lit" sections.
Wanpi/su: translate as "Sundress" (best english translation I could come up with based on knowledge of clothing terms), or allow give and take for whatever type of dress the dub thinks it's using? Or translate phonetically as One-piece in all cases?
Same thing with "Uwagi", though that has a much more acceptable translation as the generic "Top".
Facial Hair: Japanese really doesn't separate the various types, so it just feels pedantic to me to use "lit" when the only problem is that there isn't an exact Japanese word for that type of facial hair. I'd like to remove the lit tags for those listed below, where applicable (possibly not Eraqus).
Boushi: In some cases, Kyappu or Hatto is used for Cap and Hat, and "Bou" is usually translated as Cap. Thus, I'm fine with modifying the lit for the W Mushroom and Seifer, but also fine with leaving it how it is.
Piasu: Studs and Piercings and Earrings of that sort are just called "Piasu" in nihongo (there doesn't appear to be a dedicated word for "stud", and all variants I can find use piasu). However, we translate "Ability Piasu" as Ability Earring, not the dub's "Ability Stud". Can we let Stud slide here, and on the Ability Stud page?
Boa-dzuke: Based on image searches, I feel pretty confident that lined could be reasonable. However, there are no direct translations on the web, and the closest I could come to an accurate translation would be "Boad Boots".
Finally: the comments with Goofy D's Mouth and Luxord's Goatee. Does the Ultimania have the wrong order, according to the game, or do we?
"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 20:37, 4 April 2011 (EDT) I can't help much with the translation, but the order of Goofy D's Mouth and Luxord's Goatee is indeed wrong, I messed up. --ShardofTruth 17:48, 12 April 2011 (EDT)
Default parts
I'm thinking of listing all the parts you start with - most of them seem to be unrandom, though I'll need somebody to compare their starting list to mine when I get them listed."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 02:17, 10 April 2011 (EDT)
- I assume that all the starting parts always complete an essemble, but restarting the game until the Avatar Menu pops up always results in "Sora (Master Form)" for me. Possible some other factors determine the starting essemble like the date, the name or how long the game was played before entering Avatar Mode the first time. On my original playthrough "Seifer" was my first avatar. --ShardofTruth 17:48, 12 April 2011 (EDT)
- I start off with Dissidia Cloud and Warrior of Light, and as far as I can tell, I get basic parts and random FF parts. I'll post a list tonight, if I can get my computer reformatted in time."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 20:06, 12 April 2011 (EDT)
My starting parts: Always the same for this file, seems determined at start of file creation.
- All Bods, Lips, Peepers
- Hair
- Cowlick A: Brown
- Cowlick B: Brown
- Cowlick A: Black
- Cowlick A: Silver
- Cowlick A: Gold
- Cowlick B: Black
- Cowlick B: Silver
- Cowlick B: Gold
- Bookworm: Gold**
- Cloud C's Hair**
- Features
- Cid's Toothpick**
- Scars, Etc.
- Setzer's Scars**
- Coats
- FF6 Terra's Cloak**
- Starter Kits
- Firion Starter Kit**
- Cloud C Starter Kit**
- Tops
- Typical Top
- Vivi's Coat Combo**
- Bottoms
- Basic Bottoms
- Tifa's Skort Combo**
- Shoes
- Starter Shoes
- Lightning's Boots**
- Cloud's Boots**
- Hats
- Vanitas's Mask*
- Face & Neck
- Aerith A's Choker**
- Cloud C's Studs**
- Mitts
- Organization Gloves**
- Cloud C's Gloves**
- Rear Gear
- Devil's Wings**
- Belts
- Checkered Sash**
- Items
- Warrior of Light's Sword**
- Buddies
- Lion Buddy**
- Bodysuits
- Moogle*
- Ensembles
- Cloud C**
- (*) Definitely random
- (**)Probably random