Pixar is comming to Kingdom Hearts. I'm serious! Here, take a look.
So... who thinks this is a good or a bad idea? --Keyblade0 16:47, June 25, 2010 (UTC)Keyblade0
Isn't Chicken Little Pixar? Oh well, I guess that just means that he won't be lonely as being the only made-for-3D character in the franchise pretty soon. AROS 10:03, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
- How would Pixar fit, thought? Disney movies, at least the ones used here, have a strong "mythic" theme. Pixar movies are much more like Winnie the Pooh.Glorious CHAOS! 18:04, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
You mean Pixar might be coming to Kingdom Hearts. Nomura said he'll try. That said, I love Pixar, and a lot of their stories could work really well with Kingdom Hearts. Toy Story is based off of friendships that can never end, Wall-E is about irrational love defeating logic, very heart-driven stories if you ask me.LapisLazuliScarab18:06, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Keyblade0 - Should I open the Treasure Chest? TALK - I just obtained a Potion! — {{{June 25, 2010}}}
I wonder how Sora and other characters might look like in Monster from (Monsters inc) Car Form (Cars) and in other forms, from Pixar. Think of the possibilities!
Pea14733 Freeze! — 19:29, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
I wonder how Sora is going to hold his keyblade in his Car Form....
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 19:32, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
1. Keyblade0, you don't need to put in all of that text for your talk bubble. 2. I bet the keyblade would be in the grill of the car and he'd ram enemies keyblade-first.
Oddishh - We're friends. Therefore, I want to ask you something... Destroy me. TALK - Our connected hearts are my power!
It's about freaking time. If they do decide to put Pixar in.
- As a theme, Pixar would fit very well. As gameplay and plot, not so much. Disney movies, at least in the animated canon, are very much about Good directly defeating Evil. In Pixar, you have:
- An old toy learning not to be jealous of a new toy
- A father finding his son
- An egotistic car learning to care for others
- Monsters exposing a corrupt corporation
- A rat learning that any background can produce greatness
- An old man learning to let go of the past and treasure the present
- A robot teaching people to work to better themselves, and not leave their troubles for others
A Bug's Life and The Incredibles would be doable, though, since they have explicit villains and action.Glorious CHAOS! 19:49, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Keyblade0 - Should I open the Treasure Chest? TALK - I just obtained a Potion! — {{{June 25, 2010}}}
1. Sora in Car from wouldn't touch his keyblade. He'll just use telekinesis, so his keyblade can fly(Like in Final From) 2. I agree with Glorious CHAOS, and 3. Chitalian8, I can't shorten it like everyone else.(If I do, the text'll come from my template, with other emotions and text I have from there, not from here.
Which Pixar movie does a father find his son? If you're thinking of Chicken Little, its not a Pizar movie. Chicken Little is Disney's first computer animated movie WITHOUT the association of Pixar, that's probably why they were able to incorporate him in KH2 when Pixar wasn't associated.Axel's Sentiment 20:44, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Father + Son = Finding Nemo. =)
Dan - Don't Blink! ♫
20:46, June 25, 2010 (UTC)