Forum:It's like pure angry

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Revision as of 18:57, 27 February 2010 by khwikia>Khruler
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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > It's like pure angry


Khruler - I'm going to eat u!
TALK - Don't Fall Asleep. --19:35, February 21, 2010 (UTC)
ok what was the second video

KrytenKoro - You should have figured out whether bodies age without their hearts, Nomura.
My sister finds the worst things to torment me with. And the only way to make the pain go away is to inflict it on you.
KrytenKoro - "That's when we bumped into Hannity. Sean Hannity. See the thing about this dude is, at first he's fair, right? And you're like "Wow!" But then BOOM. The dude's balanced, too. And you're like, HOLY SHIT."
On the plus side, even though I dislike Grease, this makes up for some of the angry:


Log log5 - GIR needs taquitos!
TALK - Log log5
I'm evil that way >:3