...that according to Nomura, the Dark Thorn's design is based on Ifrit, specifically the Final Fantasy X version?
...that Luxord's weapon Finest Fantasy 13 (called Ultimate Illusion 13 in Japanese) is a clear reference to the Square-Enix game Final Fantasy XIII?
...that in GameSpot's pre-release coverage of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, they misspelled Xaldin as Zaldin because of its pronunciation?
...that although Neverland was shown in an early scan for Kingdom Hearts coded, it never appeared in the finished product?
...that the kana for Hercules is based on his original Greek name, Heracles?
<option> ... that even though their real names are Raijin and Fuujin, Seifer never calls them that, only Rai and Fuu?</option>
<option>... that even though Tidus and Wakka are mentioned in Kingdom Hearts 2, they have no entries in Jiminy's Journal?</option>
<option>... that the HP bar in every Kingdom Hearts game so far (excluding the Game Boy version of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days) swerves around the player's face?</option>