Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
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"I don't need a weapon! My friends are my power!"

Sora is the hero and main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, as well as a wielder of the Keyblade. He is an upbeat teenager who may seem simple minded at times, but is very aware of the importance of his quest. He possesses a strong sense of justice and an unrelenting heart. At times he is impulsive and quick to anger, but he is always sincere about what he says and does. He is the best friend of Kairi and Riku.

Sora is fourteen years old at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, fifteen during the events of Kingdom Hearts II, and 16 in the true ending of "Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep". He lives on Destiny Islands with his best friends Riku and Kairi. Sora, Riku, and Kairi wish to escape from the Destiny Islands, and find out what lies beyond. Sora is also the complete being of Sora's Heartless and Roxas, and the source of Xion's memories. His name is derived from the Japanese word for "Sky".

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts

  • First Entry

A spirited youth. He was cast into an unknown world when a swarm of Heartless raided his island. He battles the Heartless with a mysterious weapon called the Keyblade as he searches for his friends Kairi and Riku.

  • Second Entry

The one who fights the Heartless. Upon reclaiming the Keyblade from his rival, Riku, Sora sacrificed his heart to save Kairi and became a Heartless. Kairi's deep feelings for Sora restored him. Now he must confront Ansem, the seeker of darkness.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

A bright and spirited boy chosen by the Keyblade to battle the Heartless.

It was Sora who defeated Ansem, ending his plan to shroud the world in darkness.

However, Sora continued his journey, seeking the friends he lost during the struggle.

  • Reverse/Rebirth

Riku's childhood friend, and the hero of light chosen by the Keyblade to stand against the darkness.

Riku fought Sora while bridled by darkness, but their friendship proved stronger, and they ultimately worked together to close the door to darkness.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • First Entry

A boy chosen by the Keyblade, a mysterious weapon.

Not long ago, Sora journeyed with Donald and Goofy in search of his longtime friend Kairi, who had been spirited away into the darkness.

In the end, they saved the world of all worlds from the darkness that was closing in.

Then, somewhere along the way, Sora fell into a deep slumber.

Now that he is awake, he can't recall why he fell asleep to begin with.

  • Second Entry

A boy chosen by the Keyblade, a mysterious weapon.

Not long ago, Sora journeyed with Donald and Goofy in search of his longtime friend Kairi, who had been spirited away into the darkness.

In the end, they saved the world of all worlds from the darkness that was closing in.

After that, Sora continued journeying in search of Riku, who was trapped on the other side of the door to darkness. And somewhere along the way, Sora fell into a deep slumber.

With a new outfit and strengthened resolve, Sora has set out once more on a search for his friend Riku.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Kingdom Hearts

The Secret Place

Sora in Kingdom Hearts

Sora and Riku were best friends and rivals as they grew up. They would often battle with wooden swords, and race, and do anything else that was competitive. One day a mysterious little girl named Kairi came to their islands from a different place. She was adopted by the mayor and Sora and Riku quickly became friends with her. Another day Sora and Riku found a small, hidden cave on their islands. They searched the Secret Place while discussing Kairi and the meteor storm that had recently hit. They found a door with no handle at the back of the cave and, because they couldn't open it, they left, but not before Riku saw the world's Keyhole.

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Young Sora in Kingdom Hearts

Journey off Destiny Islands

Sora and his friends Riku and Kairi lived in the isolated world of the Destiny Islands, and often wondered about what lay beyond their small world. They decided to build a raft to sail to other lands. The day when they started construction, Sora dozed off on the beach and had an odd dream where he traveled through an odd, dark realm and battled a massive dark creature. Sora was awakened by Kairi and he went and helped get the provisions for the raft. However, the night before they were to set sail, a storm ravaged the island along with a strange dark force. Riku succumbed to the force, claiming he was not afraid of the darkness it so clearly embodied, while Sora tried and failed to save his friend from the darkness.

However, it was during the tempest Sora first unlocked his potential as a Keyblade wielder, summoning the power of the Kingdom Key to battle the Heartless that now infested his home. He battled the massive Heartless that he had fought in his dream and defeated it, but Sora was swept off the island and thrown into a Corridor of Darkness, which landed him in a place called Traverse Town.

Quest to Find His Lost Friends

In Traverse Town, Sora met Donald Duck and Goofy, the respective Royal Court Magician and Captain of the Royal Guard of Disney Castle. Under orders from The King, the pair were searching for two things: a mysterious 'key' and a man called Leon. As the King has disappeared in his own quest, Donald and Goofy accompanied Sora and they started searching for their respective friends. In addition to that, Sora found that his Keyblade might perhaps be the mysterious key the King had asked them to find.

Sora discovered that Riku was also searching for Kairi, though neither of them could find her. Maleficent saw her chance and used her magic to poison Riku's mind against Sora, saying that befriending Donald and Goofy was a betrayal to Riku and Kairi. With this false knowledge, he set out to find Kairi on his own, as Sora traveled to a number of worlds to stop the Heartless. From there, Sora unlocked the doors between the worlds, and locked them out from the reach of the Darkness.

Upon reaching Hollow Bastion, Riku confronted Sora, and took back the Keyblade. Donald and Goofy are forced to abandon Sora because of the King's orders: to stay with whoever has the Keyblade. However, when Sora was about to fight Riku, they rejoined their old friend after he has strengthened his heart. The Keyblade returned to Sora because his friendship with Donald and Goofy gave strength to his heart, stronger than Riku's. Enraged, Riku fought Sora and lost. Furious at his weakness, he opened his heart further to darkness and allowed himself to be possessed by Xehanort's Heartless.

After this, the party encountered Maleficent. She was defeated and the darkness of her heart was unlocked by Riku, possessed by Xehanort's Heartless, who was known as Ansem. She transformed into a black, fire-breathing dragon from the proliferation of darkness in her heart, but was again defeated and the Heartless swallowed her heart. Further into the depths of Hollow Bastion, Sora first encountered and fought Ansem, the supreme seeker of darkness and Kingdom Hearts itself, who now spoke through and controlled Riku's body, making him mortal again. Although it was difficult fighting his best friend, Sora emerged victorious in the struggle.

Kairi was revealed to be one of the Seven Princesses of Heart, but the door to Kingdom Hearts could not open because her heart lay within Sora. In order to return her heart and wake her up, Sora used the Keyblade of People's Hearts that Riku had to remove both their hearts, sacrificing his humanity and becoming a Heartless himself. This in turn created Roxas and Naminé, the Nobodies of Sora and Kairi respectively. When he managed to reunite with Kairi after a brief stint as a Shadow, Kairi used her light to return him to his human form. Since the Heartless he turned into was a Shadow, it would seem that Sora has little darkness in his heart, as the strength of a person's Heartless is measured by the darkness in their heart.

After regrouping in Traverse Town, Kairi gave Sora her lucky charm (Oathkeeper's keychain) since he insisted that she should stay behind while he tried to reclaim Riku from the clutches of Xehanort's Heartless.

Sora and his friends managed to defeat Xehanort's Heartless at End of the World, the "Heartless" of all the worlds that fell into darkness. Xehanort's Heartless, slowly fading, called forth to Kingdom Hearts to fill him with the power of Darkness, but Sora proclaimed that Kingdom Hearts was light and Xehanort's Heartless was destroyed by said light. However, Heartless began to swarm inside of the door and Sora, Donald and, Goofy rushed forward to close it. As Sora attempted to close the door to darkness, Riku and King Mickey appeared on the other side of the door and together King Mickey and Sora sealed it from both sides; with Sora's Keyblade from the realm of light and Mickey's Keyblade from the realm of darkness. However, Mickey and Riku were trapped behind the door as it closed shut. Riku's last words to Sora before it closed were "Take care of her", referring to Kairi.

As the worlds began to restore themselves, Sora saw Kairi on a platform of sand that was drifting away. Kairi and Sora were separated with Kairi going back to the islands. Sora promised to return to her as soon as he found Riku and King Mickey.

Another side, Another story...

This is a secret movie in Kingdom Hearts. During a storm, a hooded Roxas walks through the Dark City, located in the The World That Never Was, towards the Memory's Skyscraper. Neoshadows rise from the ground, many surrounding Roxas. The camera shifts, it moves towards a blindfolded Riku, in Organization XIII Black Cloak, and on top of Memory's Skyscraper. To defend himself, Roxas pulls out the Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblades. Riku looks to the sky, where clouds part to reveal a heart-shaped moon. A purple, glowing heart shape surrounds Roxas. Riku takes off his blindfold. Roxas asks a question: "Where's Sora?"

The screen blacks out, and quotes fly by, ending with "We'll go together". A flash, then the words "Kingdom Hearts" appears. It fades to a beach where Kairi looks at a meteor fall.

Deep Dive

This is a secret movie in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. The video starts with a flash of Sora standing in the Crossroads looking up at the sky, followed by a black screen with the words "Utter Silence". It then shows a short shot of a message in a bottle out at sea, with several quotes hovering on the screen. Then, the Dark Meridian is shown and Roxas arrives via the Corridor of Darkness. One eye is briefly shown, glowing yellow, and he walks forward, followed by another quote: "Something so natural." Sora is then shown flying over an endless ocean, seemingly asleep, and the final quote "It's all coming back to me, the true..." appears.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Castle Oblivion

After being separated from his friends, Sora wandered down on a long, meandering path with Donald and Goofy searching for a way to find Riku and Mickey, encountering Pluto on the way. When they reached a crossroad and called it a night, a mysterious man in a long black hooded cloak appeared and informed Sora, "Along the road ahead lies something you need. However in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you." The man disappeared and only one path remains. The trio followed the path which led them to a mysterious castle known as Castle Oblivion. They entered the castle hoping to pick up some clues as to the whereabouts of their friends only to discover, as they ascended the floors of the fortress, they were beginning to lose their memories and became more and more uncertain of what they were truly after.

Losing His Memory

Little did they know, their memories were being manipulated by a mysterious organization that sought to capture and manipulate Sora. To do this, they used Naminé, a young witch who could rearrange the chains of memories in a person's mind and create new links between them. In order to make Sora forget Kairi, Naminé begins to replace his memories of her with herself. Meanwhile, a conflict between the members of the Organization led to several encounters between Sora and Riku, whose memories of Kairi had also been replaced with ones containing Naminé.

The trio's uncertainty built up to a point where they ended up in Twilight Town, a place that Sora was fairly certain that he has never been in, and thus should not exist in his memory. Organization member IV, Vexen, revealed that it is a place that exists on the other side of Sora's heart, but is eliminated by Axel, another member of the Organization, before he can explain anything.

Axel ended up betraying Marluxia, the lord of Castle Oblivion, revealing that Marluxia and Larxene, the newest members of their group, intended to use Sora to overthrow the Organization. Axel manipulated Naminé into doing what she believed was right. Donald and Goofy tried to reason with Sora about the whole situation later, but he was so stubborn that he would separate from them to go on his own.

The Truth Behind the Lies

On Destiny Islands, Sora was touched to have finally found Naminé, who tried to make him remember who was truly important to him. After taking one look at the lucky charm, it returned to its original form and Naminé took a temporary form of Kairi. Sora escaped the memory-based Destiny Islands and confronted Naminé, who revealed that she never existed in Sora's memory and that she had been replacing the person most important to him. Riku appeared to them again and was defeated by Sora. When Sora tried to help the injured Riku, he attacked Sora. Naminé used her power to break Riku's memories, and it caused him to collapse. Larxene came forth to eliminate Sora and Riku, who was revealed to actually be a Riku Replica, created by Vexen.

Sora defeated Larxene and forgave a regretful Naminé for her actions. She promised to restore the memories of the trio once they reached the 13th Floor of Castle Oblivion, where Marluxia was waiting for them. Axel attempted to destroy Marluxia himself, but then Marluxia used Naminé as a human shield. Sora stepped in and defeated Axel. After finally catching up to them, Marluxia ordered Naminé to completely erase Sora's memory so he could make Sora his puppet; Naminé refused, but Sora ordered her to do so in order to protect her from Marluxia's wrath. Fortunately, the Riku Replica, its true memories returned after his false ones were broken, arrived and saved Naminé before she was able to do so.

Then Sora, Donald and Goofy step into the thirteenth floor's dimension where they fight Marluxia in an incredible battle.

Forget to Remember

Once Marluxia was defeated, Naminé asked that they step into Memory Pods that would rearrange their memories back to the way they were at the cost of breaking the links she created. She also informed him that the process will take some time, during which Sora, Donald, and Goofy would sleep as their memories were slowly restored. While they knew that they would forget Naminé, Sora promised her that while she was forgotten, she would remain somewhere in his heart, never lost. And when he wakes up, they would become friends for real.

Right before he went to sleep, Naminé informed him that some of his memories were unreachable and asked him to remember Kairi, because his memory of her is the light that would bring them all back. Sora then used most of the power of his memories to remember Kairi before going to sleep for real.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


The majority of the game takes place during the time Sora is asleep in order to regain his memories. Naminé's powers are unable to do much to fix the problems, however, as they later discover the existence of Roxas, Sora's Nobody, and Xion, a replica of Roxas created from his leaked memories, who has the physical similarities with Kairi (because of Sora's strong feelings for her). As Roxas and Sora are connected and Xion is created from their intertwined memories, Sora's lost memory pieces found their way inside Xion through Roxas. This act causes Sora's process to slow down, and, as more time passes, comes to a complete stop.

Xion is actually a "copy" of Roxas that Xemnas created from his leaked memories which are connected to Sora's memories, but because of his strong feelings for Kairi, Xion instead ended up having the physical appearance of the latter (with slight differences). The purpose of her creation was so that she could become her "true self" by merging with Roxas (the same way her "real self" Sora would merge with his Nobody and become whole), so that Sora would never awaken.

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Xion turns into Sora for the first time during a nightmare

When Xion discovers this truth, she is willing to return to Sora. But before she could, Axel comes to take her back to Organization XIII. The two of them erupt in a fight in which Xion loses. When Axel is about to take her back to the Organization's headquarters, he faints from fatigue and Xemnas takes her away instead. During her capture, she is stored with machine-like devices and new powers so she may be able to absorb Roxas when the time comes.

By this time, Roxas and Xion meet on the Clock Tower of Twilight Town, she removes her hood, revealing that she now has a complete resemblance to Sora with the effects of his memory flow. Taking on a different form, she engages Roxas in battle, only to be defeated. After returning to normal(now in her regular female self again) she ask Roxas a favor to free Kingdom Hearts, while she fades away in his arms and merges with him. Though Xion has merged with Roxas, Roxas himself is still absent, which is also halting Sora's restoration. Riku goes to capture Roxas, leading to their eventual battle outside the Memory's Skyscraper in theWorld That Never Was. As the battle progresses, Riku catches the Oblivion Keyblade thrown at him by Roxas, and memories of Xion flow through his mind, signifying that Oblivion is the embodiment of Xion inside Roxas. This also explains Roxas's ability to carry two Keyblades, because he has absorbed Xion, who is also a Keyblade wielder.

In order to overcome Roxas, Riku unleashes the full power of his darkness and takes on the form of Ansem, giving him the upperhand and capture Roxas.

Kingdom Hearts II


"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine."
—Sora in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II

Sora in Kingdom Hearts II.

One year later, Sora, Donald and Goofy awake in the basement of the Old Mansion located in Twilight Town with their former memories restored, although they cannot remember what happened in Castle Oblivion. But before they awake in Twilight Town, Roxas comes to see Sora and eventually fuses with him. Continuing their journey to find Riku and King Mickey, they set out traveling across new worlds, meeting old friends and enemies from the original Kingdom Hearts game. They continue the battle against the Heartless and now a new threat, the remaining members of the Organization they encountered in Chain of Memories.

Soon after exploring Twilight Town, Sora and company head off to the Tower and Sora obtains new attire—on the advice of master sorcerer Yen Sid considering Sora's first game outfit to be "too small"—from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. The new outfit enables Sora to transform into his Drive Form and attain special powers for each of them. The source of the clothing's magic is linked to Sora's heart, which is connected to everyone Sora had befriended including Donald and Goofy. Sora was referred to as the "Key that connects everything" by Yen Sid which is how Naminé's memory manipulation works.

Sora expresses his determination to bring Riku back home with him to Destiny Islands, where Kairi is waiting for them. The quest gets more complicated when Kairi herself is kidnapped by Axel. Pete (who works for the resurrected Maleficent) and Organization XIII are causing trouble in the other worlds, and King Mickey refuses to give information regarding Riku. Sora must also discover why some of the members of Organization XIII address him as Roxas even after he clearly states his name is Sora. Also throughout the game Sora becomes rather intrigued and interested in the romances between his kidnapped friend, showing a greater level of maturity. He travels to other world to find Riku, help the world and stop Organization XIII.

The World That Never Was

Sora, with the help of the Hayner, Pence, Olette (three friends of Roxas in DiZ's simulated Twilight Town) and Axel (who sacrifices his existence), manages to find the route to the World That Never Was: which is the stronghold of the Organization, where Kingdom Hearts, created by gathering the countless hearts from the Heartless slain by Sora's Keyblade, resides. Soon after entering the world however, in the area of Memory's Skyscraper, Sora's group is ambushed by Samurai Nobodies and Sora is forced into a showdown with an Organization member, who turns out to be Roxas (disguised in his former Organization XIII cloak) on a platform of Awakening. In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, you can fight Roxas instead of watching the fight between Sora and Roxas as a cutscene. At the start of the fight Sora asks who Roxas is, and he answers "Someone from the dark.", then asks Sora; "Tell me...Tell me why he picked you!" (Refering to the Keyblade).

As Roxas is above and Sora below, he sees the picture of Riku, Kairi, Donald and Goofy (as the platform's design). Roxas then says "I see, that's why." and continues the fight. Roxas knocks the Keyblade out of Sora's grasp, and as he goes to retrieve it, Roxas pins it down with his own Keyblade. It looks like defeat for Sora, but then he reaches out for his Keyblade, which disappears and reappears in Sora's hands, in which Sora quickly strikes while Roxas stands amazed, not knowing how that happened. Ultimately, Sora's control over his Keyblade gave him the edge over Roxas, who collapses and reveals his face. As he and the scenery disappears, Roxas says to Sora "You make a good other." Sora is back with Donald and Goofy, who tells him that while he disappeared, they had to fight some Nobodies, and they continue towards the massive Castle where Kairi awaits them.

Afterwards, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey storm the Castle in search of their friends. They meet Saïx at the Hall of Empty Melodies, who tells that Kingdom Hearts is near completion, and it only needed "one more dose from the Keyblade Bearer." He summons hordes of Shadows and disappears to go after Maleficent and Pete who were also in the castle. The Heartless overpower Sora, but are destroyed by a rain of laser bullets. Sora has to fight Xigbar, the shooter and Organization's number II, and defeats him. He finds Kairi and Riku (looking like Xehanort's Heartless, which is the price he paid into which to help Sora wake up).

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy make it to the Proof of Existence of the Organization, in which there is only two places to go. They enter one of the odd pathways only to encounter Luxord, Organization XIII's number X. Although Luxord traps everyone but Sora in cards, he is still defeated by the Keyblade master. Next they enter Addled Impasse where Saïx is staring up at the moon. Saïx points out that only Roxas could have made this far in one piece and Sora gets angry and prepares to attack him. Saïx blows Riku and Kairi away and uses the power of the moon to fight. After one of Sora's most difficult battles, Saïx is defeated and Riku finally tells him that Roxas is his Nobody.

With the mysteries of Roxas' identity finally solved, they continue on. Fighting their way up the winding paths of the Castle That Never Was, Sora, Riku and the others encounter King Mickey and DiZ, now revealed to be the former ruler of Hollow Bastion, now called Radiant Garden, Ansem the Wise, who was trying to absorb Kingdom Hearts into his machine and encode it as data. Xemnas appears to see who is tampering with Kingdom Hearts and finds his old teacher. Then Xemnas finally tells Sora and the others of his true plan, to make a Kingdom out of hearts. One that he would rule.

Then, Kingdom Hearts proved too strong for Ansem's machine, and with his final words, "Roxas, if you can hear me, I'm sorry", the machine exploded, taking Ansem with it. The energy released in the explosion destroys a good deal of Kingdom Hearts and reverts Riku's appearance to the way it was.

Near the pinnacle of Castle, Heartless appear in vast hordes. Maleficent and Pete show up and stall them while the party heads toward their final battle. When they reach the Altar of Naught at the pinnacle of the Castle, they confront Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII. After a short conversation with the Nobody, Sora is taken by Xemnas to the front of Memory's Skyscraper for a one-on-one battle. After an intense fight, Sora defeats Xemnas and is transported back to his friends. however, Xemnas appears again and, despite the protests of the group, enters and absorbs Kingdom Hearts. The party was in luck though, and by the will of the worlds a door to Kingdom Hearts is made. Sora, Riku and the King open the door with the Keyblades breaking the barrier separating them from Xemnas. The party enters but Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy become separated from King Mickey and Kairi because of Xemnas.

Inside, Kingdom Hearts was made by the Superior to look like the World That Never Was. They charge through and quickly get to Xemnas and battle him, Xemnas in armor using the tactics of the rest of the Organization. After they seemingly defeat the Organization leader and return to the Altar of Naught, Roxas emerges from Sora's body to speak with Naminé before she fuses with Kairi. Before this, Naminé opens a door to lead them out of the World That Never Was. He informs Sora that whenever he and Kairi are together, Roxas and Naminé will be together as well. Naminé then joins with Kairi to complete herself, while Roxas returns to Sora's body making Sora whole.

Unfortunately, before Sora and Riku can enter the Corridor Xemnas attacks once again on the Captain's Seat of an enormous Dragoon Nobody. In an epic air battle they manage to defeat this form of Xemnas as well. Riku is injured by Xemnas, who strikes at both with his Ethereal Blades. Falling through the air on the brink of defeat,Sora grabs Riku's Keyblade and batters Xemnas with both. Returning to Riku, they use a bolt of light and dark energy to finish off Xemnas. Sora must help Riku walk, as he sustained a heavy injury from one of Xemnas's Ethereal Blades. They wander through the eternal abyss, and eventually come to a dark beach under a pale moon. Resting at the shoreline, they discuss their adventures and friendship, and come to the conclusion that they did what they set out to do, and agreed that "If worlds are made of light and darkness, we'll be the darkness." The realm of light was safe, and they could now sit and let peace envelop them.

Home At Last

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Sora, Donald and Goofy are reunited

As they listen to the waves, a bottle containing a letter that Kairi wrote washes onto the shore. Riku picks it up, and, after reading it, gives it to Sora, believing him to be the proper recipient. The letter reads;

"Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope for our hearts will blend.

Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
And who knows:
Starting a new journey may not be so hard,
Or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds, but they share the same sky.
One sky,
One destiny.

After Sora reads it, the door to light appears, and both Sora and Riku use it to return to their home world: Destiny Islands.

Having brought Riku back home and reunited at last with all his friends in one piece, Sora returns Kairi's Lucky Charm to her, saying "We-We're back!" and Kairi corrects him saying "You're home". Kairi extends her arm to Sora, and he grasps her hand while simultaneously returning the Oathkeeper keychain he kept for her all this time.

During the credits, Sora is walking around in the Secret Place. He smiles while looking at all the pictures he and Kairi had drawn over the years. He glances down at the picture of Kairi and himself. He sees that Kairi drew the other half of a Paopu Fruit, and smiles to himself, mimicking Kairi's actions from a year ago.

Sora asks Riku what he thinks the door to light was. Riku replies that it was Sora's heart, "it's always closer than you think". Kairi runs up to them breathlessly and gives them a bottle she found, containing a letter from King Mickey. The trio reads the letter, its contents remain a mystery.

Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts

Afterwards, Sora sits on the Paopu tree while holding the message from King Mickey, staring off into the sunset. It is revealed that he is to go out on a new mission to put back everything that is connected to him, or to "Reconnect". He is then confronted by Riku who asks him if he has decided (about what is not specified). Sora says that he has, Kairi walks up to him and Sora tells her that everyone is suffering and waiting, and that he has to put back everything that is connected to him. She then hands him her lucky charm and tells him to hurry back.[citation needed]

Kingdom Hearts coded

A Data Sora

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The message that started it all.

In Kingdom Hearts coded, [[Data Sora|a Sora made of data