User:Super Sword-chucks

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Super Sword-chucks
File:Roxas Keyblades.PNG
Name Super Sword-chucks
Real name ダイ (Dai)
Residence California, US
Birthday July 28
Ethnicity Asian
Height IDK
Orientation Straight
Laterality Left-handed
Job Class Sword-Chucks

Hello. I am Super Sword-chucks. I came here from the Sardapedia. I do not have much to say about myself other than that I am Japanese and can teach Japanese (If I can teach Japanese to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, 'course I can to practically anyone here). When I edit, I fix grammatical errors.


11liu53.png ALSO, STOP DANCING. IT'S AWFUL. — 21:37, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

11liu53.png The talk bubble I'll use here.

About me

I don't believe I decided to do this, but... Yeah.

  • I'm Japanese. Been there, spoke there. I even taught lessons to the class.
  • I'm more a follower than a leader.
  • I'm an introvert. For those who don't wanna pop out a dictionary, it means the opposite of extrovert, which means an outgoing person. So I'm the type who wants to be left alone, sorta, so I can do what I want.
  • When I feel like it, I annoy people. Don't worry, I doubt it'll ever happen to people here.
  • I'm not a "stereotypical" Asian. I'm pretty much born outside the "box" people want me in.
  • I seem to know words that other people never really care about. Introvert, extrovert, nostalgia, etc.
  • I do play video games, such as:
    • Final Fantasy, including
      • I & II: Dawn of Souls and Soul of Rebirth
      • II (got it on WiiWare)
      • III DS
      • IV DS
      • V Advance
      • VII, including
        • Crisis Core
        • Dirge of Cerberus
      • X
      • Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
      • Dissidia
    • Kingdom Hearts II
    • Song Summoners: The Unsung Heroes
    • Crystal Defenders
    • Dynasty Warriors
    • Need for Speed
    • Ace Combat
    • Super Smash Bros.
    • And some more games that I can't think of...
  • I don't have a good history with 12 year olds. That doesn't mean I'll go "What in the world..." on anyone who's 12 here. I have a brother who's 12 and, man, he sucks at comprehending and arguing. I say, "Dude, learn to comprehend." He kicks my chair and says, "Maybe I shouldn't have brought your DS Lite in the first place..." I say, "What is that, I don't even..."



<poll> You have one Potion and one Ether. You're pretty much screwed in battle. What would you do? Use the Potion, that's the only thing I got left to keep me alive for now! Use the Ether, I can use Curaga now and get the guy with attacks later! Just go in and take a chance. Besides, using either takes up one turn. Flee! "To flee is to win!" is the old Japanese saying if you've got nothing left. </poll>

Currently Playing...

Final Fantasy II (Wii) - Yeah, I'm playing it because the Dawn of Souls version won't let me save over my better file that doesn't count as a Finished File in no way. Sorta sucks seeing as hardly any attacks hit and each battle takes up five minutes. Also, HP and weapon level grinding isn't easy... A measly 2 Weapon points per battle if you even fought with weapons. So far, Frioniel has the lowest weapon levels of the three (Frioniel, Guy, Maria) because I have him use offense spells.

Final Fantasy IV (DS) - Man, I went up to the last Four Fiends battle and beat it. Woo. Then I noticed I had to fight this ball thing. I forgot what it was called, so I call it "Shoop da Whoop ball" since it fires its lasers every turn, killing practically everyone. So I started a new file because I also realized I was going under the recommended level.

Dissidia - Final Fantasy (PSP) - Most characters are at Level 100, one around low 90's, one in the 60's, one in the high 20's, and one in the high 10's. I have 81% of the shop completed, 99% of all the stuff in the PP Catalog, over 80% of the Battle Rises, and about 70% of the missions done. My Friend Card name is 神風クラウド (KamikazeCloud), quote is "冒険だ、冒険!" (It's an adventure, an adventure!) and main is, I believe, Butz Klauzer/Bartz (FFV).

Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends (PS2) - I have four of the five harnesses, the Red Hare, Hex, Storm Runner, and Elephant. All I need is the Shadow. I have one of the four orbs, the Ice Orb. I believe getting the Fire Orb will be easy, then I can get the two others. I have two helmets and, I think, four sets of armor for torso and legs each. I made a character that looks just like the Ninja from FFIII. :D

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) - Gone a long way already in the game, up to the point Xion entered a depression and won't be seeing Roxas for a while. (一体何が起きるんだ? - What's gonna happen next?) Suspense just continues to rise when I play! Hopefully, nothing horribly stupid and appropriate for seven year old kids happens *cough*Atlantica*cough*. No, I don't plan on looking at the KH358/2 Article. Don't want it ruined for me. D:< Rawr.


ja この利用者は日本語母語としています。
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
LQYMY29.png This user contributes using Safari.
14 This user is 14 years old.
PST This user's time zone is PST.
Template:User GunshipTemplate:User Nobody
DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...
9eN97Ye.png This user is a fan of Vivi.
iws5VfD.png This user is a fan of Auron, and would like to be part of his story.
iGdiscS.png This user is a fan of Experiment 626.
KKHqaKW.png This user is a fan of Jack Sparrow... who still seems to be held ransom by the curse.
sh22X0s.png Ready...set...Struggle!
G9zpBBS.png This user doesn't mind doing odd jobs to earn a trip to the beach.
IiM1rm1.png This user enjoys skateboarding around the worlds.