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Cross Slash

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This article is about the ability associated with Cloud.
You may be looking for the ability from Kingdom Hearts III.

(凶斬り Kyōgiri?, lit. "Misfortune Slash")
Cross-slash KHRECOM.gif
Lv Element Power Card Combination
Lv1 Neutral x5.0 per hit Cloud (card).png
Cloud unleashes two successive sword attacks. Stock two cards to use Cross-slash and three cards to use Omnislash.
Lv2 Neutral x5.0 per hit Cloud (card).png + Cloud (card).png
Cloud assaults the enemy with a three-hit combo.
Enemy Card Boost
Crescendo (card).png

(凶斬り・改 Kyōgiri Kai?, lit. "Misfortune Slash Revision")
Cross-slash+ KHRECOM.gif
Cloud singles out an enemy and uses Cross-slash.[KH CoM]
Cloud teleports behind an enemy and uses Cross-slash.[KH Re:CoM]
Element Power Card Combination Enemy Card Boost
Neutral x5.0 per hit Cloud (card).png + Stop (card).png + Kingdom Key (card).png
Cloud + Stop + attack card
Crescendo (card).png
Cross Slash
(凶斬り Kyōgiri?, lit. "Misfortune Slash")
Cross Slash gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright Single 3 7★: x11.86
SN+: x15.86
7★: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ target's P-DEF by 1.
SN+: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR 15, SP ATK B +170%, ↓ target's DEF & P-DEF 15.
Cross Slash EX
(凶斬り改 Kyōgri Kai?, lit. "Misfortune Slash Revision")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 4 7★: x7.84 - 9.82
7★: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ targets' U-DEF by 2, P-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP.
Power Upright All 1 SN: x9.08- 10.50
SN: Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR & P-STR 15, ↓ targets' P-DEF 15. Damage+: Higher slot number.
Cross Slash EX+
(凶斬り極 Kyōgri Kyoku?, lit. "Misfortune Slash Extreme")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 2 SN+: x16.26 - 18.01
SN+: 3 hits. 3 attacks: P-Medal STR +2500. 1 turn: self [↑ U-STR 15, STR & P-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & P-DEF 5], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: the more gauges are full. Pierces Defense Boost 15%.
Chain Slash
(真・凶斬り Ma Kyōgri?, lit. "True Misfortune Slash")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 2 SN++: x18.60 - 20.84
SN++: Deals 3 hits. 2 turns: P-Medal STR +3000, self [↑ STR, U- & P-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, U- & P-DEF 15], SP ATK B +200%. Count +1. Damage+: Higher HP.

Cross Slash, written as "Cross-slash" in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, is a recurring technique associated with Cloud. It allows the user to assault the enemy with three powerful sword strikes which trace out the kanji 凶 (Kyō, lit. "Misfortune").

Cross-slash+, called Cross Slash EX in Kingdom Hearts Union χ, is a variation that allows the user to warp next to an enemy before continuing with Cross Slash.

Cross Slash EX+ and Chain Slash are two additional variations that appear in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.


In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Cross-slash is a Summon Sleight. Using Cross-slash summons Cloud to the battlefield, whereupon he executes a three-hit combo. Although not named, Cross-slash is also the effect of the Cloud Summon card, although he only performs a two-hit combo.

Cross-slash+ is also a Summon Sleight. It summons Cloud to the battlefield, whereupon he warps next to an enemy before using Cross-slash.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Cross Slash is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 3 special attack gauges to perform.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Cross Slash +5 6★ x3.50 x3.60 x3.70 x3.80 x3.90 x4.00 3
Cross Slash +6 7★ x11.86 3
Cross Slash +7 SN
x15.86 3

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +7 +5-6 +7
Cross Slash Upright-based strength +3 Upright-based strength +15
Special Attack Bonus +170%
Power-based defense -1 Defense -15
Power-based defense -15
1 turn

Cross Slash EX is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 4 special attack gauges to perform. It inflicts more damage with higher HP.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Cross Slash EX +5 6★ x2.44 - 4.25 x2.49 - 4.33 x2.54 - 4.42 x2.58 - 4.50 x2.63 - 4.58 x2.68 - 4.66 3
Cross Slash EX +6 7★ x7.84 - 9.82 3

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +5-6
Cross Slash EX Upright-based strength +3 Power-based defense -7
Upright-based defense -2
1 turn

A different version of Cross Slash EX targets all enemies, costs 1 special attack gauge to perform, and inflicts more damage when placed in a higher slot.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Cross Slash EX +5 6★ x3.16 - 4.58 x3.22 - 4.64 x3.28 - 4.70 x3.34 - 4.76 x3.40 - 4.82 x3.46 - 4.88 3
Cross Slash EX +6 7★ x9.08 - 10.50 3

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5-6 +5-6
Cross Slash EX Strength +15
Power-based strength +15
Power-based defense -15 1 turn

Cross Slash EX+ is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 2 special attack gauges to perform. It has a 15% chance to pierce the target's Defense Boost skill, and inflicts more damage when more gauges are full.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Cross Slash EX+ +6 7★ x16.26 - 18.01 3

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+6 +6
Cross Slash EX+ Power-Medal strength +2500 3 attacks
Strength +10
Power-based strength +10
Upright-based strength +15
Special Attack Bonus +200%
Defense -5
Power-based defense -5
1 turn

Chain Slash is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 2 special attack gauges to perform. It increases the target's counter by 1, and inflicts more damage with higher HP.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Chain Slash +6 7★ x18.60 - 20.84 3

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+6 +6
Chain Slash Power-Medal strength +3000
Strength +15
Power-based strength +15
Upright-based strength +15
Special Attack Bonus +200%
Defense -15
Power-based defense -15
Upright-based defense -15
2 turns

Learning Cross Slash

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts

Cloud often uses Cross Slash as a boss, where he performs a simple triple slash combo (a downward slash, followed by a right-handed outward slash to an upward lifting slash to his left). Any part of the combo can be deflected with Guard to have Cloud rear back a bit, allowing Sora to get a free combo in.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Cloud can use Cross-slash as a Sleight while fighting Sora. He jumps towards Sora before performing a three-hit combo.

Cloud - A1 (card).png + Cloud - A1 (card).png + Cloud - A1 (card).png

Kingdom Hearts II

Cloud can use Cross Slash when assisting Sora at the Ravine Trail, and when fought in the Underdrome. In both instances, the attack consists of a three-hit combo.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Cloud can use Cross Slash when fighting Player to paralyze them.


Cross Slash is a recurring attack in the Final Fantasy series, debuting as one of Cloud Strife's initial Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy VII. It is often a prominent ability in his moveset, making appearances in most games in which he appears.

See also