Talk:Main Page

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Xemnas FM battle

I'm quite surprised to see that there's no page for the fight against Xemnas in the original Final Mix. It'd be great if someone would be kind enough to make one.Xagzan


Okay so this wiki is really great but we are lacking some serious info. I propose that someone with good knowlege of Kingdom Hearts (mostly everyone here) create articles for Outer Space/Sea of Outer Space, Memory Pod and some other things. I'll post 'em when I think of them.

KH2: FM and KH2: FM+

Does the main page really need a link to both of these? The official title is closer to Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+, and the other is a redirect anyways. Linking to a redirect, and then having a direct link under it, seems kinda weird to me.

Wikia:c:ideas:Kingdom Hearts

I made this page for making up ideas for future Kingdom Hearts levels, characters, items, etc. --Nerd42 19:51, 14 July 2006 (UTC

Shouldn't this be part of the Final Fantasy wikia

I'm curious about that because Kingdom Hearts is a final fantasy game...Alex 1991 18:26, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

  • It actually has more content from Disney movies than Final Fantasy. Plus it's a seperate series - only 3 games, but that's longer than any other Final Fantasy game "series", the only one being FFX and FFX-2. Scottch 18:44, 10 January 2007 (UTC)
  • Don't forget FF7. That's got a PS1 game, a PS2 game, a PSP game, and three Mobile Phone games. User:Sephiroth7734
  • No. Fail. User:Ekiron

it's in both Disney and Final Fantasy wiki's, but it isn't really a final fantasy game though. It just has some characters and ok maybe a bit of the magic >.> But final fantasy is in this wiki so it evens out I guess. KingdomKey

No they are different

Featured article?

Maybe it's time to set up some sort of front page article system. We certainly have a good number of presentable articles. Scottch 17:39, 14 February 2007 (UTC)

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
Agreed. We need a Featured Article system like FFWiki and so many others do. Why? Just because.

New picture?

I think we could use our own custom image for the wiki logo. Perhaps Sora, Donald, and Goofy standing above the name of the wiki. Also we should come up with a name for the wiki, such as KHWiki, WiKHipedia, or Wi-Key-Pedia.

Or mabye one that has the Original Kingdom Hearts characters (Sora, Kairi, Riku etc.) And my votes for Wiki Hearts or Kingdompedia-Clarkmaster


Is there anything that doesn't have it's own article? I'm quite prepared to do one or two, and improve the ones that we have Jammi568 12:25, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

I'm sure there A LOT of articles waiting to be improved here. Blue。 15:06, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

Fair enough. But do you know of any that need to be made?Jammi568 16:27, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

There are too many fucking articles here. I am dead serious, we only have about 600, and I am confident that this wiki will only work once we have about 300. Especially all the Weapon pages, is there really so much information about each Shield to warrent a seperate page? No, and we got to work on this. --BlueHighwind 21:02, 19 December 2007 (UTC)
Got to work on some Manual of Style to start. Blue。 21:11, 19 December 2007 (UTC)


Right, all this Wiki needs is a DNC clone. <sarcasm>Good work, Cloudofdarkness</sarcasm>. Blue。 02:28, 20 December 2007 (UTC) Bold text

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
But we do!

IIn all fairness, a lot of people might probably would like to have KH fights, but since the DNC specifically forbids anything not from Final Fantasy, the KHWiki really ought to have its own venue for these... err... public combat displays. Besides, if you think it'd be too much of a "DNC clone", you could always change the layout or something. Furthermore, if there isn't an "official" colosseum on this wiki, I may decide to fill the void with one of my trademark utterly ridiculously silly ones. Take a look at my Flan's Elbow Colosseum to see just how worried you should be by this "threat" :P -- Sorceror Nobody, 21:50, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

I think what Blue meant when he said "DNC clone" was not that it'd just look like the DNC, but it'd do what it did to the FFWiki at one point, and even now. Which is take it over and people would be obsessed with it and we would get no constructive edits to the wiki if we have it. -Azul (talkcontribs) 22:16, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
Fair point (although I personally don't believe the wiki would suffer that much). Maybe we could put a poll on the main page to see how many people are interested in having one, and go from there? -- Sorceror Nobody, 20:44, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

Wikia Gaming IRC channel

Hullo! I am Kirkburn, your friendly local Wikia Gaming Helper!

You may be interested to know there is a Wikia gaming IRC channel, #wikia-gaming on, where you can hop on, ask for help from users of other gaming wikis, or offer your own experiences. If you are not familiar with IRC clients, you can access it from

Different people may be on sporadically, but we organize weekly chats at a fixed time so we can get the most number of people online at the same time to ask and answer questions, or just to hang out. The admins of some of Wikia's biggest gaming wikis (e.g. WoW, Halo) often attend them. You can find the time for the next chat by following this link. Template:W:Next gaming IRC chat

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me! Kirkburn (talk) 10:43, 10 April 2008 (UTC)

KH Wikey

lol, just an idea for what you could name the Wiki...

Kingdom Hearts WiKey

Ofcourse now it sounds alot like Mickey.

I only come here for art reference. =3 17:01, 16 July 2008 (UTC)

Featured Article

I am completely pro-Cleanup of the Month. But can't we have that AND a featured article? Only showing off the articles that need work sort of makes it seem like we... suck.--Zephyrus11 21:43, 8 September 2008 (UTC)

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.

... Agreed. It does kinda make it look like we suck. Moreover, it makes it look like KH in general sucks. And since we all know that KH doesn't suck (or at least we should!), then why not have both a "Featured Article" and a "Cleanup of the Month" at once? Is that really too much to ask?!

On second thought, don't answer that.

Symbol - Magic Hat.png
FA icon.png We already do have a Featured Article per month... under Featured Media. See the main page.

There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. TroisNyxÉtienne

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
Oh. I didn't realize that they were the same thing!! On some of the other Wikis, there's "Featured Article", and then "Featured Media" is like an image of the month. Again, I didn't realize. Gomenasai, TNE-san.

Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png T’inquiète pas. ^_^

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

No more KH for the PS2?

I have a bad gut feeling the 3 knights from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep were added to Final Mix+ because they might move "KH3" to the PS3. I only have a PS2, a 360, and it's a risk trying to get the Wii for X-Mas. Enzeru 12:23, 17 September 2008 (UTC)

No, they probably will not, but you never know

Is it me, or...

Is there a random piece of coding next to the ads? XienZo 04:39, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

I think it's just you. Screen it and upload the image somewhere, so people can see. --Hecko X 04:57, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Pages for the fights in Kingdom Heart?

There are some other wikis that have entire pages for a battle, like on wookiepedia, there are innumerable pages, like the Battle of Geonosis, Duel in the Chancellor's office, Mission to Mustafar, etc., so I was wondering if we can do the same here. For example, "Duel in Twilight Town's Mansion's Basement" (between Roxas and Axel), and "Duel on Castle Oblivion's [insert floor number] floor" (for the battle in the hallways), "Duel in Isla De Murta" (for Sora, Jack and co. vs. Barbossa), and so on. I know it needs some work, but each page could have a lot of sections, like "Reaction Commands" and "After math" and maybe even some stratagies for the battles. What do you all think?

Well, we do have (enemy) pages which are about the bosses and how to beat them with reaction cards and stuff. Also, we try to include what happens in the respective enemy's page(Stopping the heartless production in Radient Garden would be in MCP's page). Also, specific battles are often quite trivial in terms of storyline unlike Star Wars.In Kingdom Hearts, the only important battles are the ones with Maleficent, Riku, and Ansem, which is covered in their respective pages.CoM takes place in less than a day, and its just the members attacking Sora/Riku and losing.In KH2, Sora goes somewhere, he fights some random villain cause he's bored, Sora obviously wins cause he's protagonist, and continues to the next world to keep looking for Riku and Kairi. XienZo 01:16, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
I'd say that only the Battle of Hollow Bastion (or whatever you want to call it) is large-scale enough to warrant its own article, which is in fact the case. Note that both the fight against Demyx and the Battle of the 1000 Heartless are just two parts of this larger battle, so if it were up to me I'd move the latter article to "Battle of Hollow Bastion", since the 1000 Heartless isn't the only conflict in the overall battle... but that's just my opinion. Oh, and of course more battles may arrive once BBS comes out, what with this so-called Keyblade War an' all. -- Sorceror Nobody, 21:30, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

Another Report

Ever heard of it? Linkie

cower at the words of Tesuya Nomura76.3.217.65 13:56, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

And Kingdom Hearts Mobile?

the disney castle image displays and says Kingdom hearts Coded

Gallery Pages?

It might be just a random thought but wouldn't be a good idea to have pages like Sora/Gallery or something like that? Clarkmaster!

Moogle Dissidia.png
Ultima - Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test.
There is a full category of images dedicated to that.
-21:13, 9 May 2009 (UTC)


Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
We need to get rid of all the stub templates and swap them for Expand templates, so that we know how to complete the articles.
Symbol - Identity Disk.png
FA icon.png Absolutely what I was thinking about.

I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! TroisNyxÉtienne

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
Whoa. Great minds DO think alike. Yes, I'm being arrogant, but as long as I build up someone else at the same time, what does it matter?
Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png I had the same thought over the side of the francophones : I was like, "the only stub template we're ever using is the normal Stub template - Enemy and Item stubs just don't matter, do they ?", and I use Renseignements (pretty much our equivalent of Expand) more than anything.

For uniformity, I say the Stub templates have to be removed - unless there's practically nothing to say about an article. Like, Playing Cards for example - which was supposed to fall under KHTCG but... it's empty.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
I daresay I'll undertake this endeavor, TNE. I'm also working on Stubs (at the moment, just Item Stubs), and I've noticed that a lot of the Wanted Articles are only there because of a linking error. In fact, some of them are for pages that have been deleted, but because they're still linked to, they are considered "Wanted Articles". Think you could help me un-link some of these? Yeah, I know that it involves mucking with archives and all that, but still!
Symbol Character - Mickey.png
FA icon.png I would if it weren't half an hour past midnight..... If there're too many, link me to the articles and I'll get them done at 7:00 - when I wake up.

Helping others always comes before asking others for help. TroisNyxÉtienne

Lingering Will KHIIFM.png
TALK - That's right, I won. Fear me.
Oh, I didn't know what time it was over on your end. Here in Ohio, it's 12:37 PM. Well, in any case, good night. I reckon I'll try to work on that stuff while you're asleep. ;)
TALK - {{{time}}}
I'll help you with those links because a) I'm bored and... no that's all, i'm just bored.

I need an administrator or someone else in charge to read this!!!

Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

I recently found this recently uploaded picture:

I was wondering, is it possible to make this one appear instead of the regular one, on the Nobody-related pages ONLY. I think that would be really cool. If this isn't the one you're looking for, then there are others like it. Just look at the recently uploaded photos.

P.S. Whoever found this is awesome!

Naminé (Live talk sprite) 3 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
You're right. It is cool!

HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry!

Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!!

Keyblade-Blk.png I made that and some of the other ones for the new logo, but Guardian Soul said he has someone doing main logo. If its going to be used, that's fine by me.
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}

Keyblade-Blk.png Like I said, I have someone working on our logo. She also designs t-shirts.

Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

this is really cool!

Okay, this is kind of an odd topic, but I believe that, with the blessings of the mods, we should make a colliseum, in the same fashion as the one in the Final Fantasy Wiki. It's cool, and there are plenty of good matchups, now that there's Organization XIII, Unbirths, and other awesome characters. WHaddyathink? 02:22, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

It's already been asked further up the page -- Sorceror Nobody, 10:13, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

Heartless groups

While looking around here i saw this on the Neoshadow page:

A Neoshadow is one step up from a Shadow and one step down from a Darkball.

is this actually true. Are there groups of heartless? And who decides which heartless is strongest? I don't rly get it MoltenAsh 15:46, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

Sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Partly because I don't see how Neoshadows are below Darkballs, and partly because quantifying "steps" like that is just plain stupid. As far as groups are concerned, the only relevant group hfor those three is that they all happen to be Purebloods, as are Invisibles and Darksides and probably others I'm forgetting -- Sorceror Nobody, 19:11, 4 July 2009 (UTC)

BBS and days

Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream !

Sally, why didn't I listen to you?

why don't they consider those games main canon?

Because they're not part of the main storyline; they're just shootoffs to explain other parts of the main story. Keyblader 19:26, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

Can anyone?

Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream !

Sally, why didn't I listen to you?

Edit the main page or just admins. I just sometimes see things on the improvement section that can't really be improved like blizzard lord he didn't have a big role in the game besides a main boss
User:Eric Ryan Jones/random image
Eric Ryan Jones — 05:00, 6 July 2009 (UTC)
Any registered user can edit the main page; however, I would not suggest changing something like that without the consent of the community or staff. Try bringing that up in the World that Never was.

an idea

how about when kingdom hearts birth by sleep comes out in america we put a picture of terra aqua and ventus i found a pic--demyx and mickey 4evr 11:17, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

nah Ghostboy3000 12:10, 26 July 2009 (UTC)


I've already cropped one of them, but this is an archive of all the new journal entries and puzzles, as well as some screenshots of the new items. I'm using a gamefaqs save, so there might be stuff I don't have yet, and since I can only play at 10% speed, I probably won't get it. I'll try to get the synthesis images, though. Glorious CHAOS! 23:34, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

Okay, I did the synthesis items. Here's the dealio - I was able to setup my PC to play PS2 games on it, if I have the disc. I have the KH2FM disc, and I was able to get a file for the save of KH2FM. However, I don't know how to convert saves to the pc version, so I have to use a save I found on a forum. Plus, my computer's not fast enough to handle it, so it plays at 25% speed - just enough to make it through, for example, the Cavern of Remembrance in an hour or two. I can put up the files needed to play the PS2 on megaupload, including the KH2FM save.
  1. If anyone has the disc for KH1FM, I can find a version of the save file for that game. It would be extremely helpful if you could get screenshots of the new journal entries and item descriptions and post them on megaupload.
  2. I'm going to go through and try to put up standardized and clearer synthesis item images, as seen in Remembrance. If anyone could do me the huge favor of posting a save file for KH2FM on gamefaqs, which has at least one of every synthesis item in inventory, not with the moogle, I could get this done much faster. I don't know how to do this myself, though, but I can point you towards the right forums.Glorious CHAOS! 05:49, 31 July 2009 (UTC)


See Ghost. Do you see how they list the appearances with those boxes in the upper left? Do we want to do that, using the game logos? 'course, we'd have to figure something out for the manga appearances.Glorious CHAOS! 21:02, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Calling Admins

It is already September, which means the admins need to pick a new article for Cleanup in the Cleanup Drive. There also needs to be a new Featured Image (which I'm pretty sure the Piano Collections Kingdom Hearts cover won) and someone needs to start a new Voting area for November on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Votes for Featured Media. HeartOfOblivion 13:30, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

As a compromise between current games

KrytenKoro - "Because I knew something he didn't. I knew that I was lying. Seriously, sir. 'No silicon heaven'? Where would all of the calculators go?"
could we use Coded or Mobile sprites for the table of contents bit? (Darkside for enemies, Lexicon for manga, etc.)
Xiggie Buy / Sell Welcome! What do you wanna do?

Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 09:24, September 6, 2009 (UTC)

blue.png but we have a Days theme going on now, ya? The Mobile sprites don't fit well in there, do they?

However, I think that we should put them up once the days theme will be removed! how's that sound?

LotsoBearLover - Kingdom Key KHD.pngWelcome to sunnyside!
TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Naminé's Notebook KHII.png I think it should stay days unless something like days and COM (Not coded) Comes out.
Room Core.png
DoorToNothing Heartless Emblem.png — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 02:24, September 21, 2009 (UTC)

Keyblade-Blk.png Well, we plan on leaving the Days theme up until around Christmas-time. We can't exactly go to a coded theme, because we don't really have enough material. However, come December, I think that that is a great idea!
Naminé (Live talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.gif
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you...
TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Mind sharing that idea with us?

Where did the table of contents go?--Masgrande 07:00, October 24, 2009 (UTC)


Hey Admins! You know, clicking on the sidebar extension Kingdom Hearts from Main Series links to the article about the series, not the article about the game. Please fix this. --DoorToNothing 02:14, September 22, 2009 (UTC)

There is another problem. When you go to Universe of Kingdom Hearts > Main Antagonists > Organization XIII, Vexen is missing. Could this please be fixed? - LevL 17:28, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

never mind i was gonna figure out how to do it but i got tons of homeworks to do Firaga44 18:07, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

Days Ultimania

Could anyone who has them saved e-mail me the scans from the Days Ultimania?Glorious CHAOS! 14:06, September 30, 2009 (UTC)

Another message for the admins

Symbol - Crown.png
FA icon.png This thing needs a cleanup for the month of October !

But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out! TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:22, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

Probably the wrong place, but...

Has anybody considered making a page for shipping? I'm not saying we need to be like Bulbapedia and have an article for every ship, but you know... it is a big part of the fandom. The Dark Fiddler - Nos hablamos? 22:58, October 18, 2009 (UTC)

Nope, no, nein. This is a fact-based wiki; if it isn't actually in the games, it's not here. However, the Kingdom Hearts Fanon wiki might have more of what you're looking for. BebopKate 03:26, October 20, 2009 (UTC)

The stats for the 358/2 Days Weapons seem broken?

I was going to fix the stats and images for the 358/2 Days weapons, but even though it says 0 for the outside page, when you go and edit it, the text seems to have the stats on there even though it doesn't say it on the page, it just says 0. I noticed this when I was going to fix Larxene's Demoiselle weapon. Is this some glitch or something? Dornob25 04:46, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

not broken, people just suck at using the template correctly for the weapons. just check the template documentation, and you'll see what's wrong --Neumannz 04:56, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

Article Order

Not sure if this goes here but I was thinking, shouldn't we make an official order for world and characters articles like: story, characters, enemies, areas for worlds and story, abilities, personality, appearance for characters(I'm just making example not saying this should the order). This is just to make the articles more uniform it's not like there is a problem or something.--Masgrande 03:25, November 29, 2009 (UTC)

White Rabbit

Whoever is the next Admin in line to pick a Featured Article needs to make their selection now. It's alrady December, and the White Rabbit from November still remains. --DTN Room Core.png 00:38, December 3, 2009 (UTC)

Maleficent and Xemnas.....

I've been thinking a bit about those two when I noticed certain things:

1.- So far from all the characters featured it seems that Maleficent could be called the strongest spellcaster in the whole series so far as nor Yen Sid nor Merlin have been shown to fight at all, Merlin sorcery limits solely to support the main characters, while Yen Sid was shown using magic to show images to Sora and Co. It is to note that Diablo came to "pick" Maleficent from his tower itself, and it seems he was not aware of such. Just a thought, not sure if you agree with it to add it in the Trivia or in the description.

2.- In the last round of battles against Xemnas, he wears an armor with a gigantic blade, when I paid a better look at it, when he wears armor he somehow resembles the Keyblade masters from Birth by Sleep, which could possibly be another reference with Master Xehanort if this one is really related with the Xehanort we all know. I find this interesting to add in the trivia, not sure what you think.

Thanks for your time. I hope you can reply.

New Kingdom Hearts Game Idea

I dont know about you, but i think they should make a kingdom hearts game that is a 1 vs 1 duel type game, such as Soul Caliber. This would be an awesome idea with Kingdom Hearts. You could have a bunch of playable characters such as Sora, Riku, Donald, Goofy, Roxas, Leon, Yuffie, all of the Organization 13 members and more. Also lots of dueling arenas such as Castle Oblivion, Destiny Island, Hollow Bastion, etc. Do you guys think this would be a good idea? Maybe we can get the word around and it could possibly happen. -- 00:06, December 14, 2009 (UTC)Danny

Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome!
TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
Sounds cool.
Dude, this sort of stuff is for the Forums. Post it there. Maggosh 00:11, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

Do you mean a Kingdom Hearts version of Dissidia: Final Fantasy? - User:One-Winged Angel 15:38 Decemeber 23, 2009

"See also" section

I've noticed that most if not all the links in the "See also" section on a lot of pages are already on the page somewhere before. Do we really need two or more of the same link? Is redundancy really necessary? - User:One-Winged Angel 10:26 December 23, 2009

New Kingdom Hearts Game

File:Aqua DM.PNG
Silver Tears
I think having a Kingdom Hearts game like Soul Caliber would be awsome. :)

Days spoilers

I think we agreed we'd only have these up for a few months, and well, it's been a few months. I've taken them down already on Kingdom Key and Oblivion.Glorious CHAOS! 22:59, January 7, 2010 (UTC)

Yep, I think it's time to take them down, and put up the BBS ones... - RippRappRupp 23:04, January 7, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, BebopKate and I found it rather simple that there was no point in having specific spoiler templates for specific games. So, the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep spoiler template was deleted, and the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days spoiler template was redirected to the original spoiler template. So, when applying the spoiler template on the soon-to-come Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep spoilers, be sure to just use the regular spoiler template. --DTN Room Core.png 00:26, January 8, 2010 (UTC)


Nothing. You should probably reload your browser.Glorious CHAOS! 20:16, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello?

It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - 20:37, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

Keyblade-Blk.png The link was broken, so as I normally do, I replaced the link with a new version of the image. For some reason it's still blank for me though. I don't know what's going wrong, it doesn't make sense.
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids?
TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Vsymbol.png Yeah, same with me. Sorry, Kryten. Nothing.


One-Winged Angel "The things you want to say the most are the things you fight yourself the hardest not to say."

TALK - Do you think you can erase your past? - 20:56 January 12, 2010

What's with the hipocricy!? I've been told it's okay to create unofficial Userboxes yet when I do they're deleted. I'd like to ascertain as to why I'm being "bullied".
KrytenKoro - "Space Corp Directive 195—In an emergency power situation, a hologrammatic crew member must lay down his life in order that the living crew members might survive."
 "Yes, but Rimmer Directive 271 states just as clearly: 'No chance, you metal bastard.'"

How is it hypocrisy if no-one else is making off-topic userboxes?
One-Winged Angel "The things you want to say the most are the things you fight yourself the hardest not to say."

TALK - Do you think you can erase your past? - 22:02 January 12, 2010

It's hypocrisy because people say they're allowed but delete them when their made like their not allowed.
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy!
TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:39, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Let me explain again, One-Winged Angel. You are allowed to make non-Kingdom Hearts userboxes as long as the coding is on your userpage and the pictures are stored off-wiki. Again, I encourage you to look at the coding on my userpage. You'll notice the bottom nine userboxes are not templates like the wiki userboxes; all of the boxes' information is on my userpage only, and all of the images are linked from PhotoBucket.

As I said before, I would be more than happy to assist you if you would like similar userboxes on your page.

Keyblade Graveyard

Shouldn't Keyblade Graveyard be added to the sidebar in the worlds section now that it has been confirmed?
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared.

Just a Question

The rock titan and the Ice titan in kingdom hearts, they have names, revealled in the Hercules animated series or somethin like that. The Ice one is Hydros, The rock one is Lythos, the lava one is Pyros and the wind one is Stratos, so why note use these names in the articles instead of the Titan Titles. Another point would be if there was ever an explaination as to why Pyros and Stratos are absent in the Kingdom Hearts series, I mean with 6 games and a remake for three of them making 9, you think they'd be able to squeeze in these two characters, it just doesn't seem right without them, any other thoughts?

(Leviathan657 03:23, January 16, 2010 (UTC))

Hi, Leviathan. The Kingdom Hearts Wiki deals with information only in the context of the Kingdom Hearts video games. We do not cover information from other areas, such as Disney films or TV series, or the Final Fantasy games, as there are other, more suitable wikis and sites that cover that info. The Ice Titan is never actually called Hydros in the game; we feel it would be confusing if someone looking for information on "Ice Titan" came across "Hydros" instead since it's never referred to in-game by that name.

We don't know why the other Titans aren't around, but since there are almost assuredly more Kingdom Hearts games on the way, there's a still chance they'll appear. BebopKate 03:35, January 16, 2010 (UTC)

Coliseum infoboxes

I need someone to get me a high quality screenshot of the Cup scoreboards - those things that are purple with yellow text. I'm going to try and get the Coliseum infoboxes finished, and then we can finish all enemy infoboxes.Glorious CHAOS! 18:29, January 16, 2010 (UTC)


Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

Should Xion and Axel be added under "Main Protagonists"? They were in fact one of the three main protagonsists in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.16:15, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
Heartless Emblem.pngWhat about Master Xehanort and Vanitas? They should be with the "Main Antagonist", right?

And like I mentioned before, the Keyblade Graveyard. Its name is confirmed.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.

Featured user list

I just wanted to point out that I have more edits than SSC. Shouldn't I replace him on the list?
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.

OPXion4EverIcon.png It takes the Community List about a day to refresh itself. Give it a day or two and the list will update.
Xion4ever Who am I? — 02:27, January 20, 2010 (UTC)

That's what I figured. I was just making sure that was it.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.

Nintendo Power

Nitrous X Talk! — Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing. Nothing but a mere illusion!

Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?

Should the awards that KH Days just won (The Nintendo Power Awards) be in the "Roxas's Diary" section?? I think they should.
Falcon Mrk II - That secret stays with me.
TALK - 02:10, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Nitrous, the editor on Roxas's Diary (DoorToNothing) left to wiki as so not to get spoiled on BbS. I left a message on DTN's talk page but I don't think he's gonna see it very soon...=p Who else can change Roxas's Diary?
Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}
Heartless Emblem.pngAny registered user can edit the page and i agree with you Nitrous it should be on the page
OPXion4EverIcon.png Wrong, Xabryn. Only staff members can edit Roxas' Diary. But Nitrous, why not ask on a forum?
Xion4ever Who am I? — 00:42, February 12, 2010 (UTC)
Riku Replica (Talk sprite) 1 KHCOM.png
Xabryn - Golden Star Charm.pngI don't care if you're real!You're not better!
TALK - Mobile rikurep.pngIt's nice to have darkness on my side.{{{time}}}
Heartless Emblem.pngi'm not sure about it but i think that it is possible if you go on "edit this page" there is a part of NEWS SECTION i'm pretty sure it is the roxas's diary
Room Core.png
DoorToNothing Heartless Emblem.png — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!

And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 06:29, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

Keyblade-Blk.png What Xion4ever is trying to saying is that only staff members should edit Roxas's Diary. Yes, you can technically edit it, but you are not supposed to add entires to it, or revise any of the posts to the extent of any more than fixing a typo.

Until I can see official confirmation that Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days won any awards from Nintendo Power's readers or Nintendo Power, I am not going to add this to Roxas's Diary. There is currently no official confirmation that the game won any awards from Nintendo Power, and a user's (or users') word is not at all confirmation. If any screenshots of the magazine can prove this, or if the results have posted on any site on the web, please leave me the link so that I may make this addition to Roxas's Diary.

Falcon Mrk II - That secret stays with me.
TALK - 02:10, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
I just uploaded the proof that Days won every award!! This should be the page: File:Nintendo Power Award Results 2009.jpg(I tried to put the link, but it came out HUGE. Can anyone tell me how to put the link in without it coming out huge?)

OPXion4EverIcon.png @ DTN: TNE? I believe you are mistaken, look at that message again. ^^ However, TNE and I share Aqua as our talk templates. Differences be the images, some colors, quotes, and the skinny types.
Xion4ever Who am I? — 22:13, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

I guess this is the proof that Falcon is talking about:

--Xabryn 16:35, February 16, 2010 (UTC)

Falcon Mrk II - That secret stays with me.
TALK - 02:10, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Yep, that's it. Thanks for putting it up Xabryn. DTN, will you change Roxas's Diary now?

Days World location names

Please use User talk:KrytenKoro/Items to add to the world articles. Thanks!Glorious CHAOS! 15:58, March 24, 2010 (UTC)

One winged Angel

For some reason I believe that there should be an article about the popular theme played when facing Sephiroth. It is recognisable, and one of the most popular pieces of video game music known. But I have this strong feeling that most people disagree.(Bananaphone1996 05:43, April 18, 2010 (UTC))

I would have to agree with this. The name technically is based off the track.

EDIT: My mistake, I thought you were talking about the Keyblade. So I'll have to disagree. Maggosh 05:46, April 18, 2010 (UTC)

Creating that article would be a waste of time. The only songs we have articles on are the ones who play a strong signifigance in the series, such as Simple and Clean, Sanctuary, and the Atlantica songs.--Xion4ever 15:37, April 18, 2010 (UTC)

Kingdom hearts

I can't find an article about Kingdom hearts, not kingdom hearts the game or title, but the actual kingdom hearts. Is there any redirects or anything to help find it?Aqua00000 19:30, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

If you mean the world, then this is the article. Otherwise, see the disambiguation page here. Dans-Crowndarkgreen.png Dan - A FO BEN, BID BONT. Dans-Crown.png 19:36, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

oh geez, no wonder i couldn't find it. kingdom hearts isn't a world. its just a stage, kingdom hearts can be used to make a new world.Aqua00000 19:40, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

Dimension Link

Can You Add Pictures of The D-Link Icons "The Characters Faces and The 2 Symbols" That Show Up When You Use Them and When you Go To The D-Link Menu?

Cleanup of the Month

Alright, the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days weapon articles have really improved; all that is left is for a few of us to go through and add the rest of the "Gameplay" sections, and for the last of those arrowgun images. Since this means we should be changing it again, I'll open up this Forum for the administrators to discuss what the next "Cleanup of the Month" should be, similar to how we choose featured articles. See you there! --DTN Room Core.png 20:59, May 26, 2010 (UTC)

Whats Kingdom hearts 3 going to be about? Sora already destroyed kingdom hearts i thought

KH BBS Official Site NA

Guess What Guys, The Offical NA Site for BbS Has Been Updated Check it Out. You May Also Wanna Check Out The Gameplay, It Has English Gameplay Of the Characters. Also we Here The English Voices of Terra, Aqua & Ventus.

June 5, 2010 4:35 AM


Is it me or are we all facing the same problem ?

Monaco.css is showing blue, except for the homepage and logo, which are red. We haven't switched to the BBS theme yet, have we ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 12:49, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

This has been happening to me for a while now. I know that DTN and KKD were experiencing the same problem as well... Dans-Crownblue.png Dan - CREU GWIR FEL GWYDR O FFWRNAIS AWEN. Dans-Crown.png 12:54, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

Okay, I'm seeing blue again. But today is the first day this has happened. I know the same problem has happened over Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki - all of us set Monaco to Jade (the green one, to fit the logo), but till now we're still seeing blue.
Think we should ping Wikia Central and/or the staff ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG} 12:58, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm... This definitely isn't the first time it's happened to me, and I have a screenshot to prove it: [1] I'm not overly sure what the date was, but I think I printscreened it on the same date that ENX posted this. Dans-Crownred.png Dan - O BYDDED I'R HEN IAITH BARHAU! Dans-Crown.png 13:11, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
Ah that, yes. But all this while I was actually seeing the red theme..... and I thought that this problem only existed on KHF until today. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 13:15, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

Its happened to me loads of times too. Organization 13 13:15, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

Oh noes... I think this calls for a ping to Wikia Central. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 13:22, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
While we're on the subject of wiki problems, the wiki is taking ages to load for me, and it occasionally just stops working and displays a blank page, so maybe wikia is up to something? Dans-Crownblack.png Dan - GWNEWCH Y PETHAU BYCHAIN MEWN BYWYD. Dans-Crown.png 13:25, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
As for that, that happens to me once in every three weeks or so... I'm not sure why. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 13:30, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
That stuff never happens to me. But then again, I use Monobook (I'm so old school >.>), so yeah. The wiki is actually one of the fastest loading sites for me. Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png
You're using Monobook ? So that means only Monaco's giving problems. But that's the skin almost everyone uses. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 13:47, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
Yep, I use Monobook. It usually Is Monaco. That means we should all switch to Monobook <.< Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png
I know, but if we were to switch to Monobook, then what will become of our layouts ? We need to ask Kryten or anyone with access to the CSS page if it can be changed. TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 13:57, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
Methinks we should just make Monobook layouts then, if possible. If not, oh well. You get used to it. Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png

I've noticed that when the place goes blue it messes up the Heartless templates on the Heartless pages. Organization 13 14:06, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

Wait, that's for Monobook or Monaco ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 14:12, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
Monobook never screws up. He meant Monaco. Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png
Yeah, none of the tabs work when the Monaco turns blue, and the game templates appear at the top left, not the top right. Dans-Crownblue.png Dan - CREU GWIR FEL GWYDR O FFWRNAIS AWEN. Dans-Crown.png 14:20, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

So now, we make Monobook skins and compel everyone to use Monobook ?? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 15:32, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

I don't know, I just want a Monobook theme :P But seriously, we shouldn't force people to do a certain theme. The point of the themes is unique customization; just contact Wikia Central, I'm sure they'll get on it. This happens in the FF Wiki too, so it's definetely Spell fail DX not just this wiki. Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png

Apparently, from what I hear, the new BBS theme which Xiggie designed should be compatible for Monobook (Bluerfn is using it, I think). But for now... since I'm signing out, can someone ping Wikia Central ? Please ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 16:07, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

Sounds great. I don't know how, so not me :/ Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png
I'll try, and I'll link them to this page. Dans-Crowndarkgreen.png Dan - A FO BEN, BID BONT. Dans-Crown.png 16:43, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, this appears to happen often. I get it about every 36th page (I was bored so I counted) refreshing usually fixes it for me. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON.
Okay, I've sent them an email with screenshots and a link back here. Hopefully, they'll reply soon. =) Dans-Crownred.png Dan - O BYDDED I'R HEN IAITH BARHAU! Dans-Crown.png 17:00, June 5, 2010 (UTC)
The same problems have been happening on other wikis I've been on, I wonder if this is wiki-wide...I first used Monobook, but I couldn't access all the wiki trinkets.[Ѧüя◎ґ]
Thanks Dan !
In the meantime, let's hope they reply...... TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 02:23, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
I have the relpy!:
We are currently working on fixing an intermittent server problem that is causing malformed CSS to be sent to your browser, causing a wiki's custom CSS to be ignored. It is only a temporary problem. Nothing needs to be changed on the wiki. Please be patient while we fix this.
Chris "Uberfuzzy" Stafford
Wikia Community Support Team" Dans-Crowndarkgreen.png Dan - A FO BEN, BID BONT. Dans-Crown.png 10:36, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Alright ! I hope it won't be a long wait. ^_^ TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 10:37, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Jiminy Cricket's New English VA

Guess What Guys, I Discoverd That Phil Snyder, Known as the Man of a Million Voices, Has Comfirmed To Do The Voice of Jiminy Cricket. Plus, He's Voicing the Character in the english version of Kingdom Hearts: Coded for the first time. Also, Kingdom Hearts: Coded is being Released in NA Under The Remake title, Kingdom Hearts Recoded. --Kingdom210 09:49, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Wait, just where did you get that information ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 09:53, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

From Phil's Official Site,

Alright. I'm getting there. If the reference is pretty obvious, I'll put it as a cite note. Do note that if it's not obvious enough, we're taking that bit of information down (for now). And what about the bit on Recoded ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 09:59, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

It's True, Go Check it Out.

As long as you can provide me a source, I won't doubt its truth. I'm asking you again, where did you get the bit on Recoded ? TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 10:02, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

I'm Saying Go to His Site! Again,

Okay. I'm there. Internet's lagging, I can't get there. Yet, the Bing search results say it loud and clear. Can anyone please check the URL out for me and put the cite note in, AND DO NOT UNDO KINGDOM210'S EDIT PLEASE ! TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 10:07, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
EDIT 10:11, June 6, 2010 (UTC) : Done. Thanks for the ref. I put it in. Anymore sources on Recoded, please let us know. ^_^ TROISNYX Symbol - Bell.png AMDG 10:11, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

World infobox

I've made a new World infobox that combines many of the sub templates we've been using (I.e., the world directory and World Music templates), as well as the various world and logo images, and the IL links. You can see it in use at Traverse Town and Hollow Bastion.Glorious CHAOS! 00:47, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

Something I noticed...

I found interesting the fact that all kingdoms hearts (except coded) feature 2 male protagonists and one female protagonist. I wonder if we could work with that somehow. BGMaxie

Aerith Zack - I have twenty-three tiny wishes, but you probably won't remember them all, so I put them all together into one... I'd like to spend more time with you.
TALK - Boy oh by... the price of freedom is steep.
What do you mean by work with that?
CoM? Unless you mean Namine, who is an antagonist in the early game. Or KHII, in which you have a whole mess of male protagonists, and then Kairi doing about zip s***.Glorious CHAOS! 01:10, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

And the youngest male protagonist (Sora, Roxas, Ventus) is the hero. The oldest (Riku, Axel, Terra) is the anti-hero, by choice or not. The gal (Kairi, Xion, Aqua) is... well... idk. There's a shit pot load of that in anime. CLARKMASTER! 01:26, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

Aerith Zack - I have twenty-three tiny wishes, but you probably won't remember them all, so I put them all together into one... I'd like to spend more time with you.
TALK - Boy oh by... the price of freedom is steep.
Ok well i'm still wondering what you mean by work with that but if you havent noticed that is a somewhat common situation in anime, manga, and video game and a pretty common pattern. I mean even in Final Fantasy. The group there (even if not all together) was Zack, Aerith, and Cloud. Then Zack died Cloud met Aerith, she died then he met Tifa blah blah blah. So its a pretty common thing. Prime example NARUTO XD.

I mean how can we make this info useful in some way. Then again got a poin there :S BGMaxie

Aerith Zack - I have twenty-three tiny wishes, but you probably won't remember them all, so I put them all together into one... I'd like to spend more time with you.
TALK - Boy oh by... the price of freedom is steep.
Actually i dont think we can. Its too much of a common pattern to be useful. On the other hand its already seemed to be established that Ven is to Sora Terre is to Riku and Aqua is to Kiari but there's not much else we can use with the whole situation. Like i said its common thing in anime etc. and i noticed that Nomura likes to use the pattern as soon as he introduced the Roxas, Axel, and Xion team. He just had to incorporate a girl in there somewhere. And then when it became a Ventus, Aqua, Terra situation well then i was like "Ok then he likes boy girl boy" I guess its just a generic thing in most anime etc. The only thing that veered off that path that i like is Soul Eater. Another good example if you know what it is. Full Metal Alchemist. Ed, Al, and Winry. In fact Winry's JP VA is the same as Aqua's. . .

Mysterious Tower Battle Music BBS

Can Anyone Post the batte music "Working Together" From Birth By Sleep? Not the Kingdom Hearts II Version.

Trinity Report

Can Someone here Post the Entire Trinity Report, Also Post it On YouTube? I Wanna Se All of it. Characters, Unversed, Treasure Chests, Ect. --Kingdom210 13:54, June 12, 2010 (UTC)

Kingdom Hearts III

I got a feeling it will be announced on E3. What do you think?

No KH3, fansites mistranslated again:

Game Informer 207;

  • Bryan Vore: "Translations of your interview in the Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Ultimania seem to confirm that Kingdom Hearts III is coming along with two other games."
  • Tetsuya Nomura: "Kingdom Hearts III is not a confirmed titles. I actually phrased my answer for the Ultimania "two titles other than III" to avoid speculation that we were working on Kingdom Hearts III."
  • Bryan Vore: "Are there any hints you can provide about these games?"
  • Tetsuya Nomura: "Hints would give away too much, and for Kingdom Hearts we're contractually obligated to keep any information that has not been officially released under wraps. However, I can say one of the two projects mentioned above came into existence because we wanted to do something for the North American fans, so we'll be announcing it at E3."

KH BBS Official English Trailer

thumb|300px|right Hey Guys, The Official English Trailer Of BbS Is Now Online! Check It Out. --Kingdom210 11:34, June 15, 2010 (UTC) I Heard the Voices in The Trailer, Go Check It Out. --Kingdom210 11:53, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Wow, is that Haley doing Vanita's voice? It sure doesn't sound like him, if it is. --Gypseian 03:27, June 16, 2010 (UTC)

Check Out The Official BBS VA Discussion in the Kingdom Hearts Insider Forums. --Kingdom210 19:48, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Why?Glorious CHAOS! 21:04, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Because It Shows The New Confirmed Actors. --Kingdom210 21:10, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

I checked it, but the only names it has that we don't, it doesn't have sources for. It's just the same "it totally sounds like him!" nonsense that we've had to protect pages to avoid.Glorious CHAOS! 21:19, June 18, 2010 (UTC)


Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 01:52, June 19, 2010 (UTC)
TerraCharm.pngSame time we add KH3D, Master Xehanort, Vanitas, and Master Eraqus. What do these all have in common with this game? It will be added whenever a staff member is able.

Main Page Changes

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 01:54, June 21, 2010 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png So I see we've finally switched to our BBS theme! That's brilliant. Now there are still some things left over from out Days theme that I'd like to nominate we change:
  • "Roxas's Diary" to "Trinity Report", the journal-type system seen in BBS
  • "Mission Board" to "Command Board", and while a stretch, it works.

That is all.

Quote of the Moment

ZexionFan321 - Don't I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?
TALK - I have identified the scent. It is...Riku. — 01:57, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
I was thinking that the next quote of the moment could be from Roxas in KH:358/2D: No! Xion...Who else will I have ice cream with?

Edit Count

Shouldn't the edit count be updated with the walktrough?

...Forget what I said(or, typed) Keyblade0 02:25, July 16, 2010 (UTC)Keyblade0

New KH BBS Trailer

Hey Everyone, Gamespot Released A New Trailer of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep! --Kingdom210 20:23, July 19, 2010 (UTC)

Link please? --VenCharm.pngLegoAlchemistVenCharm.png 20:31, July 19, 2010 (UTC)

Here's the Link:

Can we put this video on the BBS article?--Keyblade0 01:17, July 20, 2010 (UTC)Keyblade0

Ask a moderator. I think it should.--Memorized

It would be better to just link it to the Talk:Birth by Sleep page. We're trying to avoid videos as of now, I think. --VenCharm.pngLegoAlchemistVenCharm.png 02:00, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Dead Fantasy Response

Sure we'd love to affiliate ourselves with you guys. Although our websites small, any help in getting the Dead Fantasy product out would be greatly appreciated....


I've seen that on several pages for worlds, under their 'Enemies' sections, there's a category for 'Somebodies'. I have no problem calling the complete halves of Nobodies Somebodies (though I personally prefer calling them 'Others'), wouldn't it be better to refer to them as just 'Humans'? Just a suggestion, seems more accurate, especially since most don't have Nobodies. Phoenix of the Darkness 23:57, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

Scar's not a human. Nor are the Card Soldiers, Ursula, or 50% of the somebodies in the series.Glorious CHAOS! 04:38, July 24, 2010 (UTC)
Seems to me that this is just a term somebody made up. I'm for removing this category. Xerruy 01:08, July 25, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, it is used more than once in the series (at least once by Axel). It's not a great term but it's the best official one we've got right now. Go here for more about this issue.LapisLazuliScarab01:28, July 25, 2010 (UTC)
Hm, okay. I must admit I'm not very familiar with all the side games as I don't have the consoles they're on. Xerruy 17:54, July 25, 2010 (UTC)
You should probably do research before declaring something to be made-up, but oh well.Glorious CHAOS! 19:13, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

RE: your galleries

I notice at:

The galleries are normal. As you may or may not know, they really messed up the galleries, causing a lot of frustration and anger. See:

An editor wrote:

I checked with the custom CSSs and KHWiki do not have one. Everyone else who's dissatisfied can check and see one of the example pages, because Wikia seems to have overlook this.
I wish to highlight that one of the Wikis, the Kingdom Hearts Wiki apparently managed to keep their old Wikipedia-style Gallery intact. How can they not be affected?

So how did you all doe this ? I would be dying to know because I despise the new galleries too. Please message me on my talk page with a response, or let me know when you responded here. Thank you. Anno1404 01:01, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

Extra worlds?

Some of my edits regarding character home worlds were just reverted. I changed the home world of Santa Claus to Halloween Town (it was Christmas Town) and of Hades and Pain and Panic to Olympus Coliseum (it said Underworld). The reason is that Christmas Town and the Underworld are treated as areas of Halloween Town and the Olympus Coliseum, respectively. They are not worlds in themselves and as such should not be listed as home worlds on character pages (unless one would change "home world" to something that would encompass areas within worlds). The reverts were justified by stating that these are "parallel worlds, story wise", but this is original research [2]. I understand that it looks better aesthetically to list Hades's home world as the Underworld and Santa's as Christmas Town, but they're not worlds.

  1. They do not have their own section in Jiminy's Journal in KHII.
  2. They do not have their own logo (every world has an introductory scene where its logo is shown).
  3. They and are not listed as worlds anywhere on this Wiki.
  4. The menu still says "Olympus Coliseum" and "Halloween Town", respectively.

They may be seperate worlds in the films they originate from, but within the context of KH they are not (the Clock Tower in Neverland is another good example).

If you want to list Hades's home world as the Underworld, by that logic you might as well list Barbossa's home world as Isla de Muerta and Ursula's home world as Ursula's Grotto.

Xerruy 21:24, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

They are considered separate worlds story wise. Org13left.png Organization13 Org13right.png

Unless the game states so, that's original research. Xerruy 21:56, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

Galexgan Talk with me! — "To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose..."

"You turn from the truth because your heart is weak..." —22:59, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

Nobody.png I have to agree with Xerruy. Just because you say it's a story wise thing doesn't mean anything but that you think it should be listed as something, it is however not fact that these are seperate worlds as all of the facts Xerruy listed above help to qualify a world as a world. All of these extra areas are just part of another world. I do agree that saying Hades is from the Underworld sounds better but there are many more cases where this type of logic does not fit as Xerruy also stated above.
  1. Ursula's Grotto (which isn't a thing, you mean "Ursula's Lair") is part of Atlantica, even in the story.
  2. Story-wise, the Coliseum is treated as the "in the clouds" area (ex: "These days Phil is busy running the Coliseum and screening contestants for", "Underworld Map, Caverns Map, Coliseum Map". Or, you could read the Olympus Coliseum story in the journal)
  3. Same thing with Halloween Town. The actual script of the game is never so stupid as to say that Christmas Town is part of Halloween Town - yes, gameplay wise, they are one planet. However, according to the plot, Halloween Town and Christmas Town are parallel.
  4. Barbossa doesn't live on Isla de Muerta, and in fact, the first time you see him is at the normal port town. However, no single part of Port Royal is delineated as being the true Port Royal, as far as I know - it is used to apply to the entire planetoid. (ex: "In Port Royal, Luxord used Heartless and the cursed medallions to conduct experiments on the Organization's behalf and collect hearts.")

In regards to your definition of a world - kingdom hearts and dive to the heart are clearly separate worlds, but do not get their own logo or section in the journal. Neither does Castle Oblivion in Days, nor Destiny Islands (I may be wrong, but I don't think that any world gets an introductory cutscene in Days). However, Christmas Town and Underworld ARE listed as sub-worlds on this wiki.

Finally, your list misses the pretty basic point that I said "story-wise", not "game-mechanic wise", so it's a waste of time in any case.Glorious CHAOS! 23:29, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

  • Dive to the Heart is a dream, isn't it? Even if that's not true, your analogy is wrong. DttH isn't just not listed as a world, it's not listed at all! Not as a world OR an area. Therefore you can't really determine what it is, so it's of no use in challenging my definition of a world (well, "my" definition - I'm just going by how it is represented in the game). Kingdom Hearts isn't encountered until the final boss fight, so it's impossible for it to be in the Journal (just like the Bit Sniper - you never get the chance to look at the Journal after seeing it).
  • My point with the Barbossa and Ursula examples was not that these were their actual home residences, but that world subsections/areas are not listed under "home world". We don't list Ursula's Lair as Ursula's home world, so we don't list Christmas Town as Santa's home world. There is no difference in how Ursula's Lair and Christmas Town are presented within the context of KH.
  • The plot does not state they are parallel worlds, that's your interpretation and that's original research.
  • You proved my point by stating that "Port Royal" refers to the entire planetoid (I take it you mean world by that). "Halloween Town" also refers to the entire planetoid, including Christmas Town. CT is not a seperate planetoid, it's part of the planetoid - the world - Halloween Town. That may not be the way in the story it is derived from (The Nightmare Before Christmas), but that's the way it's been incorporated into KH. Mind you, I'm not saying it makes sense - it also makes no sense for the Clock Tower to be a part of Neverland, but that's how the game treats it so that's the way it is.
  • Imagine if New York State was a world in KH just like Halloween Town or the Coliseum, consisting of NYC (Halloween Town/the actual Coliseum) and Albany (Christmas Town/the Underworld). The home "world" of someone from Albany would still be referred to as New York, even though NYC and Albany are two distinct cities. I know this analogy isn't perfect but I hope you get the point I'm making.
  • If the Underworld and CT are listed/mentioned as sub-worlds on this Wiki, that should be changed since it's original research. They're areas in worlds, that's how they are presented in the game and there is nothing that isn't original research that refutes that. Just because you're interpreting the plot in a certain way doesn't make it so. Xerruy 00:37, July 26, 2010 (UTC)