User:Bluerfn/Realm of Nothingness
A Nobody doesn't have a right to know. Nor does it even have the right to be.
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This is a place where the funniest edits of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki are just too funny to delete completely. So we will keep the funniest of them all here. If you have any suggestions, voice them on the talk page. The Admins will decide if they are "Realm of Nothingness" material.
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Zack? Zack From Kingdom Hearts?
Although I've never seen him nor you have, Zack supposedly has something to do with Terra in the pics I've seen. They do have a sort of resemblance, but how come Zack is never mentioned in KH Birth BY Sleep? That's my question, myself being a huge KH fan. In a picture on DeviantArt, he's with his family, and has Kairi in his arms. That isn't really in the game, it's just a fanart, but makes me wonder;If he really IS Terra's brother, is Terra related to Kairi? I've always wondered that, and if Ventus (Ven) is related to Sora, and Aqua is related to Riku. We may never see Zack in KH Birth BY Sleep, but let's hope so, so we can find out more.
One of the many Kingdom hearts 3 articles
In kingdom hearts3 sora is evil
Jasmine, Ali? and Hengpei?
She is one of the 7 pricesses to ulock the door of darkness. in kingdom hearts3 jasmine will meet two guys named ali and hengpei the will kidnapp her to unlock the door of darkness.
Power Stone description
The Plumberman and his keys (But where's a working wrench?)
Name: Mario First appearances: Donkey Kong as Jumpman Super Mario Bros as Mario World: Mushroom Kingdom Keyblade: Mushroom Kingdom Key)
The Plumber man with a wrench, duh key!
Mario appeares as a Keyblade Master in Mushroom Kingdom Hearts. As King Mickey's
best friend.
Mario's Keyblade
Mario's keyblade looks like Mickey's keyblade the differences are the keychain is a Star.
Info on the 14th member. Oh and it's not Naminé
Member 14
Organization XIII gains a new member in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for the ds. The name of the fourteenth member is unknown. What we do know is that the fourteenth member is a girl, and not Naminé.
Ultima Weapon
Description:This blade was forged by the god of kitty cats and with the blood of a panda bear. It was given to Zeus's son, Milli Vanilli chili willi, and used to kill Jhon F. Kennedy.
What this dude put after thise two edits:"Point proven...DON'T TRUST WIKI!! Reliable information is not to be found here."
From Sora's trivia section
- Sora in sora's kh2 outfit appears in kh he is the shooting star at the beginning of the game you can see it if you pause.
Terra, the salad loving Keyblade Wielder
It is also speculated if Tidus will interact with Terra by buying him a salad.