None of us imagined that they would fight so hard to become their own people.
KH CoM Naminé 6★ KHUX.png
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Riku Replica during the course of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts III.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

  • "Don't sound so happy to see me, Sora. Let me know if I'm getting in the way of something more important."
    upon meeting Sora.
  • "Spare me. I bet you'd all but forgotten about me."
    to Sora.
  • "But not anymore, right? Now it's Naminé this, Naminé that. You don't care about me any more than you care about how Naminé feels."
    talking to Sora.
  • "Never even gave it a thought, did you? Just 'cause you want to see Naminé doesn't mean it goes both ways."
    to Sora.
  • "Who's joking? Naminé doesn't even want to look at you."
    to Sora.
  • "Ask your memories. If you bothered to remember why Naminé left the islands..."
    to Sora.
  • "Go home, Sora. I can take care of Naminé. Anyone who goes near her...goes through me!"
    to Sora.
  • "Since when have you cared about me? Naminé's not the only one who's sick of you."
    before fighting Sora.
  • "Can't take a hint, can you? Leave, Sora."
    to Sora.
  • "Hah! What makes you think I need rescuing?"
    to Sora.
  • "You're the one forgetting. I told YOU to take care of her. At Kingdom Hearts—when we closed the door to darkness. Give it up, Sora. I'm not going back to the islands, and you're not changing my mind."
    talking about to Sora about Kairi.
  • "You can have them. I forgot about those losers ages ago."
    to Sora.
  • "What about you, Sora? Do you even remember what they all look like?"
    to Sora.
  • "Don't feel bad. That's what this castle does to you if you stay too long. You forget all the useless stuff and remember for the first time what really matters. I remembered it, Sora. The one thing most important to me. I'm staying here to protect Naminé. Nothing else matters!"
    to Sora.
  • "Go ahead and try."
    before fighting Sora for the second time.
  • "Grrr... Too bad, Sora. Nothing's coming back to me. Maybe you should try hitting a little harder."
    to Sora.
  • "What, together? That is so like you. You're always trying to worm your way into my heart!"
    to Sora.
  • "Hmph, you probably forgot. It never mattered to you how I felt!"
    before running off.
  • "Enough, Sora! You'll just hurt Naminé if you go any further."
    to Sora.
  • "Free? I'm protecting Naminé from you because it's what MY heart tells me to do. I promised her... I promised Naminé I'd keep her safe."
    talking to Sora about his motives.
  • "There was a meteor shower one night when she and I were little... Naminé got scared and said, "What if a shooting star hits the islands?" So I told her, "If a shooting star comes this way, I'll protect you!" And then—"
    talking to Sora about his promise to Naminé.
  • "Y-Yeah... How do you know about that?"
    to Sora.
  • "Liar! It was just me and her!"
    to Sora.
  • "But... Where did you get that? Oh, I know what you're trying to pull. That's a fake. I've got the real one right here!"
    before revealing his charm to Sora.
  • "I'll teach YOU to make stuff up!"
    upon battling Sora for the third time.
  • "Let ME explain this. Plain and simple. Your memory is a train wreck. You're not the one who's meant to protect Naminé—I AM. But you and your messed up memories always get in the way!"
    before battling Sora for the last time.
  • "Want some more?"
    to Sora.
  • "Looks like I win."
    to Sora.
  • "You're through, you fake!"
    before Naminé stops him.
  • "Guess again."
    arriving to attack Marluxia.
  • "No, not Riku. Just someone's pet project."
    to Sora.
  • "What did I ever have? My body and heart are fake. But there's one thing you can't take from me anyway...even if it is a lie! I will protect Naminé. Phantom promise or not, it's MY promise!"
    before Sora battles Marluxia.
  • "I'm not Riku. I'm fake. I can't remember when I was created, or why... All I've got left is you and Naminé. But those memories aren't real..."
    explaining how he is not the real Riku to Sora.
  • "It's all right. Don't worry about me."
    to everyone.
  • "Sora, you're a good person. I don't have to be real to see how real your feelings are. That's good enough for me."
    before vanishing.


  • "Surprised? I guess you would be. After all, I look just like you. I bet it's not every day you meet your twin. Too shocked to speak? This should come as a relief, then: I'm a replica of you that Vexen made."
    upon meeting Riku.
  • "I didn't say "fake"! Just because you're real doesn't mean you're better! We share the same body and the same talents. There is one easy way to tell us apart, though. Know what that is? Unlike you, I'm not afraid of anything."
    to Riku.
  • "You ARE a coward. You're afraid of the dark! The darkness inside you scares you witless."
    talking to Riku.
  • "But I'M different. I embrace the darkness. I can make it do whatever I want. In other words...I can wipe the floor with you!"
    before battling Riku.
  • "Go on, laugh. I'm still new. I'll get stronger and stronger, just you wait. It won't be long before I surpass you. Next time we fight, you're finished!"
    to Riku.
  • "Ha ha ha! It's nice to have darkness on my side. How could you be scared of something so thrilling! You're missing out."
  • "So now the coward is playing tough guy. That's cute. See you next time, Real Thing. Try not to miss me."
    before running off.
  • "He's spineless. I'll be running circles around him in no time."
    to Vexen about Riku.
  • "You mean that Sora kid. He's here in the castle, I hear. Want me to take care of him?"
    talking to Vexen about Sora.
  • "No worries. Sora's just one more person to crush on the way to Riku."
    to Vexen.
  • "Hey, hold on! What do you mean, remake my heart?! The real Riku's a wimp who can't deal with the darkness inside him. What do I want with the heart of a loser?"
    to Larxene and others.
  • "I'll show YOU hurt!"
    before Larxene attacks him.
  • "Knock it off, Larxene. Naminé wants to forget about Sora."
    to Larxene after having his heart remade.
  • "Don't worry, Naminé. I'll make whatever's hurting you go away. I swear it on the good luck charm you gave me. I'll be back."
    to Naminé.
  • "Hold it, Real Thing. Well, well. You've changed. Last time we met you were afraid of the darkness, but not anymore."
    to Naminé.
  • ""I'm me," he says. It must be nice, being real. A fake like me could never get away with saying that. That's right, I'm a phony! The way I look, the way I feel, everything!"
    talking to Riku.
  • "I thought by finding some new strength I could be someone, someone who's not you! But nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be anything better than a shadow!"
    before battling Riku for the last time.
  • "So...this is the end. Figures. But I'm not afraid. Good riddance to an artificial life. I never had a real heart. Even what I'm feeling now is probably fake."
    to Riku.
  • "What happens when someone who's not real dies? Where will my heart go? That is, if it doesn't disappear completely..."
    to Riku.
  • "Heh... How original. Oh, well."
    before vanishing.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

Sora's Story

  • "Not happy to see me? Lemme know if I'm getting in the way---ya know, of something that's more important."
  • "Spare the excuses. I bet that you had all but forgotten about me."
  • "But you're not anymore, right? Now it's only Naminé that you're looking for. You don't care about me. Just like you never cared... all about her feelings."
  • "I knew it. Never even gave it a thought, did you? Just cuz you want to see Naminé---sorry---doesn't go both ways. Tell ya the truth, Naminé doesn't even want to look at your face."
  • "You should ask your memories...why Naminé disappeared from the islands. Remember that, and you'd know."
  • "Go home, Sora. I'll care for Naminé. Anyone who goes near her... goes through me!!!"
  • "Please, Sora. Since when have you ever cared about me? Naminé's not the only one who's sick of looking at you. So am I!"
  • "Take the hint... I told you to go home."
  • "I don't remember ever asking you to rescue me."
  • "YOU'RE the one who forgot. I told you at Kingdom Hearts when we closed the door... 'Take care of Kairi.'"
  • "Give it up. I'm not going back to the islands---for anything."
  • "You can have those losers. Already forgot 'em. What about you, Sora? Do you actually remember what they all look like?"
  • "Don't feel bad. That's what this castle does to you---after a while. It's good. You forget all the useless stuff and remember for the first time what really matters. I remembered it, Sora. I now know the one thing that is most important to me. Protecting Naminé. Nothing else matters---not a thing."
  • "Hmph. Too bad, Sora. You can fight me all you want, but I still won't remember a thing."
  • "Together---right. So like you... ...Sora---you're always trying to worm your way into my heart!"
  • "You forgot that, too? You never cared. It never mattered to you!"
  • "You'll hurt Naminé if you go further."
  • "It doesn't matter what happens to him. I'm protecting Naminé from you. That's what's in my heart. Sora, I made a promise to Naminé. I promised to... keep her safe."
  • "There was a meteor shower...this one night when she and I were little... Naminé got scared and said, 'What if a shooting star hits the islands?' So I told her: 'If a shooting star comes this way, I will protect you!'"
  • "Don't lie! You weren't the one there that night!"
  • "Tell me... Where did you get that?"
  • "Sora...good try. That must be a fake. I've got the real one right here!"
  • "Fakes should be DESTROYED!!!"
  • "Let ME explain this. Plain and simple. Your memory is a train wreck. You're not the one who's meant to protect Naminé. It's supposed to be me! But you and your messed-up memories are always in the way, Sora!"
  • "Want some more?"
  • "Looks like I win. You are through!!!"


  • "Surprised? I guess you should be. After all, I look just like you."
  • "I'll tell you what I am. I'm an exact replica of you that Vexen made from your data."
  • "Not a fake! I don't care if you're "real", you're not better! We share the same body and the same talents, but there is one easy way to tell us apart though. Unlike you, I fear nothing."
  • "It's nice having darkness on my side. You are SO missing out. How can you be scared of something that can be so thrilling?"
  • "I thought by finding some new strength, I could finally be someone...Someone who is not at all you! But... nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be more than a shadow!"
  • "A faithful replica until the very end. That's... okay."

Kingdom Hearts III

  • "Didn't expect to see you again. Why did you even come here?"
    encountering Riku in the Dark Margin's waters.
  • "Do you want some help?"
    asking Riku.
  • "Me? I'm..."
    before Riku passes out.
  • "How long have you known that I was with you?"
    talking to Riku on Destiny Islands.
  • "I didn't make much of myself as a replica. I was a failure, and after you and Sora moved on, my body fell to ruin and the darkness took my broken mind. I was all ready to give up and let it happen, and then you showed up."
    explaining that Riku saved him.
  • "Maybe. I'd rather face my end with you than in darkness."
    talking to Riku.
  • "Yeah. But I'm not done yet. Got one last thing to see through."
    talking to Riku.
  • "No, you beat Ansem and you're still here. This me!"
    identifying Dark Riku as his past self.
  • "I knew it. It's a replica. A soon-to-be empty vessel. I've been waiting for a chance like this."
    removing Dark Riku from his vessel.
  • "No. The world already has you. There's someone else who needs the replica more. You know who I mean."
    leaving Dark Riku's vessel for Naminé.
  • "Good luck."
    his last words to Riku before fading away.

Dark Riku

  • "Are you done messing around?"
    meeting Sora.
  • "Funny. As if this stupid experiment wasn't already a hassle."
    revealing Baymax's original combat chip.
  • "Not quite ready. More then!"
    throwing the Darkubes the combat chip.
  • "Oh, this isn't for you. At least not until we're done."
    taking the chip from Hiro.
  • "Looks are deceiving, but the heart? You know that it's me."
    talking to Sora.
  • "A reason? When did that ever matter? We've been trying to one-up each other since we were kids."
    claiming that he is the original Riku.
  • "Smarter than you look."
    when Goofy reminds Sora that Dark Riku is with the Organization.
  • "Unlike a certain wizard you know, I had to play by the rules to travel through time. Which meant leaving my body behind."
    explaining how he time-traveled.
  • "Xehanort's heart left his body in order to voyage back through time. He needed to tell his younger self of the great plans he had in store. There in the past, his heart stayed, and waited out the years until you and I came along. Xehanort's heart possessed me and became Ansem, the first adversary you faced. The rest of him, the piece he left behind, took the name Xemnas and created the first Organization. It was all a part of a larger plan to bring Xehanort into contact with the right hearts—enough of them to form the real Organization XIII. They could come from anywhere, any when...just as long as he had the right vessels at hand to place their hearts in."
    retelling Xehanort's mission to assemble the real Organization.
  • "That's right. The Replica Program was a success. We are as real as people."
    clarifying Donald and Goofy's realizations.
  • "To see if we can recreate a heart from data."
    answering Sora's question of why he is meddling in the world.
  • "Sorry, did we steal your idea? That walking balloon over there has a "heart." At least that's the nonsense I'm supposed to believe."
    talking about Baymax.
  • "Oh, well, I'm sorry about that. But I promise I'll put it right back where I found it."
    talking to Hiro.
  • "I think I'll be getting back to work now."
    before leaving.
  • "Why are you snooping around?"
    confronting Maleficent and Pete.
  • "Overstep, and darkness will consume you again."
    warning Maleficent.
  • "Oh, I intend to."
    when Maleficent tells him to leave to his own tasks.
  • "Which adds up to what? Show me."
    mocking Hiro.
  • "Almost there. This pile of junk collected the data we needed... The terror of being attacked without warning... The despair of having no place to run... The longing for vengeance..."
    explaining how he assembled a heart.
  • "You're right. That's why I made sure our creation fought you. Now the data contains a complete heart."
    revealing that he used Sora and company to form the heart.
  • "What was it you said? I only have to see it for it to become real? So, let's see it. First, we need a vessel."
    before creating Dark Baymax.
  • "Don't bother. This puppet has lost his heart. He won't wake up."
    displaying Dark Baymax.
  • "Yes... I did promise I'd put this back where I found it. But there's one piece missing. Sora, you're the one who's going to complete this heart. You can't have a heart without sadness...without loss. You see, you're going to destroy Hiro's friend right in front of him."
    completing Dark Baymax.
  • "I'd say that was our finest hour."
    confronting Riku.
  • "You sure? How about we find out?! A real test for the Mark of Mastery!"
    unleashing his darkness.
  • "Where are you going?"
    preventing Riku from pursuing Ansem.
  • "You're not...real... I'm...the real one..."
    his last words before his defeat.

Battle Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

  • "Drop!"
    launching Dark Firaga.
  • "Get ready!"
    reloading his deck and beginning Dark Aura.
  • "Vanish!"
    finishing Dark Aura.
  • "You're finished!"
    finishing Dark Aura.
  • "Me, lose?"
    upon first defeat in Sora's Story.
  • "You've gotta be kidding me!"
    upon second defeat in Sora's Story and when he has been chipped down by half.
  • "You're the fake!"
    upon third defeat in Sora's Story.
  • "This isn't...the end."
    upon final defeat in Sora's Story.
  • "How can I lose to you?!"
    upon first defeat in Reverse/Rebirth.
  • "You're strong, real thing."
    upon final defeat in Reverse/Rebirth.

Kingdom Hearts III

  • "You didn't get enough last time?"
    at the start of the battle.
  • "Who's stronger?"
    when unleashing mines.
  • "I'm unstoppable!"
    while powering up.
  • "I'm done with you!"
    beginning Dark Aura.
  • "Think fast!"
    beginning Dark Aura.
  • "One more!"
    finishing Dark Aura.
  • "Later!"
    finishing Dark Aura.
  • "Darkness!"
    when casting dark magic.
  • "Come on!"
    when casting dark magic.
  • "You like it!?"
    while attacking.
  • "Come on, Sora! I thought you were stronger than that."
    upon victory, in the Game Over screen.
  • "But why?"
    upon defeat.