Kingdom Hearts III

Avatar Barrage

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Avatar Barrage (アバターショット Abatā Shotto?, lit. "Avatar Shot") is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to fire magical projectiles at the enemy along with the avatars created with Avatar Shift.


In Kingdom Hearts III, Avatar Barrage is an action ability exclusive to the Mirage Staff Formchange. If at least one avatar has been created by Avatar Shift, the user can press  /  to barrage the enemy with projectiles, with the 10th shot resulting in a more powerful finishing blast. Upon the finishing blast being fired, all created avatars will expire. Even if the timer has reached 0, the Mirage Staff Formchange will not end until the user is finished using Avatar Barrage.

Learning Avatar Barrage

Kingdom Hearts III

  • Mirage Staff has Avatar Barrage as a default ability.

See also