Quotes:Chip and Dale

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Issues: Re:coded quotes

This page contains a list of quotes said by Chip and Dale during the course of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts coded, and Kingdom Hearts III .

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Terra's Story

  • "What're you, nuts, runnin' out onto the course like that?"
    Chip talking to Terra.
  • "Yeah, that's against the rules."
    Dale talking to Terra.
  • "Are you talkin' about all those karts that look like scary, ugly monsters?"
    Chip talking about the Unversed.
  • "That's it! Terra, you just need to enter the races! And while you're at it, take that Captain Dark down a notch or two. He's always breakin' the rules and causin' trouble."
    Chip telling Terra to enter the race.
  • "Yippee! I hope he's gone for good. Nobody's gonna vote for a weasel like you, Pete!"
    Chip after Terra wins the race.
  • "No votes, no prize!"
    Dale talking about the Million Dreams Award.
  • "Well, one thing I know for sure. I'm votin' for Terra! Your racing really saved the day against those monster karts!"
    Chip saying the'll vote for him in the Million Dreams Award.
  • "Hip hip hurray for Terra!"
    Dale congratulating Terra.

Terra, Ventus and Aqua's Story

  • "Boy oh boy! I hope it's the guy I voted for!"
    Chip during the Million Dreams Award ceremony.
  • "I voted for him, too!"
    Dale during the Million Dreams Award ceremony.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Howdy, Sora! How ya doin'?"
    Dale upon entering the Gummi Ship.
  • "It's your favorite Gummi engineers here, ready for duty: Chip..."
    Chip upon entering the Gummi Ship.
  • "Hey! What happened to Twilight Town?"
    Chip talking about Twilight Town.
  • "Somethin's wrong in the Hall of the Cornerstone!"
    Chip talking to Minnie about the Cornerstone.
  • "There's real sharp thorns everywhere!"
    Dale talking to Minnie about the Cornerstone.
  • "The castle's in danger! Hurry! To the library!"
    Dale upon Sora and company arriving in Disney Castle.
  • "Oh no! Oh no! The castle's in danger! You must go see Her Majesty at once! She's in the library!"
    Chip telling Sora and company to go to Queen Minnie.
  • "This is the Gummi Ship hangar. Normally it's a madhouse here. If you follow the lawn from here, you'll arrive at the castle entrance."
    Dale talking about the castle.
  • "Let's have an acorn feast to celebrate!"
    Dale after Sora and company defeats Pete.
  • "Looky there! Twilight Town!"
    Chip talking about Twilight Town.
  • "You're right, Chipper! I wonder what's goin' on."
    Dale talking about Hollow Bastion surrounded by darkness.
  • "Hey, everybody! I'm picking up a strange reading."
    Chip after completing a world.
  • "Prob'ly just a glitch."
    Dale about the strange reading.
  • "Whenever Sora, Donald, and Goofy go out and help folks, the reading gets stronger!"
    Chip talking about the strange reading.
  • "We really are countin' on you, guys!"
    talking to Sora and company.
  • "What's that? That big...thing?"
    Chip talking about The World That Never Was.
  • "Look! It's another huge energy reading! And it's coming from someplace near the town."
    talking about Twilight Town.

Kingdom Hearts coded

  • "Your highness! Preparations are complete!"
    Chip talking to Mickey.
  • "This is no time to panic! I can't tell why, but something strange is going on in some of the worlds. We can't analyze the message!"
    Chip talking about the notebook.
  • "It means Sora got the power to travel freely around the worlds!"
    Dale talking about how Sora can travel to other world.
  • "Something is hacking into the data!!"
    Chip talking about how someone his hacking into the notebook.
  • "Please, hurry up and get—"
    Dale trying to communicate with Mickey and company inside the notebook.
  • "Hurray! Everybody made it home!"
    Dale upon Mickey and company arriving back.
  • "Welcome home, everybody!"
    Chip upon Mickey and company arriving back.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded

  • "Your majesty, everything's ready."
  • "Your majesty, what Chipper said."
  • "Jiminy's journal — I think it's gone completely nuts!"
  • "Nuts? Where?"
  • "That's not what I mean!"
  • "We finally got through!"
  • "The room was empty when we came back, and we've been searching the data for you ever since!"
  • "Someone's trying to break into the data from the outside!"

Kingdom Hearts III