Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
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Revision as of 20:44, 21 June 2017 by NinjaSheik (talk | contribs) (Uh...guys, that scene where the Player and Skuld goes into the Chamber, the text says Ira on Ava's page. Is that correct? I haven't been looking into KHX, so I wouldn't know. Even if it is true, Ava had nothing to do with that scene. It should be removed.)
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Template:Enemy Ava is a Keyblade Master who appears in Kingdom Hearts χ. As a Foreteller, she leads the Vulpes Union, is an apprentice of The Master of Masters, and is the founder of the Dandelions.


Before Kingdom Hearts χ

Ava is given a Keyblade forged from her own heart by the Master of Masters, who takes Ava, Aced, Gula, Invi, Ira, and Luxu as his apprentices. Ava eventually achieves the rank of Keyblade Master alongside her fellow apprentices.[citation needed]

Once the Master bestows a copy of the Book of Prophecies upon Ava, he grants her leadership over the Vulpes Union as its Foreteller. As Ava and the other Foretellers read their copies of the Book of Prophecies, they are shocked by the final entry, which details an event known as the Keyblade War, during which light would expire and the world would reach its end.

Originally uploaded by Levi657
The Master of Masters gives Ava her role.

When Luxu leaves to fulfill his role assigned to him by the Master, the Foretellers are shocked by his sudden disappearance. Shortly thereafter, the Master requests to meet with Ava and instructs her to avoid the imminent battles in favor of gathering Keyblade wielders, regardless of their Unions, to be part of an entirely separate faction called the Dandelions, who would venture to another world in order to ensure the survival of light. Additionally, the Master provides Ava with a list of five Keyblade wielders she must gather as Dandelions in order to succeed the Foretellers as Union leaders following the Keyblade War, with only one of them meant to receive a copy of the Book of Prophecies.

Ava, alongside her fellow Foretellers, are soon introduced the Master's latest creation, the Chirithy, which Ava gushes over due to its cuteness. Though the Spirit Chirithy are meant to aid Keyblade wielders in their endeavors, the Master warns that should a wielder fall to darkness, so will their Chirithy, becoming a Nightmare. When Aced suggests that they destroy any Nightmare Chirithy they come across, Ava refutes such a thing as a possibility. Gula mocks on Aced's identity as the bear because of his scary demeanor, and Ava teases that Aced could simply growl at the Nightmare instead, much to the latter's embarrassment.

Without warning, the Master fades from the world, and although Ava and Gula actively seek him out, they are unable to locate him. Upholding the Master's teachings, the Foretellers begin recruiting Keyblade wielders to each of their Unions, utilizing the powers of their copies of the Book of Prophecies in the form of Medals to aid their wielders in collecting Lux in order to maintain the balance.

Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
the Player joins the Vulpes Union.

Having watched the Player defeat countless Heartless throughout Daybreak Town, Ava commends the Player's abilities. Ava offers some words of wisdom in regard to defeating larger Heartless, suggesting that the Player combine his strength with fellow Union members, leaving the Player to defeat a Darkside alongside other members of the Vulpes Union. After the Darkside is defeated, Ava reappears and warns the Player that there are others who collect light, but that not all among them share the same goal of bringing peace to the world. Ava allows the Player to discern who walks the path of darkness before she departs. Template:Canonend

The Foretellers take notice of the Keyblade wielders utilizing bangles that, when equipped, provide the power to collect dark energy. Ultimately, the Foretellers decide using the bangles was acceptable for their Union members. Not long afterwards, Ira summons the Foretellers for a meeting in the Foretellers' Chamber, declaring that there is a traitor among them after discovering a Nightmare Chirithy snooping around their home. When Ava proposes that the Nightmare could belong to a wielder in one of their Unions instead one of the Foretellers, Ira brushes this off as unlikely possibility. Unable to come up with a viable solution to identify the traitor, as all Chirithy look alike and there are a high quantity of Keyblade wielders each of in their Unions, Ira asserts that only one of the Foretellers could have obtained the bangles, so the traitor has to be one of the Foretellers. After Aced condemns Ira for spreading doubt amongst them, he adjures the meeting, prompting Ava to depart from the Foretellers' Chamber.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
the Player joins the Vulpes Union.

When Neoshadows appear in Daybreak Town, the Player joins three other Keyblade wielders in their efforts to quash the darkness being spread by the new species of Heartless; however, the Player is the only survivor. After Chirithy witnesses another of his kind fade, Ava appears to speak with the Player, revealing that while the Keyblade wielders are gathering Lux at an amazing rate, the darkness is spreading even faster. With this, Chirithy asks if that means that there really is a traitor among them, to which Ava states that she's not willing to believe that yet. Template:Canonend

One night, Player is shown a dream by Chirithy, in which Ava meets with the Master of Masters in the Foretellers' Chamber alongside Aced, Gula, Invi and Ira, though Nightmare Chirithy quickly puts a stop to this dream.

A few days later, Aced invites Ava and Gula to meet with him in a warehouse, where he voices his frustration against Ira's suspicions. When Aced asks his fellow Foretellers' opinions on what Ira had said, Gula admits that he doesn't believe it and that Ira's argument had no merit without evidence backing his claims. Although Ava tries to defend Ira's actions, this only aggravates Aced further as he believes Ira should trust in them. At Gula's behest, Aced reveals that he wants the three of them to form an alliance to fight the approaching darkness, but Ava reminds him that alliances are forbidden. While Gula agrees to join Aced's alliance, Ava opts to follow the Master's teachings instead. When Invi arrives to the warehouse, a disheartened Ava watches as Aced and Invi argue and accuse the other being tainted by darkness. Afterwards, Ava parts ways with her fellow Foretellers.

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Ava voices her doubt to Ephemer.

Mulling over all that has transpired, Ava sits alone in the Fountain Square and is soon joined by a wielder named Ephemer, who notices Ava's depressed demeanor. Although Ava remains vague, she expresses her doubts about the Master's teachings regarding the competition between the Unions, as Ephemer once asked her why the Unions compete rather than working together. Ava approves of Ephemer's desire to solve the mysteries of the world, as she believes that people should question things and think for themselves. When Ephemer he had befriended a Keyblade wielder from a different Union, Ava is pleased that wielders from other Unions could work together. After Ephemer leaves, Ava is relieved to know the world following the Keyblade War would be entrusted to young Keyblade wielders that share Ephemer's point of view.

Later that night, Ava encounters Ephemer outside the entrance to the Foretellers' Chamber. From here, Ava and Ephemer go to a more private setting on the Outskirts, where Ava indicates that she intends on choosing five people from the Dandelions, including Ephemer, to act as leaders of the Unions in the Foretellers' stead after the Keyblade War. Although Ephemer is reluctant to ascend to the position, Ava implores Ephemer to rise up to the challenge alongside his the other leaders, so that they can lead each of the Unions. Ava provides him with a book of rules that he must abide to help prepare him for the other worlds and ensure a future without destruction. Furthermore, Ava informs him that he and the Union leaders must erase the memories of the destruction from the minds of their fellow Dandelions, while also avoiding any possible connections between the two worlds, insisting that there is no need for such tragic memories. As the truth about the Keyblade War must be kept a secret among the new Union leaders, Ava informs Ephemer that they must work with the Chirithy to protect the secret. Although Ephemer has misgivings about erasing everyone's memories once the Keyblade War concludes, Ava sends Ephemer to another realm in preparation for what is to come and orders him to meet the other Union leaders in the Keyblade Graveyard after the war.

A few days later, Ava finds the Player and Chirithy at the entrance to the Foretellers' Chamber. Player reveals that he'd sought her out because of the rumors surrounding Ava about her gathering Keyblade wielders with potential and is worried that Ephemer may have gotten caught up in the Foretellers' conflict. Ava surmises that the Player thought Ava may have had something to do with Ephemer's disappearance and, though she likes Player for his honesty, and she refuses to divulge any information regarding Emphemer. Ava summons her Keyblade and attacks the Player to test the latter's strength. After a quick battle, Ava states that she sees a lot of potential in the Player. However, Ava can also see the sadness in Player's heart and warns the Player will fall to darkness if the does not find a way to let it go. Afterwards, Ava sends the Player and Chirithy on their way, realizing after their battle that the Player is the one who Ephemer had mentioned before.

After the Player has returned home to rest, Ava appears to the Player and Chirithy in the Player's room to ask if Chirithy had been showing the Player the dream about Ephemer. When Chirithy denies this, Ava remarks on how it may have been Ephemer himself, much to Chirithy's confusion. Ava explains that Ephemer is getting very lose to the truth, having fallen into an unchained state and finding himself in a different realm, where she believes Ephemer is trying to reach out to the Player. If the Player is connected to Ephemer, Ava deduces that it means that the Player is getting closer to that realm as well, though whether or not he goes down that path is up to the Player's heart. Ava tells Chirithy to protect the Player from Nightmares before taking her leave.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins the Vulpes Union.

Following the Dark Corridor Trials, Chirithy ventures to the Foretellers' Chamber to report to Ava. Ava is happy to hear that the Player has made such progress, but Chirithy believes it is too early to send the Player on such a mission. Ava laments that she has no choice but to hasten the Player's training, as he must strengthen their resistance to darkness as quickly as possible and obtain as many warriors as they can get on the side of light. Template:Canonend

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Believing him to be the traitor, Ava, Invi, and Gula prepare to battle Aced.

More than a year after the disappearance of the Master of Masters, Ava receives word from her Chirithy that Aced and Invi have been sighted battling each other throughout Daybreak Town. Hurrying to the scene, Gula calls Ava over to where Aced and Invi stand with their Keyblades raised against one another. Invi declares that Aced is the traitor, and although Ava is reluctant to believe this, she and Gula stand with Invi against Aced. With strong belief in his own goals, Aced plunges into battle against his former comrades, from which he barely emerges alive..

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins the Unicornis or Vulpes Union.

Player eventually returns to the entrance to the Foretellers' Chamber after encountering another wielder named Skuld, who also has ties to Ephemer. Upon finally entering the Foretellers' Chamber, Player, Chirithy, and Skuld find nothing - disappointing Skuld - only to be caught in the act by Ira. Skuld apologizes, explaining that they're looking for someone. Angry, Ira voices his disappointment in Chirithy; as he knew that the Foretellers' Chamber was off-limits. Ira admits that he'd caught another wielder in the Foretellers' Chamber several days before, asking if he was a friend of the groups. Player confirms this, and Skuld asks if Ira had talked to Ephemer. Ira then confirms this, but explains that Ephemer's Union collects Lux for a reason that contradicts their own, and that Ephemer had only gotten close to them in order to get information; however he is no longer a threat. As the group realize that Ira had eliminated Ephemer, Ira asks what they intend to do - though Chirithy assures Ira that they will do nothing; taking full responsibility for everything. Stepping forward, Player tells Ira that the whole thing was his idea, and that they'd wanted to find Ephemer because, up until meeting him, Player had only ever done what was asked of him without question. Ephemer had left a lasting impression on Player - and even though he broke one of their promises, Player knew they were still friends. However, Ira had taken Ephemer away from him, and it stirred negative emotions within him - though he did not care if that meant they had Darkness in his heart, because he couldn't let Ira get away with what he'd done. Raising his Keyblade against Ira, Player couldn't care less about the consequences because in his heart he knew Ephemer would've done the same. Player and Master Ira battle each other ferociously – with Ira ultimately emerging victorious. As Player is cast to the ground, the façade of the Foretellers' Chamber fades away and the group find themselves in the sewers yet again. Template:Canonend

Ava reveals herself and quickly heals Player - thanking Player and Skuld for showing her the strength of their hearts. Revealing that she had created the projections of Ira and the Foretellers' Chamber in order to do so, Ava hopes that Skuld and Player can forgive her for her deception. When Skuld asks why Ava had tested them - Ava explains that it is as Ephemer had told her in her dream - the world will soon end; revealing her role to gather Keyblade wielders with potential to preserve the Light in the process. Taking in the information provided, Skuld asks what happened to Ephemer - and so Ava explains that she has to be present during the events of the Keyblade War, and that she'd chosen Ephemer to lead her Dandelions in her stead; choosing Ephemer because he started to question things and sought out the truth because he knew there was a truth to be found. Confirming that Ephemer is all right, having accepted his role and is now lying in wait, Ava reveals that the world is not - as a wielder has been corrupted by the Darkness. Wanting the world to one day be filled with Light, Ava chooses only wielders with a strong resistance to Darkness to become Dandelions, then asking Player and Skuld to join as well. Skuld immediately agrees, but Player is wary given his concern for those not chosen to become Dandelions. Ava encourages Player to do as his heart desires, but asks that Player and Skuld keep all of this to themselves due to the sensitivity that comes with the topic of the future.

Soon, Ava finds Aced and Gula alone together, with Aced having viciously attacked Gula to the point of collapse. Just as Aced raises his Keyblade to finish Gula off, Ava dives in front of Gula, begging Aced to stop. Not wanting to hurt Ava, Aced withdraws in disbelief that Ava was against him as well - hobbling off on his own while Ava helps Gula to his feet; questioning why it had to come to this.

Ava takes Gula into hiding, knowing that Ira is searching for him; with the only one knowing of their location being Invi. However, Invi tells Ira Gula's location - prompting him to confront Ava a few days later. While Ava is tending to Gula, her Chirithy runs in to inform her that someone is coming. Ava leaves Gula in her Chirithy's care, while she goes to intercept the visitor. Worried that Ira intended to do something awful, Ava remains firm - which Ira accepts - turning and leaving calmly. Returning to Gula's side, Ava finds him stumbling as he tries to sit up. Gula asks if something had happened, with Ava informing him that Ira had come and that he'd wanted her to give him up. Gula mentions that he knew it would come to this, confusing Ava, though he explains that everyone wants to know about the Lost Page. Gula elaborates the contents of the lost page - revealing that it talks about an inevitable betrayal and "the one who bears the sigil" - though Gula himself doesn't know what to make of it. Gula admits that he's meant to find the traitor and that he'd suspected Aced, though his attempted confrontation went poorly. This causes Ava to ask why Gula is telling her all of this when she has enough to concern herself with given the Master of Master's training and her own role. Gula commends Ava for always walking the straight and narrow, calling himself a fool for basing his actions on the Lost Page. Determined to find out what the Lost Page means, Gula declares that he intends on summoning Kingdom Hearts - despite doing so being forbidden - in order to force the Master of Masters' return. Gula argues that if nothing changes the entire world is doomed, however he needs Lux in order to follow through with his plans; asking Ava to help him. Ava, however, turns him down - reasoning that summoning Kingdom Hearts is forbidden for a reason. Accepting this, Gula goes off on his own.

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Ava gathers the Dandelions.

Ava later confronts Invi - knowing that it had to be her that told Ira where she and Gula were hiding; asking if Invi had not considered that her actions were actually making things worse that they already are. Invi asks why that should bother Ava, given that she has her own Union and the finest Keyblade wielders from other Unions at her disposal, training them in a secret location. Ava then reveals that this is because that is her role. As Invi had not known, she apologizes to Ava and instead asks what Ira wanted - though Ava truly has no idea, as Ira had just ordered her to give up Gula. With this, Invi asks how Gula is doing - though Ava informs Invi that she's unsure - as Gula is gone, on a mission to collect Lux. This makes sense to Invi, as it explains why Aced and Ira are doing the same - being that they are trying to maintain the balance. However, Invi notes that it wasn't the balance they were expected to keep, because if everyone is collecting Light for themselves then Keyblade wielders would ultimately turn on one another; leading to the Keyblade War. Ava questions what Invi is going to do, with Invi coming to decide that she will collect Lux to in order to maintain the balance no matter what. Invi also suggests that Ava do the same, as they must do whatever they can to delay the Keyblade War for as long as possible.

Given the situation, Ava gathers the Dandelions in Fountain Square in order to relay a message to all of them, explaining that they'd been called to continue with their training for the mission; stressing that in a world made of dreams, they are the hope. Informing the Dandelions that a war is approaching in which Keyblade wielders will turn on each other for the sake of loyalty to their own Unions. While Ava voices her doubt in how far she can guide the Dandelions, they must keep in mind that anyone can fall to Darkness. Ava mentions that the war will see no winners and that everything will be lost - except the Dandelions, who she directs to avoid the battle and fly away to the world outside. With that, Ava tells her Dandelions that the future and the world's Light is in their hands.

As the Keyblade War approaches, Ava takes to mind that the only one capable of stopping the event is the Master of Masters and seeks out Luxu to find the Master of Master's whereabouts. Thus, Ava disappears, leaving on her own mission to find Luxu in a last ditch effort to avert the Keyblade War.

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Ava attacks Luxu and triggers the Keyblade War.

Eventually, Ava manages to find Luxu and asks him what he's been doing all this time. Luxu simplly claims to have been watching, as it is his duty, which confuses Ava. When Ava asks for clarification, Luxu explains that, unlike the Foretellers, he is meant to continue on into the future written in the Book of Prophecies, seeing through the end of the world. Luxu surmises that Ava wants to avoid the Keyblade War and that she'd sought him out in order to ask about the Master of Masters, but Luxu calls this useless, as the world is beginning to end. Ava questions what Luxu knows, prompting Luxu to address the mystery that is the Lost Page, which he tells Ava is a prophecy that the Foretellers don't know, the Master of Master's role. This makes Ava wonder if everything that has transpired has been of the will of the Master of Masters. Luxu describes his mission as inheriting said secrets, which is why he must pass on through the world just as the Lost Page dictates, and reveals the Master or Master's role to not be to act for the world's fate, but to act and watch Luxu carry out his role.

Bewildered, Ava frantically questions what is written on the Lost Page, and if Luxu is behind all of this or if he is the traitor. Luxu summons his Keyblade and affirms that he is the traitor to Ava, asking her if she can accept it as the truth. Ava stands in disbelief, absorbing what she's just heard, with Luxu adding that it is why she will listen to destiny, and her only option is to fight. Ultimately, Luxu mentions that even if there was another answer, that would still be the result of the battle, and questions if the Master of Masters would rather know how he will be guided by the key than the future of the world. Ava refuses to believe that the Master of Masters would choose them over the world, believing Luxu to be taking his advantage of the Master of Master's will. Drawing her Keyblade, Ava attacks Luxu, and the clashing of their Keyblades sends a ripple effect throughout Daybreak Town, which tolls the bell that signifies the beginning of the end.

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials and is only considered in continuity if *
Player joins any Union that is not Vulpes.
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Ava confronts Player during the Keyblade War.

During the final confrontation in the Badlands, the Player encounters Ava after having potentially fought Aced, Invi, Gula, and Ira. Ava recognizes the Player, inquiring as to why Ava was taking part in the battle. Instead of answering Player, Ava begrudgingly raises her Keyblade against Player and engages the Player in a ferocious battle. Afterwards, worn from the fight, the Player asks Ava to explain her actions, but Ava tells the Player that there are simply some secrets that he must never know. Ava warns the Player to leave with the Dandelions before she departs to continue her fated role as a component of the Keyblade War. Template:Canonend


Ava is a girl who hides her face under a white fox mask that has a blue trim. Her pink, hooded cloak is decorated with light green tassels and covers a white robe, light purple shirt, and light purple sash.


Ava is a kind-hearted individual whose youth enables her to befriend the members of her Union.


Main article: Ava's Keyblade



Ava's name is derived from the word avaritia, which means "greed" in Latin and is represented by a fox in the Ancrene Wisse.

Notes and references