
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 02:32, 27 December 2016 by Rjones211 (talk | contribs)
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Cloud (KH outfit) D012.png
Date of Birth User on KHWiki since
03-27-1994 12-26-2016
Country 3DS Friend Code
KH Games I Own
Kingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts II
Ef0sSdq.png This user is a fan of Riku.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
20~25 This user is 20~25 years old.
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
H0rfu.png This user is addicted to building in Minecraft!
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
tPC4jGx.png This user contributes using Google Chrome.