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KeybladeSpyMaster - There will always be a Door to the light ! TALK - Helping others always comes before asking others for help! - 11:33 PM Fri, February 20, 2015 MDT
Alrighty, guys, we should probably get on this subject. At the last Roundtable, Chainoffire had suggested that we consider a partnership/"super duper affiliation"/merge with (we're not entirely sure what to call this weird but awesome combining of sites). The basics of it are that they become a part of The Greater Wiki, in a sense. They link to us in video walkthroughs, we link to them, etc. It would take care of the video walkthrough issue we constantly have. At the same time, this would also in a sense take care of the news aspect that has been mentioned a couple times with Operation: Keychain. They basically become our "official" news source, and supply the video walkthroughs (in addition to whatever walkthroughs we come up with, if we ever do). In exchange, we (The Kingdom Hearts Wiki-verse, or whatever we're calling it) become their wiki. So what do you guys think? Should we do it?
KrytenKoro - And when you see me standing there, you'll know you've got a friend with a rock, I mean a big-ass rock. TALK -
Sounds fine.