Roxas wielding the Oathkeeper and Oblivion with his hood up.
Name TheFinalFormLover
A.K.A You can refer to me as Alu, my name is long and hard to say
Hometown N/A
Date of Birth N/A
Age 14
Height N/A
Weapon keyblade, most wanted, Oblivion. May dual-wield with Fenir
Spells cure, fire, thunder, blizzard, areo, stop, and gravity
Summons Tink, Genie, and Dumbo
Limits Light within darkness, final flash, dark hate

I'm TheFinalFormLover, so I'm that kid either playing a game, reading a book or on a computer. The first kingdom hearts I played was the original, but i never beaten it (Ansem-Riku), and i'm very aggressive in the game. My usual magic is either cure, stop, and thunder. I'm new so if you help me out that would be great. I also draw keyblades from scratch. I have the first 3 novels of the "Kingdom Hearts 358 Days Over Two." If you like to give me keyblade ideas, post them at the bottom


My favorite games of Kingdom Hearts are kh2, kh1, and kh 358/2 days. My favorite worlds are Hallow Bastion (KH1 version), Monstro (Mainly because of the maze like feel), and The World That Never Was (The Dark City was fun to go through). My favorite Heartless are the darkball, the shadow, and the defender. Favorite Nobodies are the gambler (all that munny), the sniper,and the assassin. My favorite drive forms are Final, Valor, and Master.

Keyblade Idea List

This is the only spot other users can edit here, you can post them under this.

favorite Keyblades

This is a list of my favorite keyblades in order, 10 being top and one being bottom

Kingdom Key

The Kingdom Key in Kingdom Hearts.

The only Reason this keyblade made it on my list is the back story behind it. It first appears in Sora's hand. He uses it in an attempt to save his home but failed. Then it changed hand to Riku when it was revealed to be his keyblade. After Sora goes to sleep, it became Roxas and Xion's keyblade, which they used to fight heartless and collect hearts. Finally back to Sora which he uses to defeat Xemnas although helping him in his plan. It is quite a basic keyblade though.

Metal Chocobo

The Metal Chocobo as it appears in Kingdom Hearts.

Although at first I didn't know what the Chocobo is, I really like the strength this keyblade has because I prefer strength over magic(magik). This keyblade's strength is really high, which helps shows Clouds strength in the game, especially the first time you fight him. (Note: The first time you fight him, you do not need to win the battle.)

I will continue this list later.