Eternal Nothingness XIII If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules. Got it memorized? — 16:15, 9 January 2015 (UTC)
So in one of our previous Roundtables, it was decided that in order to clean up the Theater Mode page, we should create individual articles for the cutscenes in each Kingdom Hearts game (or at least the ones that have a Theater Mode of any kind...). In Ruin and Creation's Passage (my sandbox), I have created several drafts for what these articles might look like. I was not sure whether or not we wanted individual articles for every cutscene, or just articles for every individual game. I have drafts and ideas listed in my sandbox for both. Everything is listed here. Do tell me what you think! I volunteer myself to lead what I affectionately call "Project:Cutscene."