Chainoffire - "Fire is red, your face is blue..." TALK - "This chain will not break with the likes of you." - Chainoffire 02:51, 30 August 2014 (UTC)
Alright! The release of the next magazine is only a month away! And we need YOUR help to get this done. (Am I cool yet guys?) So here's a list of the things that I still need:
- Cover art
- Contents collage (the image on page 2)
- 2 News pieces for the Ansem Reports
- Jiminy's journal news, logs, New user bios, and tea party updates for The Keyhole.
- Trinity Archive news, new user bios, and roundtable updates for KHWiki.
- The Games argument
- An editor rant for The Keyblade Master (optional, I have one, but a second one would be nice)
- Game and wiki tutorials
- Podcast Video and Audio from UC
- review for The Mark of Mastery
- 3 Drawings
- At least 1 more riddle and a Puzzle (with printable versions and answers)
- To do lists for The Keyhole, KHwiki, and the series.
- People willing to answer some questions for the mailbag. (I have a bunch of questions from the last issue, but if people want to hand in some questions, feel free to.)
