Kingdom Hearts Series (manga)

File:KingdomHearts-manga cover.jpg
Cover of Kingdom Hearts manga.

Kingdom Hearts is Shiro Amano's manga adaptation of the Kingdom Hearts series.

Kingdom Hearts

The first series was based on Kingdom Hearts It was released in 4 seperate books and was translated to English by TOKYOPOP. It, unlike the other mangas, was made to be read left to right, while the others was right to left.


Many fans have noticed the differences between the games and the manga. Such of these are listed below:

  • The story immediately starts off on Destiny Islands when Sora, the main protagonist, wakes up from his "dream".
  • The characters eventually start saying swear words.(Although the translated edition is 'clean'.)
  • King Mickey's letter is written differently.
  • We actually get to see a small scene on the balcony of Riku's house.
  • The cloaked man's lines are slightly different.
  • Sora seems to get all of his boss strategies from quotes out of various martial arts books.
  • The Leon-Yuffie encounter is a lot shorter in the game compared to the Cid encounter (which in retrospect is very humorous).
  • Sora meets up with Riku a lot earlier than in the game.
  • The plot tells a bit more about the events of when the Radiant Garden was over run by Heartless nine years prior to the events of Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories

The second series was based on Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories It was relished in 2 chapters and translated to English by TOKYOPOP. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories manga has a much lighter tone than that of the game, as evidenced by many things, including the following: Sora's first confrantation with Axel is a farce (as seen when Sora crashed to the wall with Donald and Goofy). Marluxia always has flowers around him. Marluxia and Larxene have a small party, where they drink soda and eat chicken. Vexen is a hotheaded buffoon working with Zexion and Lexaeus. Zexion usually cooks, and Lexaus is seen doing many things, such as working mind benders and reading manga. Unlike the Kingdom Hearts Manga, it read right to left per reader request.

Kingdom Hearts II

Cover of Kingdom Hearts II manga.

The third series was based on Kingdom Hearts II. This series will be told in 5 chapters. (Only volume one had been translated so far.) Kingdom Hearts II seems to take a more serious tone than KH:COM, but still has some humorous scenes.


  • When Roxas first encounters the Dusk nobodies, they form a sort of cage around Roxas and carry him towards a portal. Just before they reach the portal, the Keyblade appears.
  • The photo is with Roxas and his friends at the beach instead of in front of the gate by the Haunted Mansion.
  • Dusks and Assassins are seen floating around, giving Axel (who is standing on the roof of the Haunted Mansion in the 'real' Twilight Town) a picture of Roxas. He then burns the picture and wonders where "the real thing is hiding."
  • The battle with Twilight Thorn is depressingly short.
  • Axel pins Roxas to the ground while telling him his place in Organization XIII.
  • Roxas falls off the Bell Tower while trying to catch his ice-cream that was sliding off of the stick (which usually says 'Winner!' on it.)
  • Instead of on the train, the gang admire their crystals in The Usual Spot. Roxas realizes that his is missing while digging through his clothes, in his room.
  • DiZ mentions something about 'disposing of Namine.'