KeybladeSpyMaster - I'm back in the game! TALK - - Running executable! - 12:06 PM Sun, May 4, 2014 MDT
I think it's about time we got this going now. This is basically the second major part of the Traverse Town Project: Reconstruction (the first part, Reassigning, is already being discussed thanks to Erry here). Basically, Traverse Town, which is supposed to serve as the Wiki's Community Portal, is...dysfunctional and outdated, to say the least. We need to reconstruct the portal in such a way that it truly serves its purpose. So, discuss! How should Traverse Town look? What should it do? What parts need changing, and what parts need to stay?
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 03:25 PM Tue, May 20, 2014 MDT
So, my geometry teacher once advised us that when we design something, we should consider function before form (if only he had that in mind himself when he tried to give us the geometry project he was talking about when he told us this). So, I've come up with several ideas/functions that I think the Community Portal should have.
Bulletin Board: Allows users to post small notes for the entire community to see. The notes would have to be of relevance to the Wiki Community (Example: reminders about voting, call to review a template for the wiki, etc.)
Site Notices/News: Similar to the Trinity Archives, but should list news for the whole Wiki. Could have the Trinity Archives here.
Getting Started: links to pages for new users to help them get started.
Other Users that are willing to be contacted for help (allow such users to sign their own sig or something)
Helping Out: Works similar to "Helping Out" on Main Page. Links to Projects, Expand categories, Under Construction categories, Clean Up of the Month (it'd be great to bring this back).
Expand, Under Construction, Images, etc. Categories
Featured: Links to Votes for Featured Article, Featured Media, Featured User
IRC: Introduction and link to the IRC
Projects: Page that lists projects for users to learn of and get involved in.
Official Wiki Projects: Official Wiki Projects (Example: MegaProject: Arise, Operation: Super Merge (I think), etc.)
User-created, user-controlled Projects: Projects created by specific users. Those users may want help, and can post for it here, but the projects are not officially of the wiki.
External sites: links to external sites
Social Media
Facebook/Twitter Feed?
Magazine/Podcast: Links to the wiki Magazine and podcast. Could be merged with the Site Notices and News section.
TheFifteenthMemberYes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way.— TheFifteenthMember 00:00, 21 May 2014 (UTC)
Okay. So at the moment, the Traverse Town is divided like this:
First District: What keeps the Wiki running
Second District: Projects
Third District: Community
Gate: External links
The only part I don't like with this old categorisation is the First District as most of its contents aren't related to each other very strongly. It seems like it contains everything that's not in the Second and Third District and then the "What keeps the Wiki running" label was slapped onto it without too much thought. That's why I think we should break it up and introduce the Fourth and Fifth Districts too. My new idea for categorisation:
Gate: External Links and affiliations.
First District: Information/Content Navigation
"Accessory Shop": Portal for the mainspace content.
"Restaurant": Portal that links to the Wiki aspects (e.g. "About" page, "Copyrights" etc.)
"Item Shop": Top content and categories. Can perhaps be tied into Featured Content.
"Mailbox": Links to the Trinity Archives.
Second District: Community
"Gizmo Shop": Magazine / Podcast
"2nd District Shops": Forums
"Hotel": IRC and Roundtable
"Alleyway": Mirage Arena
"Dalmations Den": Let's Play and other interactive, fun stuff.
I included most of KSM's ideas. What do you guys think?
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 09:45 AM Sat, May 24, 2014 MDT
I think that's great. I'm starting a draft, of sorts, here. Right now, it's just the front page. I'm recycling old pages, and I may model it after the Magazine format, only to avoid creating too many pages just for a draft. There're a couple of my ideas that I'd like to discuss, and see if they fit or not.
Bulletin Board: The idea behind this lies in personal experience. In the past, I'd wanted to try and get the community's input on a couple of things. But leaving a summary is rarely effective, for those who don't frequent the Recent Changes Page, and the IRC isn't always busy. The bulletin board would be used to get attention to an issue, and perhaps call several people to the IRC (say, the staff, or such) in a timely manner, without having to message everyone on their talk pages. The idea would be to create a separate template that would act like a sticky-note, of sorts, and use that when posting something to the Bulletin Board. After whatever issue the note meant to attract was taken care of, the note would be removed. Simple, right? But do we want it? I think it'd be useful, and it would work somewhat like the site notice, without needing admin rights or using the same level of attention.
Clean up of the Month: I know this existed at some point in the Wiki's history, it's still in the Main Page's source code. Rather than leave it there, I think a good place to put it is in Traverse Town. I just don't know where, or if it's worth it. Why was it taken down? Did it prove ineffective?
Site Notices/News: This is supposed to serve as a Trinity Archives for the wiki, detailing any news from within the Wiki Community rather than news from the Kingdom Hearts world. It would just sit in it's place in Traverse Town, if implemented. Do we want it? Or are we okay with "What's Happening" on the Main Page?
On another note, I was wondering if we still want to use the images the way we did in the existing Districts. In other words, take the image, cut it in thirds, fourths, whatever, and link like that, or do something else?
I'm really excited to get this going!
TheFifteenthMemberIgnoring how these caterpillars uttered what they're trying to say, I do agree.— 23:31, 24 May 2014 (UTC)
Response to KSM's bullet points:
I'm not sure how much more effective a bulletin board would be than simply having stickied threads and what-not. Since the bulletin board would require editors to frequently check back on the page anyway, I doubt anyone who doesn't already monitor the RC will bother to check it regularly. About calling people to the IRC, it's necessary that we message each individual user because we need specific people so the bulletin board won't help with that.
I wasn't there when Clean up of the Month was active so I don't know how successful it was then. I think we should revive it but if we do, we need to discuss the finer points (how it's going to be run, where it will be held etc.). Maybe we can talk about this next roundtable?
The Trinity Archives isn't limited to games; it also gives important news about the Wiki. We also have the news that we'll have the magazine. For those two reasons, I think it'd be redundant to add a site news to Traverse Town.
And other points:
We should keep the images the same, unless we've found a better alternative.
I noticed that KSM's workshop for the First District has the actual Trinity Archives news on the mailbox. Considering we already have a) the main page b) the magazine and c) the Trinity Archive page itself, it's not a good idea to have yet another place for a news feed. That'd mean whenever we create a new entry in the Trinity Archive, we'll have to update the Trinity Archive main page, the home page and Traverse Town. Instead, I think we should simply have a description, link and an image to pretty the page (any image of a written text from KH would do).
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 08:05 PM Fri, May 30, 2014 MDT
Well, I've started the draft on the Second District here. Tell me what you think.
I like how Keyblade's first response set things up. Also, 15 did a great job placing everything in the respective categories. Sounds good to me. As for the past two messages containing bullet points:
Bulletin Board: I agree with most of what 15 said. However, I think Keyblade brings up a good idea. I don't like the idea of solely relying on the Bulletin Board page for important notifications. Some matters deserve being spammed on user talk pages. But for matters such as a question on what a file should be named/other minor things, I can totally see them going on the Board. I think having a "reminder" or "check" list of what hasn't been settled is a good idea. That, and having a clear list of "what remains to be done" makes it easy for users who have been inactive for some time to get back into the swing of things. Especially for staff.
Clean up of the Month: ...was started with the intention of raising awareness to a specific project/article(s) that needed work. Raise awareness, rally volunteers/helpers, and stuff. It's been a while so my memory isn't exactly clear...Anyways, this, as far as I remember, never really took off. It's kind of like stub articles or projects: popular for a short time, then pushed to the back burner. But to answer your question, yes, it eventually became ineffective. As for where to put it now? Perhaps somewhere in the Third District 15 proposed?
Site Notices/News: Are you implying that we slash the current Trinity Archives and replace it with something new [to be placed in the new Traverse Town]? I thought we were going to do a joint news feed with KH Insider? If that's the case, I don't know whether it would be wise to save this part of the project until later or not.
Other points (images): I'm for whatever the majority decides. The current images look fine to me, but if someone feels absolutely compelled to create new ones, go for it. In the least, should someone really want to create new images, we can vote between the current and the proposed images.
As for the project page: Second District looks good to me. Is that the format everyone agreed upon?
Overall, nice job on picking/continuing this project, you two. This is a really big project, but you guys have stayed on top of it. Nice work. ^_^
Xion4ever Never forget... — 04:15, 31 May 2014 (UTC)
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 07:50 PM Mon, June 23, 2014 MDT
I mentioned this on the Home Project forum, but I thought it belonged here anyways. I feel that help pages and introduction-related pages/links belong on the First District. That way, much like Sora, new users start in the First District on their adventure on the wiki. So perhaps it'd be best to sort things out like this.
Portal for Mainspace content? (need some help, what is this supposed to be?)
First District: New Editors and editing
Accessory Shop: About, Copyrights, basically the introductions from the KHWiki-space, anything that could prove useful to new editors. Perhaps Manual of Style, wiki policies, if it's not too crowded.
Item Shop: Command Board/Helping Out sections from the Main Page
Moogle Workshop: Userpage Help
Mailbox: Trinity Archives and Current Happenings from the Main Page
Post Office: Social Page, as FM has dubbed it
Second District: Community
Unchanged from FM's concept
Third District: Projects/Editing
Unchanged from FM's concept
Fourth District: Content and Wiki Navigation
Back Streets: Portal for Mainspace Content (if I guessed it right...)
Flick Rush Colosseum: Top content and categories
Fountain Plaza: Stubs and Wanted articles.
Medal Shop: Featured Article/Media/User. Other featured content?
Fifth District: Staff
Unchanged from FM's concept
What do you guys think?
TheFifteenthMemberYes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way.— TheFifteenthMember 20:02, 26 June 2014 (UTC)
The Command Board, stubs and wanted articles belong on the "Editing" district. Also, the Trinity Archives / Current Happenings belongs to the "Wiki Information" sections. It's important to keep these organised methodically. I don't see the great need to swap the First and Fourth Districts around but I have no real argument against it either.
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 09:53 AM Tue, July 8, 2014 MDT
Now that the Main Page is finished, this project can start in full speed. If I understood you correctly, FM, then from my idea, we should move the Stubs/Articles and Command Board/Helping Out to the Third District and the Trinity Archives to the Fourth District. In that case, we can split the Accessory Shop and move the Manual of Style/Policies to another place in the First District. So how is this:
First District: New Editors and Help
Accessory Shop: About, Copyrights, basically the introductions from the KHWiki-space, anything that could prove useful to new editors.
Fountain: Flyers for other improvements like stubs and needed images (Replace with Stubs/Wanted Articles?)
Secret Waterway: Command Board/Helping Out
Fourth District: Content and Wiki Navigation
Back Streets: Portal for Mainspace Content (if I guessed it right...)
Flick Rush Colosseum: Top content and categories
Fountain Plaza: Trinity Archives
Medal Shop: Featured Article/Media/User. Other featured content?
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 11:13 PM Tue, July 8, 2014 MDT
I've created all I can do with Traverse Town. Tell me what you think. I really need help figuring out what exactly the portal to Mainspace content is, though...and maybe the staff page on the Fifth District.
TheFifteenthMemberMyes, but THEY didn't know that! We have to consider THEM! And yet we must also be mysterious, myes, myes...— TheFifteenthMember 17:35, 9 July 2014 (UTC)
The structure is fine. Here's lots of nitpicks for your draft:
First District
Accessory Shop is Wiki information so it belongs on the Fourth District with the other information centres.
The Accessory Shop can be replaced with the "Chain of Reward".
Third District
Secret Waterway should be removed. It is redundant to the Fountain.
Fourth District
Back Streets should have the info currently on the Accessory Shop. The mainspace info is on the Colosseum.
Mind if I edit your userspace to tweak some stuff?
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 12:25 PM Wed, July 9, 2014 MDT
Sure go ahead.
KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users! TALK - - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 06:36 PM Wed, July 9, 2014 MDT
Ok, I've moved everything around, and added the Exit, but only to find there really weren't things to change there. Anything you guys want to add? Also, what else needs to be changed? Or are we good to release Traverse Town?
TheFifteenthMember I hope it's slow and painful; the elation I get from such kills is unmatched by anything, yeeeess... Just thinking about it makes me... oohhh...— TheFifteenthMember 00:42, 10 July 2014 (UTC)
Well, we can't release without the hub images! :P
Anyway, I'll look over the drafts and correct a few things tomorrow. *Goes to continue Clannad*