In the least, Pure and Artificial Heartless should be seperated.--Dreyfus 21:25, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
End of the World
End of the World is not an actual heartless. Also I read that Tetsuya Nomura, in a interview, called it "The nobody of worlds"--Painocus
- Just forget it; the 'see also' was fused with the heartless list--Painocus
Kingdom Hearts
Heartless, as they seek and consume hearts, also desire to return to the greatest heart, the heart of all worlds, Kingdom Hearts, that resides deep within the realm of darkness. And because of this, immense darkness, enough to completely consume the realm of light. 00:00, 15 August 2007 (UTC)~we really need to do something with this sentence.. It doesn't make sense...
Heartless Song
I hate you you hate me, Lets get together and steal that key. With great bigs eyes and, a heart with me and you. Wont you say you die for me?
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After checking the history, I think there are three IPs/accounts that added chernabog, ice titan, and clock tower to the heartless. I wouldn't say any of them look like heartless, and the chances of 3 different people adding the same thing isn't that high.... Is it the same person? XienZo 17:30, 27 April 2008 (UTC)
- My IP adress is always changing so...... It's possible -Azul 17:38, 27 April 2008 (UTC)
Quick Edit?
He's not an emblem heartless, he was turned into a heartless, he wasn't made by machine. Myself 123 22:48, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Org. XIII Mushrooms
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Ansem's STILL not an emblem heartless!
He only wears a emblem because he made it, if that makes him a haertless, how come Hollow Bastion isn't? It has an emblem. Myself 123 19:31, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
- Please see your talk page. It is made quite, quite evident throughout the game and reports that Ansem is indeed, an Emblem Heartless.
- If by "he made it", you mean "he created the machine that puts it on Emblem Heartless", then yes. As for Hollow Bastion - who says it isn't a Heartless world? It became "Hollow" didn't it? End of the World is a Heartless World, isn't it? Though, to be clear, Hollow Bastion has the design as window framing - but does not actually have a solid emblem on it.Not even Mr. Lister's Koromon survived intact. 19:46, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
Emblem heartless????????????????????/
Um hi there, relativly new at this but ok .....
ANY WAY! so i was just replaying kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and i realised...
When Sora arrives in the 2nd district of traverse town for the 1st time a man dies and turns into a soldier which is a EMBLEM heartless.
ALSO when u go to the palace in land of dragons, a couple of the chinese soldier people like die as well and tunr into night walkers which are EMBLEM heartless
now is it me or is kingdom hearts contradicting itself there??
I mean i thought people turned into pureblood heartless like shadows and the such...
Can some one shed some light here?
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Not necessarily true. Sora had been carrying Kairi's heart inside his own; he used the Dark Keyblade, whose power was to unlock people's hearts, to release Kairi's heart, thereby sacrificing himself. Sora even said later in the game that he remembered "falling into the darkness." Both Pureblood and Emblem Heartless can consume hearts to let their numbers multiply; the reason that the Emblem Heartless appear more often than the Purebloods is something you'll have to figure out on your own. And as for the soldiers that turned into Heartless in Land of the Dragons: you have to remember that Shan-Yu, while connected to the darkness, still had a sense of mind and could strategize, like the Nobodies. It may be that he was mobilizing an ambush by ordering the Heartless to disguise themselves as soldiers, like double agents in espionage and warfare. Keyblader 20:05, 4 May 2009 (UTC)