You should also join the conversation over on the Keyhole! |
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Three weeks ago, in the beginning of June, the annual Electronics Entertainment Exposition (more commonly known as E3) was held in California. The future title Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX was present, surrounded by many announcements and lots of information about the long-awaited release. The information was pouring out even before the expo had begun! On June 5, Square Enix released a new trailer (which can be viewed below) for the game, along with an official release date for the HD remaster. A North American release of December 2, 2014 was announced, alongside a European release of December 5, 2014. An official soundtrack for the game was also revealed that same day. A Japanese release date of early October was given for the soundtrack, later specified as October 2, 2014. Though the trailer was the highlight of Kingdom Hearts' presence at E3, the merchandise announcements were plentiful the following day. A Wayfinder pendant, a memorial Ultimania for the entire series, new Play Arts Figures, and a soundtrack for the first remaster, Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX were all announced. Several bundles were announced for the Japanese release of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, in which the game will be available with the Ultimania, with Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, with the soundtracks, and with several other combinations. Our E3 news doesn't end there! On June 10, 2014, E3 2014 began, unveiling playable demos of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix at the Square Enix booth. The Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix demo included Beast's Castle, while the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix demo teased Enchanted Dominion as viewed through Terra's story, Castle of Dreams as viewed through Ventus's story, and Radiant Garden as viewed through Aqua's story. Later that same day, at 3:30 PDT, Tai Yasue, Co-Director of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, held an interview as part of a series of panels named Square Enix Presents. In this interview, Mr. Yasue confirmed that the game was nearing completion and, despite it being a long-hoped-for addition to Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, there would be no multiplayer capabilities as part of the remaster. He also stated that the cutscenes for Kingdom Hearts Re:coded had been extended to three hours, and two of those hours would be completely new. Finally, Tai Yasue stated that they were considering releasing both Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX onto next-generation platforms, though nothing was confirmed. Still, this is a welcome sign of hope for those hoping to see the older games on PlayStation 4 or XBOX One one day! The series' presence at E3 gave much reason to be excited for the next release! Be sure to keep an eye out for the next chapter of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX in December! | |
On June 5, Square Enix released a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX! Along with the new trailer came a thirty-second teaser for the next big title in the series, Kingdom Hearts III. The teaser starts by flashing several scenes from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, and then shares a conversation between two unknown characters. The conversation introduces the concept of Lost Masters. Later, during and after E3, Square Enix confirmed through several people that the teaser would be a central part to the plot of Kingdom Hearts III. So, who are the Lost Masters? And who are these two people? All is expected to be answered when the final battle comes to us in Kingdom Hearts III. Be sure to stay tuned for all the latest news regarding the final episode of the Dark Seeker saga! | |
New renders for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX were released on June 20. The renders are higher-definition images of previous renders created for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, and include updated views of Kairi, Mickey Mouse, Naminé, Roxas, and the Lingering Will. In addition, full new renders were released for Sora, Donald, and Goofy, sharing previously unseen poses for the three beloved characters. Check them out below! |
![]() by FinalRest | ||
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The biggest news for the last quarter is the revival of the Underdrome! Custodian Chainoffire is hard at work orchestrating the heated battles, and this year we're hoping to go bigger and better! For more information on the Underdrome, be sure to take a look at The Coliseum, which can be found on page 6!
Hard working editor EternalNothingnessXII has returned! He's been welcomed back into the folds of our staff with open arms, which means that he is now available for constant pestering! Go on, annoy him! The staff icon gives you permission to! Go for it! We're also lucky enough to welcome two new affiliates to the Keyhole family! Please give a warm welcome to news sites and! Make sure you take a look at both sites and thank them for helping keep the Kingdom Hearts fans up to date! | ||
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prevention, and the Welcomeip template is still a retired template which should not be used.
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We've had a steady influx of users the last couple of months, so make sure you head over to the user creation log to check everyone out and give them a warm Keyhole welcome! All our new users are welcome to our wiki family, and here just a few of our newbies that we'd like to shine the spotlight on.
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Each month the Keyhole hosts a tea party for all users to get together and discuss wiki related issues. Below are important policies we have decided upon in our latest tea party forums.
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Perhaps the most important piece of news is that our chief editor KrytenKoro is leaving the Wiki. We will miss him deeply, for the KHWiki wouldn't be the database it is if it weren't for him. In happier news, the KHWiki has formed affiliations with Kingdom Hearts Answers, sevengamer, and Hardyt3kyoyo's YouTube channel!
MegaProject: Arise, which intends to revive interest in the KHWiki and the Kingdom Hearts franchise, has been launched! There are several community projects that are included in this, such as:
Additionally, our manga project is up and running but there are still summary sections to be filled out and images to be uploaded! Make sure to take a look at the Flick Rush page (page 13) for more wiki tasks you can help out with! | ||
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With the increased activity from MegaProject: Arise, we were happy to see a gradual increase in users. We welcome all of them into our Wiki and hope to see them stick around! Here's a few newcomers that we'd like to mention:
We send warm greetings to all of you, including those who we did not have the space to mention! | ||
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Roundtables are meetings held on the #KHWiki-noticeboard IRC channel every 1st Friday of the month. Below are important policies we have decided upon at our latest roundtable meetings.
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![]() TheFifteenthMember |
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![]() Pea14733 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Head on over to the magazine talk page to let us know who you think should win! |
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![]() by MateusinhoEX Hello guys, I am MateusinhoEX, also known as MEX! On the first ever Keyblade Master article, I will be talking about some of the theories that surround the members of the Real Organization XIII and the Seven Guardians of Light. First, let's have a little the history: in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, it was revealed that Organization XIII's true goal was to gather 13 nobodies, take them all to the artificially created Kingdom Hearts and then fill them up with the same heart: Xehanort's one. Why? Well, as we know, Master Xehanort is obsessed with his search for the X-Blade, which he hopes to use to open the door to Kingdom Hearts. In the old fairy tale of the Keyblade War, it was told that the X-Blade was divided into 20 parts: 7 of light and 13 of darkness. So, Xehanort wants to gather those parts again to form it. He first attempted to join together two beings, one with a heart of pure light and one of pure darkness (Ventus and Vanitas, remember?). Didn't work. Then, he used Maleficent to gather the Seven Princesses of Heart, but, thanks to Sora, things didn't go well for him again. His new plan was to divide his heart, one of pure darkness, into 13 vessels, to clash with 7 guardians of light. Thus, Organization XIII was created. However, not all members were strong enough to serve Xehanort's plan. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness – during a time frame we are still unsure of, since Young Xehanort states that he "saw Riku's experiences in Real Time", which indicates that it was sometime after he possessed Riku – casts away his body and is reduced to just a heart, allowing him to travel back in time and meet Young Xehanort, which, in turn, gives him the task to gather all of Xehanort's incarnations throughout time. This way, Master Xehanort formed the Real Organization XII, composed of 12 incarnations of himself, all with the same signature amber colored eyes. Sora was meant to be the 13th member. And here we enter the interesting part of the history. After the final battle between Riku and Young Xehanort in Where Nothing Gathers, Master Xehanort himself appears to talk to him and King Mickey, while the comatose Sora was sitting in one of the chairs. He explains all his plans, and that the clash between the 13 darkness and 7 lights shall forge the X-Blade. Mickey counts: “Seven Guardians of Light? Well, for Keyblade wielders there's me, Riku and Sora... and my three missing friends.. and..." – he thinks on Lea, who he already knows is a Keyblade Wielder – "oh no!” Master Xehanort replies, “Very perceptive little King. But Sora, and another on your list belongs to me now. That puts you three guardians" – Master Xehanort doesn't count Lea – "short". After this Lea appears, saves Sora, and Saix is revealed to be one of the Real Organization members. They clash, run out of time and each of the members goes back to their proper place in time. Riku saves Sora and becomes a Keyblade Master, Lea reveals he's a Keyblade Wielder and Riku takes Kairi to train. This is all we need to know to understand my theory. Now pay attention to the bold quotes. For Guardians of Light, Mickey counts himself, Riku, Sora, Ventus, Aqua, Terra and Lea, making 7. But Xehanort says one belongs to him, which we can think means this one belongs to the True Organization XIII. This one can only be Terra, who was already possessed by him. Thus, introducing Kairi as the 7th can be true. Now for the Organization: confirmed we have Master Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Xigbar and Saix as the characters we have seen with amber eyes for now. As per the previously cited facts, Terra-Xehanort can be another member. The same goes for Vanitas, who also has the amber eyes characteristic. Another member might be the other version of Xehanort shown in the Kingdom Hearts III portion of the E3 Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX trailer (the trailer can be viewed in our Ansem Reports, on page 3). That gives us 9 members and no more of the original Organization members can be part of this formation, since none of them feature the characteristic amber colored eyes. In summary we have...
So that's it guys. What do you think? Did you like my theory? Have a better one? Have ideas to compliment mine? Give your opinions over on the magazine talk page!!! |
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by TheFifteenthMember Let's begin!
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by Xion4ever Whether you are a Keyblade master or an aspiring apprentice, completing everything Kingdom Hearts II has to offer is no easy feat. Perhaps one of the more difficult achievements is successfully completing everything pertaining to the Gummi Ship- specifically, the Gummi Missions. In this issue, I will focus solely on the third mission of the first Gummi Route: Asteroid Sweep. Unlike the medal gathering or enemy high score requirements of the first two missions, the third mission is completely score based. In addition, this mission raises the levels of enemies and gives you free reign of the camera. The greatest challenge to this mission is being in charge of rotating the camera. Although moving the camera is rather simple thanks to File:B l1.gif and File:B r1.gif, not having the typical crutch of the camera on auto pilot takes getting used to. You're not truly alone, though, as you will receive a red alert beep hinting where you should position the camera. Your radar and laser/lock-on gummis are your best friend in this mission. Never take your finger off of File:B x.gif as it may just cost you the mission. There are plenty of enemy ships to be destroyed in order to rack up the points necessary for high scores. The goal and basic strategy of this mission is to slash-and-blast your way through as many enemies as possible, hoping to rack up enough points to earn an File:Model Falcon Peak.png Han might have had the Millennium Falcon, but you've got a Falcon of your own A red Spider will appear twice in this level. However, unlike before, the enemy will not appear by itself. Instead, the Spider will either: show up by itself then be followed by a giant swarm of enemies, or spawn in the middle of a group of enemies. This makes destroying both the Spider and other enemies very difficult. Instead of focusing your forces on the Spider, shift the camera around when needed and blast the smaller enemies. However, if you can, take out the Spider to receive a hefty amount of points. When both the Spider and massive waves of enemies are flooding you, keep shooting them down, simultaneously using barrel rolls to avoid their attacks. It is during these moments that you can potentially fail the mission, either by a game over or losing mission points due to taking damage. If your ship gets surrounded, unleash Full Auto and rotate constantly. This increases your chances of eliminating key enemies that trigger the red and gold enemy ships. This is a hard mission, even for stronger level ships. In order to get the higher rankings, you must use a higher leveled Gummi Ship with a hearty arsenal of weapon gummis. The use of Teeny Ships, while optional, could mean the difference of earning a rank. Another option is a custom Gummi Ship. While most would prefer a well rounded ship, an exception in this case will be rewarded. The bulk of your Gummi Ship should be a variety of projectile and lock-on gummis. With patience and a strong weapon-loaded Gummi Ship, you will eventually earn the set goal of one million points. |
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Another Guardian of Light is the secret ending for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance so this review is bound to contain spoilers. The nearly-four minute video effectively sets up for Kingdom Hearts III, so let's take a look. The video starts with a few cryptic scenes with Xehanort in his youth, followed by Aqua in the Dark Margin, and continues onto a conversation between Donald and Goofy before concluding with a meeting between King Mickey and Yen Sid. Before we continue, why not take a look at the full ending below? For me, the secret ending's main weakness is the fact that it consists entirely of dialogue. Although this helps build the tension for the revelation at the end, it makes Another Guardian of Light pale in comparison to the pizazz of previous secret endings, such as The Gathering. However, the ending slightly redeems itself by leading on a strong plot. While the Xehanort scene seems to be there purely to start fan discussions among the Kingdom Hearts theorists, the conversation between Donald and Goofy neatly ties a few loose ends with the mention of Lea's return to Radiant Garden. The "meat" of the ending is the counsel with Yen Sid and it delivers a satisfying introduction to the intriguing concepts of the "Seven Guardians of Light" and "Thirteen Darknesses" (you can find more on the Seven Gaurdians and Thirteen Darknesses on page 7). The climax of the scene is the revelation that Kairi could wield the Keyblade, a topic that many had theorised beforehand. Final Opinion: Another Guardian of Light doesn't live up to previous secret endings but it introduces intriguing story concepts and, at the very least, sets up for Kingdom Hearts III. | |
The Kingdom Hearts series has had time to experiment with many systems of gameplay throughout its seven, main instalments. This list shows my personal favourites.
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Interview conducted by FinalRest The youngest member of the Keyhole staff, Chainoffire has been active for three years, starting his editing career shortly before the beginning of the merge. FinalRest sat down with him to talk about the important things, such as Keyblades, editing and ice cream. FinalRest: So, you're the editor of this lovely publication, aren't you? How has the experience of creating our very first issue been? Chainoffire: The experience? It was kinda fun. I don't get the chance to be in charge of many important things like this. Excluding the Underdrome [the Keyhole's weekly arena], image projects, being an admin at the Keyhole... Okay, maybe I do get the chance to be in charge a bit, but this felt... different somehow. But I can't quite call myself "the editor" because the magazine is made up of many editors. Many who did more work than me. I look forward to our future issues! FR: You were also involved in the recording of our podcast! How was that? Cof: That was fun as well! Those three [Erry, UnknownChaser and Neumannz] are a great bunch to work with. Even when we had experienced some techy difficulties, it didn't stop us! FR: Technical difficulties? What happened? Cof: Well, Neumannz was having trouble with audacity, and his audio stopped recording half way through the podcast. Then some of us had trouble saving our work. But it's all good! FR: Ah, I suppose a few teething problems are expected. Glad it all worked out though! The podcast is over on page 9 and is a must see... or hear, if you prefer the audio version. Cof: A certain song by Journey comes to mind... but try your hardest and don't be afraid to make mistakes. If someone cuts you down, keep going anyways and show them that you can do it! Also, make friends and brown nose the higher-ups. FR: Great, guess what song is stuck in my head right now? Cof: If the final mixes were an option, it would definitely be Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, but since the closest would be Kingdom Hearts II, my vote goes towards that one. It introduced the organization and gave them really fun battles. Plus, it gave you Axel!! Some of my favorite non-ORGXIII battles are in that game too, so that's where my vote is going! FR: Speaking of new character additions, in the Kingdom Hearts fandom there's always room to dream about the surprise characters you'd like to see in future instalments of the series. So, if you could make absolutely any character, Disney/Enix or not, debut in Kingdom Hearts III, who would you choose and why? Cof: Ooo, good question. I've never had this question presented to me before, so I'm not really sure about my answer, haha. Hmmm... I would like to see Balthier in Kingdom Hearts. I loved him in Final Fantasy XII, but then he would have to have Fran with him too, so I am cheating a bit. Or maybe Sazh [from Final Fantasy XIII]. Either one would do! ![]() FR: Three choices? And Sazh would have to have Chocobo Chick, so that makes a grand total of four characters. Did you just cheat on the interview? Cof: *Chainoffire puts on sunglasses* FR: *Punches Chainoffire on the nose* Cof: *Rubs nose* FR: Now let's get to know a little bit more about you with a quick-fire round! Quick questions = quick answers. Are you ready? Cof: Haha, okay. FR: Favourite Kingdom Hearts character? Cof: Axel. Got it memorized? FR: You do anime reviews over on the Keyhole, so... favorite anime? Cof: Fate/Zero FR: Favourite thing to do on the wiki? Cof: FR: How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? Cof: *Punches FR in the nose* FR: *Rubs nose* Cof: Sweet Memories. Completely useless. FR: And, to close things off, let's ask the question all our readers are dying to hear: Cof: Ummm.... FR: Okay, right now I'm extremely jealous that we don't have that flavour in my country. Cof: WHAT!?!? SERIOUSLY!?! YOU ARE COMING TO AMERICA. JUST TO EAT ICE CREAM. FR: I think it'd be worth it! Cof: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! FR: So thanks for the interview, Chain! For more information on Chainoffire, visit his userpage or head to the wiki doctor's office, where he can be found nursing a bruised nose five days of the week. FinalRest can also be found on her userpage or in America, where she has recently moved in search of the allusive "cookie dough ice-cream". Last we heard, she was in Alaska. She has not been seen for three weeks. We are all very concerned. |
![]() Art compiled by Chainoffire
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![]() by KeybladeSpyMaster |
![]() by James SunRhodes |
by Steven Centeno | |
To request an image, please contact Chainoffire |
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![]() A mysterious curse has been wrought upon the world of Kingdom Hearts! All the wicked foes that stand in the way of our favorite protagonists have been gifted with the power of invisibility! Thankfully, our quick wiki editors who are skilled in the ways of magic - as all good editors are - have managed to capture some monsters, but they need your help identifying what type of beast they have found, so their un-invisiblity spells work correctly. Help us out! Do you know who this beast is? ![]() Hover here for the answer! This issue's beast was captured by KeybladeSpyMaster. |
![]() You first heard me in a trailer Though I was later removed- sent to the abyss Now I am hidden- a part of a layer Don't submit or dismiss, for I still exist Listen closely and you shall hear of the unknown's fate Fate of the Unknown Submitted by Xion4ever Formed in flame but does not burn Cannot strike but it can hurt Opposes valor and turns time to speed Tell me, what is it of which I speak? Wisdom Form Submitted by FinalRest A power of many varieties. Sometimes attacking and destroying. Sometimes defending and protecting Aero Submitted by TheFifteenthMember I am the original Grandstander And quite the master, at that I jump around from town to town Do not expect to easily find me Rare Truffle Submitted by Xion4ever Two sides of a deck Clones? Duplicates? Or is that not the same? Finding what is lost... Can you guess this game? Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Submitted by FinalRest | ||
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Click here for a printable version! ([{{{gridcrosswordprintanswers}}} and printable answers]) Submitted by MateusinhoEX |
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What happens with some series is that it starts to decline after a certain story line has finished. I hope this doesn't happen with Kingdom Hearts. But knowing Tetsuya Nomura, I think that we won’t be disappointed. I choose to remain optimistic and wish for the best. I mean, we'll still have Sora as our protagonist, we just won't have Xehanort. I wonder who the next enemy will be...
Because we can!
Chainoffire: 42. And bacon. And hakuna matata. Also, <xemnas voice> KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!!! </xemnas voice>
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![]() Have you completed one or more of the tasks above? Do you feel like you deserve a shiny medal? Well, send a notice of your achievement to and you'll get one to put on your user page! Plus your name will be featured in our next issue in the box below! What are you waiting for? Get to work! Be sure to make "Magazine" your subject title or else your email may be overlooked. It is required that you have an account on either the KHWiki or the Keyhole to have your name featured. Your account name must be included in the email. Contributions will be checked to ensure that wiki related tasks have been completed correctly. |
![]() <polldaddy pollid="8134013"/> Question submitted by Chainoffire |