This article is about the chapter from the Kingdom Hearts manga.
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« Kingdom Hearts Vol. 1 Episode 13 »
Publisher Tokyopop
First published 2005
Cover date 2005
Written by Shiro Amano
Letters by Adriana Rivera
Edits by Alexis Kirsch
Continuity Manga continuity
Chronology Kingdom Hearts


The group continues their battle against the Trickmaster. At the start, Sora struggles to control the newfound Blizzard magic. Donald tells Sora to concentrate, instructing him to accumlate power at the tip of the Keyblade, then to imagine the enemy freezing. Sora does so, completely covering the Heartless in ice. The Heartless breaks into pieces, then eventually disappearing with the release of a heart.

The "racket" caused from the battle awakens the Doorknob. It is while he is yawning that the group sees the Keyhole within him light up. The Keyblade acts on its own, sealing the Keyhole. A Gummi block falls out of the Keyhole, one unfamiliar to Donald and Goofy. The Cheshire Cat reappears, congratulating Sora on his success. Before he vanishes, he tells the group that Alice has been taken by the shadows into the darkness...

The scene transitions to Captain Hook, Ursula, and Jafar sitting at a table in a darkened room. They discuss the Cheshire Cat's actions, eventually moving on to Sora. Claiming his discovery of the Keyhole a problem, they mention of his immediate removal. Maleficent then enters, claiming there is no rush, as it will take the boy too long to find the others. She closes, saying all the pieces are falling into their favor, revealing a shocked Alice.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Entelechies Heartless

Covers (2)

  • Front cover: Chip and Dale atop of Sora's head.
  • Back cover: A Soldier Heartless, arms crossed.


Continuity errors

  • None yet identified.

Artistic errors

  • None yet identified.

Items of note

Dubbing changes

Kingdom Hearts references

Real-world references

Miscellaneous trivia


"Episode 13: Keyhole" is only available within the manga collection.