This page contains a list of quotes said by Xaldin during the course of Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "Just go about your mission. Nothing else need concern you."
— talking about Roxas's first mission. - "This place is refreshingly quiet with Demyx gone."
— during a conversation when Demyx has left. - "... Then what in blazes did happen?"
— during a conversation with Demyx. - "Hmph... Off with you."
— while talking to Roxas. - "Wasting two members on a single mission... Amateurs."
— before Xion and Roxas leaves for their mission. - "Hmph. Finally able to hack it on your own?"
— when Roxas begins his first solo mission. - "If it's instruction you seek, perhaps another time."
— during Day 100. - "Are you training? Daily effort is the only path to strength."
— while conversing with Luxord and Xigbar. - "Hmph, still as dark and empty as ever. It's practically a cave. A fitting home for a beast."
— when he and Roxas first arrive in Beast's Castle. - "You've seen him haven't you? Every inch a monster."
— talking about Beast. - "The data we've collected suggests he was human, originally. The exact sequence of events is unclear, but it was a spell that forced him to live as that... thing."
— explaining about Beast. - "Really? Just when I thought this castle was all freaks and furniture... Then she must be Belle."
— when finding Belle. - "Precisely, Roxas. That is no ordinary rose. To him, at least, it seems to hold more value than anything else in the castle. You saw the room. It was in tatters--save one corner."
— talking about Beast's rose. - "Enough speculation. We have what we need. It's past time we returned."
— before leaving Beasts Castle. - "It seems an Organization imposter has surfaced--one who wears our coat."
— talking about an imposter within the Organization. - "Hmph... Weaklings. Come, Roxas. We'll end them here."
— when the Gigas Shadow and Shadows appears. - "Yes. It seems if he doesn't complete some task in the rose's lifetime, he stays a beast."
— explaining the rose. - "I'd only waste my time attempting to explain it to you. Come along. We must return."
— before leaving Beast's Castle the second time. - "They think the power of love will save them? That's the stuff of poetry, not practicality."
— talking about the concept of love to Roxas. - "Hah, preposterous. What would drive her to choose her own demise?"
— talking about how Xion has left. - "Perhaps you'd care to enlighten us about this "pet project."
— talking about the Replica Program. - "Hmph... Things have taken a vexing turn of late."
— his final words in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "It's time you dealt with Belle. She's scheming to take everything you have. This castle, your precious rose. And then---your life. Trust no one. Feed your anger! Only anger will keep you strong."
— talking to Beast. - "What? To love, and be loved in return? Who could ever love a beast?"
— talking to Beast. - "Farewell."
— before leaving Beast's Castle. - "A welcome indeed."
— when appearing in Beast's Castle in the second visit. - "You don't know when to quit."
— while conversing with Sora and company. - "Yes. Let your anger grow..."
—before leaving Sora to battle the Dragoons. - "So, Beast... you came after all."
— during conversation with Sora and company. - "When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely. So you see, Beast---that's why we need your Heartless AND your Nobody!"
— talking about his plans. - "With pleasure. But I'd rather travel light. What shall I leave behind? Belle? Or the rose?"
— when trying to leave with either the rose or Belle.
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "This will cost you."
— using his Limit Break. - "No holds barred."
— using his Final Limit.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Where's the fun in this?"
— start of the battle. - "Winds!"
— while strafing. - "Wind, guard me!"
— bringing up his wind shield. - "Take this!"
— attacking. - "Enough!"
— attacking. - "Come on!"
— firing wind projectile. - "What...?!"
— when stunned. - "Sora!"
— attacking, jumping onto his lances. - "You will wear the face of despair!"
— during his desperation move. - "Is this the end?"
— upon defeat.