Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Riku during the course of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts coded.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Terra's Story
- "Giving up already? Come on, Sora."
— talking to Sora. - "Hey. Did you come from the outside world?"
— talking to Terra. - "To protect the things that matter. You know, like my friends."
— talking to Terra about wanting to protect his friends. - "I really can't. I've gotta keep it a secret."
— talking to Sora about his secret.
Aqua's Story
- "Too slow, Sora! See ya at the finish line!"
— upon Aqua seeing him.
Where the Heart Goes
- "Somebody up there must be sad."
— while Sora sheds a tear. - "They say every world is connected by one great big sky. So maybe there's somebody up there in all those worlds who's really hurting, and they're waiting for you to help them."
— talking to Sora about the worlds being connected. - "Hmm... Maybe they just need you to open your heart and listen."
— after giving Sora advice.
Kingdom Hearts
- "Giving up already? Come on, Sora. I thought you were stronger than that."
- to Sora. - "So, I guess I’m the only one working on the raft."
— talking about making the raft. - "Well, I haven’t really thought about it. It’s just... I’ve always wondered why we’re here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?"
— talking about why they are here. - "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what. C’mon, I know you want to try it."
— talking about the Paopu Fruit. - "Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi."
— before the race with Sora. - "Kairi’s coming with us! Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There’s no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can’t let fear stop us! I’m not afraid of the darkness!"
— before he is engulfed in darkness. - "Isn’t she with you? Well, don’t worry. I’m sure she made it off the island, too. We’re finally free. Hey, she might even be looking for us now."
— talking to Sora and company in Traverse Town. - "So, this is called a Keyblade?"
— holding Sora's Keyblade. - "Why are you doing all this for me? What’s the catch?"
— talking to Maleficent. - "All right. Suppose there really is a monster... Think we can beat it by ourselves, Sora?"
— talking to Sora in Monstro. - "You up for this?"
— before he, Sora and company fight Parasite Cage. - "Are they that important to you? More important than old friends? Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking...about her."
— talking to Sora in Neverland. - "Let’s get under way, already. And keep Sora away from Kairi until we’re ready to land."
— ordering Captain Hook. - "When we grow up, let’s get off this island. We’ll go on real adventures, not this kid stuff!"
— during Sora's flashback. - "No vessel, no help from the Heartless... So tell me, how’d you get here?"
— talking to Beast. - "Maleficent was right. You don’t have what it takes to save Kairi. It’s up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door...and change the world."
— upon him gaining the keyblade. - "Really... Well, we’ll just see about that!"
— before he tries to hit Sora in Hollow Bastion. - "Your heart? What good will that weak little thing do for you?"
— before fighting Sora. - "What? You’re saying my heart’s weaker than his?"
— talking to Xehanort's Heartless. - "You’ve got to run! The Heartless are coming!"
— talking to Kairi, Donald and Goofy about running away. - "Come on, Sora! Together, we can do it!"
— trying to close the Door to Darkness. - "Take care of her."
— before closing the door.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- "Urgh...Where...where am I..."
— upon starting. - "This is Maleficent's castle! How'd I end up HERE? Someone must have brought me here while I was sleeping. But who?"
— upon arriving in Hollow Bastion. - "Of all the people I could run into, it had to be you..."
— talking to Maleficent. - "That's fine with me. I turned to darkness because my heart was weak. I hate that weakness. It's like I'm my own enemy. And seeing people like you embrace the darkness just makes it worse! Enough talk, Maleficent."
— before battling Dragon Maleficent. - "You always were chatty when it came to darkness. So let me guess... You want to pull me back into the darkness and play puppet master again... right?"
— talking to Xehanort's Heartless. - "That voice...! Your Majesty, is that you?!"
— upon Mickey appearing before him. - "Something...tastes kind of funny... What is it? It's so familiar... Darkness. The taste of darkness. What's happened to me... The darkness even seeps into my senses."
— sensing darkness. - "You' illusion? My hand passes right through you."
— before Mickey disappears. - "Maybe we do... But so what! Is that an invitation to join your club? Yeah, there's darkness inside me, just like you said. But darkness is my enemy! And you are, too, for making everything around here reek of it!"
— before battling Vexen. - "What the... What are you supposed to be?"
— upon meeting Riku Replica. - "Are you calling me a coward?"
— before battling Riku Replica. - "Oh, I get it. You think I'll stop fighting the darkness just to prove I'm not afraid of it. Nice try. But I'm gonna keep fighting."
— before Xehanort's Heartless gives him more cards. - "That scent... You're another "nobody.""
— upon meeting Lexeaus. - "Huff...huff... What's wrong...Lexaeus... Is that all...darkness can do?"
— after battling Lexeaus. - "Unnh... The king... protected me? Your Majesty, where are you? Please answer! You're with me...aren't you..."
— after Mickey saves him from Xehanort's Heartless. - "I never thought I'd miss the island winds so much... Funny — there was a time I couldn't wait to get off this rock. And now I'm acting all relieved. Is that...?"
— upon arriving in Destiny Islands. - "That's a lie! I remember everyone from the islands! Tidus and Selphie and Wakka...Kairi and Sora, too! They're They're my friends..."
— talking to Zexion. - "Ha ha, this time you're real. No illusions. I'm so glad you came!"
— talking to Mickey. - "Where am I now? I don't remember this place. Your Majesty, do you know where we are? Your Majesty?"
— arriving in Twilight Town. - "It'll go somewhere. Probably the same place my heart will go."
— before Riku Replica vanishes. - "Hey! It's Sora! What did you do to him?"
— talking to Namine about Sora. - "I knew as soon as I met you. Somehow you...smell the same. Look after Sora."
— before leaving Twilight Town. - "Boy, you really like pushing decisions on other people."
— talking to DiZ. - "Oh, I do. I used all the power you had to give and still lost to Sora. I'm not impressed."
— before battling Xehanort's Heartless. - "I don't know if I can. It's still there. His's faint, but not gone. I can't go home until it is. His darkness may still have a hold on me..."
— talking to Mickey at Castle Oblivion entrance. - "No...The road to dawn."
— during Reverse/Rebirth ending.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "You made me a promise."
— talking to Naminé. - "You can't get the memories back out."
— talking about Sora's memories. - "Riku. Sora's friend."
— introducing himself to Xion. - "To Sora, she's someone very special."
— talking to Xion about Kairi. - "When his memories were scattered, some of them found their way inside you. Now, Sora has been put to sleep so that we can piece together his memory. Except..."
— talking to Xion about Sora's memories. - "Well, the answer you come up with can't just be right for you. It has to be one that works best for everybody, you and your friends and everyone else."
— before leaving Xion. - "Go to Twilight Town. You'll find a girl there by the name of Naminé."
— talking to Xion about going to Naminé. - "You don't have to worry. I'm getting the hang of keeping the darkness under control."
— talking to Mickey about his darkness. - "I have to face one of the Organization's members soon. I might not survive the fight. And if I do, it might only be because I gave in to the darkness. That means you're the only one who will be there for Sora, Donald, and Goofy--the only one who can guide them when they awaken."
— wanting to give a promise to Mickey. - "Because I want back the rest of Sora's memories."
— talking to Roxas. - "If you try and make contact with Kingdom Hearts, the last thing you'll get is your life back. The Organization will destroy you."
— before fighting Roxas. - "So it's true. You really are his Nobody. Guess DiZ was right after all."
— after Roxas' sudden outburst. - "The dark power that I've been holding back. Even...if it changes me forever."
— before releasing his darkness and fighting Roxas once more.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Have you forgotten? I'll tell you why. 'Cause I'm not a total sap like you."
— talking to Sora. - "We must defeat Xemnas. He's the Organization's last survivor."
— talking about defeating Xemnas. - "It's because of who's lurking inside it."
— talking to Xemnas. - "Sora, answer me!"
— after Sora fights Xemnas. - "Once we go through, there's no turning back. It's victory...or oblivion. So, Sora...are you ready? Do you remember before? We stood facing each other on opposite sides of that door. Now we stand side-by-side. Let's go home together this time."
— after the door appears. - "I had given in to the darkness."
— after Xemnas vanishes. - "Don't worry. You're all still you."
— after Roxas goes into Sora. - "You're right, light and darkness are eternal. Nothing probably goes on forever, too. But guess what, Xemnas?"
— during the final battle with Xemnas. - "I wouldn't be too sure of that."
— upon Xemnas' defeat. - "You know... I always figured I was better at stuff than you."
— while he and Sora walks in nothingness. - "This world is perfect for me. If this is what the world really is...just this, then maybe I should fade back into darkness."
— arriving in Dark Margin. - "If the world is made of light and darkness... We'll be the darkness."
— to Sora at the Dark Margin. - "What I said back there...about thinking I was better at stuff than you... To tell you the truth, Sora... I was jealous of you."
— talking to Sora about being jealous of him. - "Sora? I think it's for you."
— before giving Sora Kairi's message. - "Yeah. It's always closer than you think."
— during the ending.
Kingdom Hearts coded
- "I am like the Sora that stands with you. Strictly speaking, I am data in the form of Riku."
— upon meeting Sora. - "But, because of these bugs, I could not complete the restoration. Out of all available memories, I was selected to be a vessel to hold them all together."
— talking about himself. - "It's no use. The path connecting the data to reality has been taken away."
— while typing. - "You must be at Olympus Colosseum... There should be corruption in that world, too. First, look for the keyhole."
— talking to Sora in Olympus Coliseum. - "Because I wanted you to grow a little. "We must return to free them from their torment." To solve the mystery behind those words, this world needed a keyblade, and a wielder with power."
— talking about the message. - "The worlds... I won't let you have them!"
— talking to Maleficent. - "Sora! Don't come any closer! Argh...!"
— upon him being transformed. - "Ugh... Defeat..."
— before Sora battles him. - "To be precise, I'm the last of my consciousness, partitioned off from the rest of my data. It looks like the bugs inside me stole your power away from you. The bugs have already infiltrated this part of me. Take this and get out of here right away."
— talking about himself. - "You should take care of your power, first. Leave the source of the bugs until you finish getting it back. The bugs are corrupting everything. Take care of yourself."
— before Sora goes through the worlds in his memories. - "Sora! Thank you. I'll see you on the other side."
— before Sora leaves his data. - "As promised, the path to the real world has opened. You can go home to the real world, Mickey."
— talking to Mickey about going back to the real world. - "Can everybody hear me? It looks like you made it home safely."
— upon Mickey and the others have come back from the real world. - "Right. Everything you recorded during the first journey is back. Everything else... will be reset. That means, everything we did to fight off the bugs... The memories that Sora and I made in this world of data... All of that will be erased."
— talking about all the data. - "Yeah. I figured out the truth behind the bugs. This thing is the shadow of your existence... Sora, this is your Heartless."
— talking about Sora's Heartless. - "No, they were devoured by this thing! This monster drew all the Heartless you defeated into Darkness. It devoured the Darkness data and it's trying to change itself into something new. Just like you did, getting stronger as you made your way on this journey."
— before Sora faces his Heartless. - "I'm counting on you, Sora."
— before disappearing before Sora.
Note: Those are the quotes translated from the original Japan only game. For the English script, go to Quotes:Data-Riku.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
- ""Am I in...Traverse Town? My clothes have changed. Sora, where are you?
— when Riku arrives in the Third District. - "Kn-knight? You've got the wrong idea."
— reaction from Shiki's "flirting". - "Ask your heart, Quasimodo."
— after meeting Quasimodo. - "Wish I could take my own advice..."
— while leaving the Cathedral, after talking to Quasimodo. - "Sora, don't chase the dreams. They'll lead you nowhere, just to an abyss you'll never be able to wake up from."
— when trying to awake Sora in The World That Never Was - "Ansem. Or...Xehanort. You used to be a Keyblade wielder. But darkness stole your heart, and the Keyblade with it. Don't you see? That's half the reason I'm even on this journey. After allowing darkness into my heart, am I still fit to wield the Keyblade?"
— explaining to Ansem why he decide to take the Mark of Mastery exam. - "You know...when I look at you...there's this memory that flashes back. A secret I said I'd keep when I was little. The main reason I kept dreaming about the outside world...was 'cause of him."
— explaining to Ansem why he dreamed about leaving the islands. - "Consume the darkness, return it to light."
— When asked by Ansem if he knows the way to save Sora. - "Ansem! You're part of my heart now. Part of the light!"
— Before the second battle with Ansem. - "Strength, to protect what matters."
— After defeating Ansem.
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts
- "Don't tell me you're giving up already!"
— taunting. - "Heh, you still don't got it..."
— taunting. - "What are you afraid of?"
— taunting. - "Come on!"
— after flipping back to his feet. - "My turn!"
— after he uses his counter move. - "Don't give up."
— jumping up to the upper platform in the first Parasite Cage battle. - "Stay with it."
— while on the upper platform in the first Parasite Cage battle. - "Sora."
— randomly during the second battle. - "It's not over, not yet..."
— upon defeat. - "Come."
— taunting. - "Foolish boy."
— when countering magic with Dark Firaga. - "Here it comes!"
— when using quick jumping 180 degree downward slash - "Heal this!"
— when using 2-handed downward ground stab. - "Is that it?"
— when you avoid 2-handed downward ground stab - "You give up yet?"
— if you get hit by 2-handed downward ground stab. - "Show me your power!"
— when taking defensive stance. - "Well, what now?"
— when taking defensive stance. - "Okay."
— after defensive stance if not attacked. - "You're nothing."
— when attacked in defensive stance. - "Useless."
— when attacked in defensive stance. - "Now witness true power!"
— while powering up. - "Welcome oblivion!"
— while powering up. - "Behold the power of darkness!"
— when using Dark Aura. - "Open your heart to darkness!"
— when using Dark Aura. - "Surrender!"
— last hit of Dark Aura. - "It's over!"
— last hit of Dark Aura. - "My skills have failed me."
— upon defeat.
Action Quotes
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Sora!"
— when healing Sora. - "Donald!"
— when healing Donald. - "Goofy!"
— when healing Goofy. - "That's it!"
— when healing himself. - "Thanks!"
— when healed. - "Is that all you got?"
— when switched into party and using Eternal Session. - "Out of my way!"
— when using Eternal Session. - "You're gonna lose it all!"
— when using Eternal Session. - "Time's up!"
— when finishing Eternal Session. - "Sorry..."
— when knocked out. - "Kairi..."
— when knocked out. - "I'll take 'em."
— when revived or using Eternal Session.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
- "You're done!"
- "Goodbye!"
- "Heal!"
- "Yeah!"
- "Drift!"
- "Fire!"
- "No way!"
- "Teamwork!"
- "Sorry!"