Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts Re:coded/Traverse Town

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Traverse Town

Item Amount Obtained Item Amount Obtained
WPotion.pngPotion 1 First District (old lady) WPuppies.pngDalmatians 4, 5, 6 1 Alleyway
WPuppies.pngDalmatians 7, 8, 9 1 Item Workshop WPuppies.pngDalmatians 10, 11, 12 1 Secret Waterway
WItem.pngEarthshine 1 Secret Waterway (Leon) WItem.pngOld Book 1 Accessory Shop (Cid)
WItem.pngMythril Shard 2 Accessory Shop, 2nd District WItem.pngPostcard 10 1st District, 2nd District, 3rd District, Item Shop
Item Workshop, Gizmo Shop, Geppetto's House
WItem.pngPretty Stone 2 Red Room, Alleyway WItem.pngDefense Up 1 1st District
WPotion.pngPotion 2 Alleyway WPotion.pngMega-Potion 1 2nd District
WPotion.pngElixir 1 Green Room WPotion.pngMega-Ether 1 Magician's Study (Blue Trinity)
WPotion.pngCamping Set 1 3rd District WGummi.pngWarp-G 1 Small House (Cid)
WGummi.pngNavi-G 1 Secret Waterway WGummi.pngComet-G 1 1st District (Cid)
WWeapon.pngWishing Star 1 Geppetto's House

After completing Destiny Islands, you are introduced to Traverse Town. During the initial cutscene, Data-Sora and Mickey celebrate their successful debug of Destiny Islands before deciding to scout the new area for bugs. Data-Sora then meets Cid, who expresses his worry about his missing triplets, Huey, Dewey and Louie. Data-Sora agrees to look for them and then the two part ways, giving you back control.

You'll find yourself in the First District, the centre of the town where most of the residents live. First of all, speak to all the NPCs, especially the old lady in the south-west corner, who will give you a Potion. Now it's time to clear the room of its treasure. Firstly, ascend the stairs beside Cid to get to the north-right corner of the map. Look at the wall immediately to your right to find a climbable ladder, leading to a Metal Blox. Jump from it to bounce on the Bounce Blox to reach the roof of the centre building. From there, face towards the southern section of the area and you'll notice another Bounce Blox, which lets you bounce to the Rare Prize Blox further south. Break it to obtain a Thunder. Afterwards, return to the roof of the centre building and then use the Bounce Blox to reach the roof of the wooden structure in the north-west corner. Break the Rare Prize Blox there to obtain a Blank Chip. Now that you found all the treasure in the area, take the northern door to continue onto the Second District.

At the moment, this area is mostly empty of any Heartless or Rare Prize Blox, although there are a few regular Prize Blox. Drop straight down into the main plaza area and go right to the end. Enter the corridor to the right to rescue Huey however you must first defeat the three Shadows that will attack you, giving you a Fire. A small cutscene will play, revealing that the triplets were separated and the other two were probably in the Alleyway. More Heartless interrupt so defeat them. After they're dispatched, Huey gives Sora a Mystery Piece before returning to Cid. Next, return to the area you found Huey to break the Rare Prize Blox, containing a Blank Chip, hidden amongst the pile of Metal Blox. Then, make your way to the Alleyway, accessed through the door besides the fountain, however be wary of the Heartless that now spawn.

The Alleyway is a thin lane with balconies and gutters. Staying on the ground, go down the path. Eventually, a voice will call out to you but ignore that for the time being and continue to the end. Go around the corner and climb up the ladder propped up against the wall. Jump along the floating Metal Blox to reach a Rare Prize Blox, containing a HP +2. Now focus on the voice. Make your way up to the balcony level by jumping onto supports or blocks and find Dewey in a balcony around the middle. Talk to him to initiate a cutscene, during which you will be rewarded a Thunder. Dewey realises he left something in the Second District so he runs off to retrieve it, beckoning Data-Sora to follow. After you regain control, listen to Dewey and follow him back into the Second District.

After a cutscene, you'll need to deal with another wave of Heartless, initiating another cutscene when they are defeated, where Data-Sora allows Dewey to continue to look for his missing item. When you're given back control, you are required to locate a backdoor for a System Sector.