Kingdom Hearts and Final Mix Gummy Ship

File:Model Kingdom.png Kingdom Model SYS. UP 0
Japanese キングダムモデル Romanji kindedamu moderu
Defense ★★★ (3) Speed ★☆☆ (1) Attack ★☆☆ (1)
Blocks 1x Cure-G, 2x Fire-G, 5x Protect-G , 12x Protect-G , 4x Protect-G , 6x Protect-G , 2x Protect-G , 2x Protect-G , 1x Aero-G ◄, 1x Aero-G ►, 1x Aerora-G ◄, 1x Aerora-G ►, 1x Thunder-G
How to get The default model; obtained at the beginning of the game
Notes This is small and compact with low firing power.
File:Model Hyperion.png Hyperion SYS. UP 2
Japanese ハイペリオン  Romanji haiperion
Defense ★★★ (3) Speed ★★★ (3) Attack ★★★ (3)
Blocks 1x Cure-G, 4x Fira-G, 2x Holy-G, 14x Protect-G , 24x Protect-G , 8x Protect-G , 8x Shell-G , 1x Drain-G ◄, 1x DrainG ►, 2x Ultima-G
How to get Defeat 5000 Heartless, learn all Summons, talk to Gepetto.
Notes This ship is fast but can only gather a couple items. It uses Ultima-G as its main attack.
File:Model Alexander (FM).png Alexander (Final Mix) SYS. UP 2
Japanese アレクサンダー  Romanji arekusanda
Defense ★★★ (3) Speed ★☆☆ (1) Attack ★★★ (3)
Blocks 1x Cure-G, 4x Fira-G, 32x Shell-G , 6x Shell-G , 20x Shell-G , 4x Shell-G , 62x Dispel-G , 34x Dispel-G , 16x Dispel-G , 6x Dispel-G , 6x Dispel-G , 6x Thunder-G, 2x Thundaga-G
How to get Found on Traverse Town-Wonderland, Traverse Town-Olympus Coliseum, Hollow Bastion-End of the World routes.
Notes The largest Gummi Ship consisting of 199 blocks. It is very defensive. There are only a handful, and due to its large HP and how close in proximity it is to the world, it is advised to slow down and fire lasers at them.
File:Model Omega A.png Omega SYS. UP 2
Japanese オメガ  Romanji omega
Defense ★★★ (3) Speed ★☆☆ (1) Attack ☆☆☆ (0)
Blocks 64x Protect-G , 24x Protect-G , 72x Protect-G 
How to get Found only in Hollow Bastion-End of the World route.
Notes This Gummi Ship has no Engine nor Cockpit, making it unflyable from the start. It also lack weapons.

Enemy Test

Katakana オメガ
Games Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Omega is a enemy Gummy Ship that only appears in the "Hollow Bastion-End of the World" Gummy Ship Route. They appear in swarms and will attack the gummy ship through either collision or firing 4 lasers. There are three varieties:

  • Type A will simply fly and will not chase you.
  • Type B will fire lasers and will track your position, attempting to crash into your ship.
  • Type C is colored black and red, has a higher HP, and will also fire lasers and track your position.

Simply stay out of their line of fire and avoid their collision.

FM Differences

There is no change.


  • Find a way to tab stuff...Found it...need to change tabs and have more tabs for Type A1, Type A2...and so on for Type C, exclusive to Omega...hmm...maybe I'm using the template wrong.
  • Not sure if I should do Stars or left both in there.
  • Shield = Armor
  • Speed is still Speed
  • Energy is Power...Not sure if that's is needed.
  • System level (Upgrade) is 0 for Kingdom because there isn't not sure about that either.
  • Finding a way to put in Japanese name? maybe.