Quotes:Ansem, Seeker of Darkness

This page contains a list of quotes said by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness during the course of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts

  • "I've come to see the door to this world."
    talking to Sora on Destiny Islands.
  • "This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness...soon to be completely eclipsed."
  • "You do not yet know what lies beyond the door."
    when Sora asks where he came from.
  • "There is so very much to learn. You understand so little."
    when Sora notes he's from another world.
  • "A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing."
    before disappearing.
  • "For that instant, it was. However, you can become stronger. You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you. Plunger deeper into the darkness, and your heart will grow even stronger."
    talking to Riku.
  • "It's really quite simple. Open yourself to the darkness. That is all. Let your heart, your being, become darkness itself."
    before he gives Riku power over darkness.
  • "Now, open your heart, surrender it to the darkness! Become darkness itself!"
    after plunging the Keyblade of People's Hearts into Maleficent.
  • "The Heartless were using Maleficent from the beginning. She failed to notice the darkness in her heart eating away at her. A fitting end for such a fool."
    talking about the Heartless and Maleficent.
  • "Don't you see yet? The princess's heart is responding. It has been there all along. Kairi's heart rests within you!"
    talking to Sora about Kairi's heart inside Sora.
  • "It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness."
    revealing his true identity.
  • "So, I shall release you now, Princess. Complete the Keyhole with your power. Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!"
    before he attacks Sora.
  • "So, you have awakened at last, Princess. The Keyhole is now complete. You have served your purpose. But now it's over."
    when showing himself to Kairi, Donald and Goofy.
  • "Take a look at this tiny place. To the heart seeking freedom this island is a prison surrounded by water. And so this boy sought to escape from his prison. He sought a way to cross over into other worlds. And he opened his heart to darkness."
    before turning into Ansem in Destiny Islands.
  • "Don't bother. Your voice can no longer reach him where he is. His heart belongs again to darkness. All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence."
    talking to Sora about the darkness.
  • "So, you have come this far and still you understand nothing. Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!"
    before battling Sora.
  • "Behold the endless abyss! Within lies the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts!"
    after being defeated the second time.
  • "Look his heart as you are able. You'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light! From those dark depths are all hearts born! Even yours."
    - showing Sora his Kingdom Hearts.
  • "Darkness conquers all worlds!"
    before showing the World of Chaos.
  • "It is futile. The Keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness. Kingdom Hearts! Fill me with the power of darkness..."
    after the World of Chaos has been defeated.
  • "Supreme darkness..."
    when Kingdom Hearts starts spurring darkness.
  • "Light? Bu-but why...?"
    before fading away.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories


  • "Why do you shun the dark?"
    talking to Riku.
  • "Stop resisting and accept the darkness. You must... if you are to serve me again!"
    before appearing before Riku.
  • "You need the darkness. Submit! Bow to the darkness, and bow to me."
    talking to Riku about joining the darkness again.
  • "You think some feeble light can save you from the darkness I command? Fool!"
    before battling Riku.
  • "They are cards crafted from your memory. Advance through the worlds they beget, and you will come to understand... Chasing the light will not distance you from the dark. You cannot run."
    after giving Riku some cards.
  • "Tsk, so stubborn. Then continue your fight, if you must. Eventually, you will see. You cannot resist the dark."
    before vanishing.
  • "Meddlesome king!"
    talking to Mickey.
  • "I know you can feel it, Riku—the grip I have on your heart. You've let the darkness in. And all-consuming darkness is what your heart shall become!"
    talking to Riku about his darkness.
  • "Very well. Then sink into the dark abyss!"
    before battling Riku again.
  • "Oh, I know what you can do. Your skill with darkness has matured. But I do not understand. Why accept darkness and still refuse me? You and I are similar. We both follow where the darkness leads. We exist in the same space—so why deny me? Perhaps some part of your heart still fears the dark?"
    talking to Riku about his darkness.
  • "Hardly... finished... I gave you... the dark... My shadow... lingers... I will return!"
    before vanishing.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories


  • "Stop resisting. Accept the darkness. You have no choice... if you are to serve me again!"
    before appearing before Riku.
  • "Clever boy. I knew you'd be the one to most appropriately serve me. And now, surrender to me again---"
    provoking Riku to attack him.
  • "You are weak. You need darkness. Surrender. Bow to darkness. Bow to me."
    trying to get Riku to give in to the darkness.
  • "You think that feeble little light can save you from the darkness that I command? You shall feel my dark powers---in your bones!"
    before battling Riku.
  • "This is a card crafted from your memory. Advance through the world it creates and soon, you will understand... Chasing after light is not the way. It will not give you distance from the darkness. There is no running from the darkness."
    after giving Riku some cards.
  • "To use it or not is your choice. I'll be waiting, Riku... for you to sense it and yield to the darkness in your heart!"
    before departing.
  • "More like a model. He is an example of what you should try to be. He accepts the darkness... just like you once couldn't help but accept me. But now you are afraid. Perhaps YOU are the one who is being fake. Fake when you pretend to have no fear."
    talking to Riku about Riku Replica.
  • "Inside of the card-worlds... you grappled desperately with the darkness. Desperation is fear. You fight the darkness because it is what frightens you."
    talking about Riku's fear.
  • "You called out my name. You have been thinking about me...You're afraid of the darkness I command. Good...The more you think of me, the closer my return draws. And when I have awoken, I will take hold..."
    after Lexaeus's defeat.
  • "You have let in the darkness, Riku. That means very soon your heart shall become an all-consuming darkness."
    talking to Riku about his darkness.
  • "The deeper the darkness runs inside you, the stronger I become. Controlling you is effortless."
    talking to Riku about his darkness.
  • "Why in such a hurry? I'll be here at the very heart of darkness...Watching you plunge into the same darkness---inside of you."
    after Riku enters the last basement.
  • "I have watched you fight. I know your strength. Your skill with darkness has grown. It has become more mature. And yet, why... Why do you accept the darkness---but still refuse me? You know you and I are similar. We both follow where the darkness leads. Indeed, we are the same, so why? Does some part of your heart still have a fear of the dark?"
    talking to Riku about his darkness.
  • "Very well. In that case... You shall sink into the abyss!"
    before battling Riku again.
  • "This... is hardly... the end... Your darkness---I gave it... all to you... My dark shadow... lingers... Someday... Someday... I will return!"
    before vanishing.

Battle Quotes

Kingdom Hearts

  • "Come, guardian!"
    shielding himself with his Guardian.
  • "You insolent little...!"
    after taking damage.
  • "Submit!"
    using the possession move.
  • "Come, open your heart."
    using the energy shield.
  • "My strength returns."
    powering up for shadow dive.
  • "What do you hope to accomplish?"
    using shadow dive.
  • "Do not deny your fear!"
    when using shadow dive.
  • "The final darkness is at hand!"
    during the final hit of shadow dive.
  • "Take this!"
    using the shadow charge move.

World of Chaos

  • "Turn to darkness!"
    using his spear spin move.
  • "Welcome the darkness in you."
    summoning laser orbs.
  • "All shall be extinguished."
    summoning laser orbs.
  • "Still confused? Then perhaps this will enlighten you!"
    summoning laser orbs.
  • "Come forth!"
    summoning Bit Sniper's.
  • "Come... Darkness!"
    using energy vacuum during the final phase.
  • "Now, you weak-hearted fools, witness real power!"
    using energy vacuum during the final phase.
  • "Is this the answer? It can't be!"
    upon defeat.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

  • "Come, guardian!"
    shielding himself with his Guardian.
  • "Yes!"
    when using an attack card.
  • "Open your eyes."
    after half of his health is depleted.
  • "Do not deny your fear."
    after he is almost on his last bar of health.
  • "Why do you refuse the darkness?"
    after his defeat.

Removed Quotes

  • "Now show me what your precious "light" can do."