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This is a list of quotes said by Roxas during the course of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts II.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "I dunno. I can't just... look inside. But I figure... if there really is something there—inside us—we'd feel it ?"
— Roxas's first quote in the game, after Axel asks him if he's sure he doesn't have a heart. - "No, you're just late."
— Day 255, when the trio meet up for ice cream on the clock tower. - "Today makes 255."
— Roxas stating how many days it's been since he first joined the Organization. - "Yeah. Have to hang onto something right? It's not like I have memories from before the Organization. Don't you remember? I acted like a zombie."
— to Axel, who asks him if he's "got the number memorized". - "That's all I have to do?"
— Roxas mocks the easiness of his first mission. - "I said, I could have done that blindfolded."
— after he breezes through his first mission. - "It's salty... but sweet, too."
— Roxas's first taste of Sea-Salt Ice Cream. - "Reconna— what?"
— on his first mission doing reconnaissance. - "Ow.. Mutt muzz zat for? Nngh..."
— after Lexaeus hits him in order to activate his Limit Break. - "I've got someplace to be. You go ahead and RTC without me."
— on his first day working with Xion. - "You did great. In fact, you deserve a little something extra."
— when Xion gains power over the keyblade. - "Do you think it's true— about the members stationed at Castle Oblivion."
— when he hears that Axel may have been eliminated. - "Hey— where do Heartless go when they're defeated?"
— asking questions. - "Why did the Keyblade choose me?... I have to know."
- when talking to Axel after leaving the Organization - "No one would miss me."
— leaving the Organization. - "Sora, Sora, Sora! Enough about Sora!"
— confronting Riku. - "I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free! Then everything can go back to the way it was!"
— when Riku asks him if he has a plan. - "I have to find this Sora person, and freeing Kingdom Hearts is the only way!"
— determined to set Kingdom Hearts free. - "Why don't you quit?"
— after a long tiring battle with Riku. - "Get real. Look which one of us is winning."
— responding when called Sora. - "What are you talking about? I am me. Nobody else!"
— when Riku tells him he is Sora's Nobody. - "How many times do I have to beat you?"
— knocking Riku down once again. - "Maybe... today we can finally hit the beach!'"
— assuming a new life in the Simulated Twilight Town. - "Only seven days to go... And then my summer vacation is over"
— Roxas's last quote of the game.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Another dream about him..."
— Roxas's first quote in the game, after having a dream about Sora. - "We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight."
— when Hayner is complaining about everyone blaming them for the photo thefts. - "What, what is this thing?"
— when Roxas gains the Keyblade at the Haunted Mansion. - "A key... blade?"
— after having a dream about the Keyblade. - "Maybe you forgot, but we're broke."
— To Hayner, who wants to go to the beach. - "Hey, you're that pickpocket!"
— confronting Riku in the Old Mansion, after defeating the Twilight Thorn. - "What's going ON?"
— confused about all the strange things that are happening to him. - "Hayner! Pence! Olette!"
— when Axel and DiZ are continually shouting his name. - "Namine? What's happening to me?"
— when making contact with Kairi, Roxas mistakes her for Namine. - "Yesterday, I fell off the station tower, didn't I?"
— confused about what's reality, and what's not. - "You know, that last wonder wasn't exactly wonderful."
— convinced that the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town are all fakes. - "What's the catch? There's gotta be a catch, right?"
— after thinking he's seen the Ghost Train. - "Suddenly, I feel like I don't know myself at all."
— having a conversation with Namine in the White Room. - "How could you even say such a thing... even if it were true?"
— to Namine, who tells him he was not supposed to exist. - "Don't call me and then lock me out..."
— ambushed at the gates to the Old Mansion. - "Who are you talking to? Me? Or Sora?"
— confronting DiZ at the Old Mansion. - "Was that... Was that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing!"
— when DiZ is taunting Roxas. - "I hate you so much..."
— convinced that DiZ is responsible for all the things that have been happening to him. - "No! My heart belongs to me!"
— when DiZ tells him that he has to join with Sora. - "You're lucky. It looks like my summer vacation is... over."
— moments before Sora awakens. - "Sora?"
— calling out to Sora as Sora awakens from his year long slumber - "Tell me... tell me why he picked you!"
— during his battle with Sora. - "You make a good other."
— after he is defeated by Sora. - "I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
— moments before he joins with Sora. - "Look sharp!"
— joining with Sora.
Battle Quotes
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- "Nice try!"
— activating his Limit Break. - "You're finished!"
— activating his Final Limit. - "You can't stop me!"
— activating his Limit Break while Dual Wielding. - "Give me strength!"
— activating his Final Limit while Dual Wielding.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
- "Take that!"
— using Criss-Cross - "Come on!"
— sending out light orbs during Magic Hour