Hey, I'm Coldasfire, more commonly known as Cold or CAF. You can visit my complete userpage at the Keyhole here. Have a nice day!

"The sky is...BLUE!"
Coldasfire's Lanes Between
Castle Oblivion
| Entrance Hall | Front Desk |
Deep Space
|Experiment 001 | Experiment 002 | Experiment 003 | Experiment 004 | Experiment 005 |
Mirage Arena
| First Battle |
Names CAF, Zero, Starcutter
Title Essence of Zero
Favorite Color Black
Birthday 2/17/98

Coldasfire - Eternal Flames KHII.pngHey, I feel like we're friends already.Eternal Flames KHII.png
TALK - Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngGet it memorized already.{{{time}}}Chaos Crystal KHBBS.png
Hey there! Guess what?! YOU'RE ON MY USERPAGE!!!! I just copied and pasted my Keyhole profile here, so there are a LOT of broken links which I'll fix later. Enjoy my page!

Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngJournal EntryChaos Crystal KHBBS.png

School's out, and I'm a freshie now! Although summer has brought some tensions to home, combined with my grandmother coming to visit, I'm happy to have nothing to do :) I just had another piano recital, and the link is here

Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngProfileChaos Crystal KHBBS.png


I'm usually happy, bouncy, and extremely hard to faze. Although I can be a bit coldhearted, I will usually be nice to you unless you give me a reason not to. I'm a Star Wars fan, and am semi-fluent in Mando'a. I also play Dragons of Atlantis via Google+ and...MINECRAFT!!!!!&nbsp My life isn't all gaming, though. I'm an avid musician, and play piano, flute, and percussion. Fencing is my sport, and I'm not that bad at it. In the summer I horseback ride. I'm involved in my church youth group, and we are going to Mexico to build houses for a week(it's only 50 miles to the border).


I'm about 5'3 and Asian. I have brown-red-blonde hair(it can't decide) and usually wear black, blue, or purple(colors of darkness FTW!) with a hint of red now and then, and never take off my charmless silver necklace.


I will eventually get one of those nice and neat and organized charts to show my online/offline hours, but for now, I'm just writing stuff down. Make me a chart if you feel like it! :D My computer schedule is extremely fluctuated though, so don't completely rely on this chart.

  • NOTE* I live in California, so my time zone is Pacific.

School Schedule

On Monday I'll probably be online around 12 PM, and towards the evening if I am online at all it will be towards the evening, around 8-9 PM. Tuesdays I'll be online 4-4:30PM and maybe till 5. Wednesdays I will be online at lunch again, and maybe at 8-9 PM. Thursdays I'll be online at lunch and from 4-6, maybe a few minutes around 8:30 too. Fridays I'm online at lunch and an hour or so somewhere in the day, most likely around the evening. Saturdays I have no idea if I'm going to be online whatsoever, or online all day. Same goes with Sundays.

Summer Schedule

Um, during the summer, THERE IS NO SCHEDULE BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA-sorry. I'm off, and on, and off again, and maybe off and on again.

Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngChecklistChaos Crystal KHBBS.png

358/2 Days

  • Kill the Dustflier
  • Get EVERY treasure chest
  • Complete all the missions to full
  • Complete all Challenges


  • Unlock every Finish command
  • Upgrade Ultima weapon to full
  • Get every avatar piece
  • Find all of the rare prize blox.

Birth By Sleep

  • Finish all of the storylines.
  • Unlock all of the commands.
  • Find all of the treasure chests.

The Keyhole

  • Finish Syx's article
  • Scan Copycat artwork
  • Scan character concept
  • Reach 500 edits
  • Reach 700 edits

Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngMy UserboxesChaos Crystal KHBBS.png

Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
Template:User OXIII
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
Axel4_zpsqvy0u0hx.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?
hIwWxNJ.png This user should warn you that they are in an EXTREMELY FOUL MOOD!
XarXPUo.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!
Template:User Nobody
jArRktg.png This user dove to the heart and completed Ventus's story.
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
j5Z0CTr.png This user has obtained trophies in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded!
Template:User Manga Template:User Heartless
Template:User Unversed Template:User Keyblade Master
YuSXoMW.png Fire!
Template:User World That Never Was
dnGiMFL.png This user harnesses the power of their bond with Riku.
LiyFa5c.png This user destroyed the χ-blade and completed Aqua's story.
Template:User Ice Titan Re:coded

Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngFriendsChaos Crystal KHBBS.png

If you want to be my friend, you can either contact me on my talk page or just add your userbox here.

  This user has shared sea-salt ice cream with the blazing editor Chainoffire!
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
User:13sora/RFUB Template:User LegendAqua
Template:User ArchAngelus

Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngSignaturesChaos Crystal KHBBS.png

All of my awesome sigs.




Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngTalk BubblesChaos Crystal KHBBS.png

All of my current talk bubbles are HERE. The quotes that I use come from both the games and the manga.

Coldasfire -  Hey, I feel like we're friends already. 
TALK -  Get it memorized already.{{{time}}} 
My everyday normal talk bubble.

Coldasfire -   Thunder doesn't work on me. In fact, it's pretty tasty. 
TALK - These flower petals are really annoying. {{{time}}}
My HAPPY talk bubble.

TALK - RRAAGGEEE{{{time}}}
I use this when I'm really mad. Don't want to catch this one on your talk page.

Coldasfire - Wait, why are you having a tea party?
TALK - A Key...blade?{{{time}}}
If I'm asking a question, I'll use this one.

Coldasfire - May the odds be ever in your favor.
TALK - Let the games...BEGIN!!!{{{time}}}
My tribute to District 28756.

Coldasfire - This is Castle Oblivion, where to find is to lose and to lose is to find. But rest assured you won't lose anything just because you won this free drink.
TALK - Brave Keyblade Master{{{time}}}
This is my second-favorite bubble. I use it when I'm happy.

Coldasfire - You won't disappear!
TALK - Thank Naminè{{{time}}}
I'll use this to thank you for helping me.

Coldasfire - So you really DON'T remember.
TALK - I'M. SO. FLATTERED!{{{time}}}
I use this when I'm ticked off or annoyed, not really mad.

Coldasfire - So, whaddya think? I call it the...Leablade.
TALK - So let's jump right in!{{{time}}}
This is my first KH3D Lea talk bubble. I did the sprite myself! :D

Coldasfire - I know! Let's go to the beach!
TALK - {{{time}}}
I'll use this when I'm feeling happy and nice and sunshiney and etc.

Coldasfire - I promised I'd always be there to bring him back.
TALK - {{{time}}}
If you see this it means I'm sorry or sad or etc.
