First Trip
Beast's Castle is one of the many Disney worlds in the game. Upon landing, the party wonders who lives in the castle. Suddenly, they hear a loud roar. Goofy recognizes the roar belongs to the Beast, and so does Sora. They suddenly spot a Shadow Heartless enter a room on the right. They follow it into the room, which also contains a rose. Suddenly, a Shadow comes out of the ground, and more follows, starting a battle with multiple Shadows.
This battle should not really last long. Just fight with either meel attacks or cast Fire if the Shadows are near Sora and are vurnerable.
In the middle of the battle, Beast comes in and uses his claws to take down the remaining Shadows. However, he pays no attention to Sora and his friends for some reason, even whacking them out of the way to get the rose and walks out of the room like nothing happened. You now regain control of the party. The room you are in contains a save point and a Moogle Shop. Save the game, and walk out of the room. Donald will then mention that he saw a lady at the top of the stairs. Goofy implies that if the Beast is here, then the lady must be Belle.
Now, go up the stairs and to the right. You'll enter the East Wing, where a cutscene will show Donald charging into Belle's room when he hears her wondering what to do. Belle opens the door, grabs Donald and cuddles him. Belle reveals that Beast has been acting weird lately. The only ones who might know what's going on are locked in the Dungeon by the Beast himself. The Dungeon is located past the Undercroft in The West Hall. Now, go back to the entrance, and take the other flight of stairs to The West Hall. You'll soon encounter a Wardrobe.
A brief scene will show Sora pushing the Wardrobe out of the way, revealing the entrance. However, the Wardrobe suddenly wakes up, jumps back to where she was, and resumes sleeping. And now you have to play a minigame. The main objective is to carefully push the Wardrobe away from the door using the "Push" reaction command. Don't press when she's awake, as the command will change to "Waken"; if she catches you pushing her, and she'll jump back in front of the door. After completing this, she'll apologize for the trouble, and will mention that she was once a human, and so was the Beast. Only, the Beast wasn't just a regular human, he was a prince of the castle. She won't mention any more stuff. Enter the Undercroft and prepare for a boss fight.
Attack the Tresholder with meel attacks; don't bother use magic on the Heartless that attack you, as the first round are immune to magic. The Tresholder twins will sometimes smack the floor with their arms, so watch out. Sometimes, they might even send you towards the upper floor with an unknown gust. Once the HP is out, press to perform the reaction command "Release"; it will release the Possessor. Attack the Possessor until it losses half of it's HP. After that, it will re-posses the door, reviving the Tresholder.
Battle's the same as before, but now the Tresholder will continue to send Dark Aura towards the party. Just do what you did before to release the Possessor, then defeat the flying spirit to end this battle. Once the battle is finished, Sora will learn Upper Slash, Donald will learn Donald Fire and Goofy will aquire more HP.