This page contains a list of quotes said by Flounder during the course of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts
- "I don’t know. There’s something weird about them."
— upon meeting Sora and company. - "But, wh-what if we run into more on our way back?"
— talking about the Heartless.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- "Ariel!"
— upon being freed from Ursula. - "Please don't be mad, Ariel. Ursula tricked me."
— upon defeating Ursula.
Kingdom Hearts II
- "C'mon, Sora, you can do it!"
— before he swims off to retrain Sora and company about swimming. - "Yes, that's it! You're a quick learner, Sora!"
- when Sora finishes swimming - "I've got an idea, Sebastian."
— talking to Sebastian. - "I found it after that storm--- And I bet it's from a shipwreck. Don't ya think Ariel's gonna love it?"
— talking about the state. - "Ariel's been crying for a long time."
— talking about Ariel. - "It's Ursula! She...she must've turned herself into that girl!"
— talking about Ursula to Sora and company. - "We were glad to help, and very proud, it's true."
— during "A New Day is Dawning" song.