Walkthrough:Kingdom Hearts II/Twilight Town

Roxas's Story
The First Day
You start the game by controlling Roxas. Follow the tutorial shown for now.
Apparently, Roxas and his friends are accused to be thieves since some of the town's residence lost their photographs. But, not only the photos are stolen, but the word "photo" itself can't be said, as if it was also stolen! Seifer and his gang try to pick up a fight with Roxas by accusing them to be the culprits. Choose a Struggle Bat and be prepared for a fight against Seifer.
The fight against Seifer is not hard. Keep attacking him and you should deflect his attacks. When Seifer shouts "Isn't this romantic!?", just move away as he will leap into the air and do a straight-forward thrust to the ground.
After you humiliated Seifer, a strange white creature appears and steals Pence's camera. He might be the culprit so Roxas decides to run after it. Follow it into the Old Mansion hidden in the woods. Roxas will now battle the strange creature.
Don't stress too much on this fight, as your attacks will have no effect on it. For now, just use the "Reversal" reaction command and attack it to pass some time. Also, be careful when it's curling up on the ground, as it will kick you. Just jump out of the way to avoid it. After you gained the Keyblade, you can actually hit the creature, so use the Reversal reaction command to confuse it first, and use the opportunity to attack. To prevent the creature from attacking, you can just use Reversal and attack it two times, rinse and repeat.
The Second Day
View the cutscene as Hayner tries to persuade the others to go to the beach together. They have no money though. After the cutscene, you will appear in front of a Save Point. Save the game if you want to. Now, as mentioned before, they have no money. So they will have to work for now. Select one of the 6 jobs available (3 more are available at the Tram Common). It's recommended to play the minigames until you gain at least 1200 munny to get the +2 AP bonus. Gaining 2000 munny will automatically advance the story and give you the +2 AP bonus, but it's still recommended to get 1200 and meet Hayner by the Train Station, since you won't get to keep the 800 extra munny and will still get the bonus AP.
Regardless on how many munny you collected by doing jobs, the total would still be 5000 munny (technically the more diligent you are in collecting those munny, the lazier the other gets). But, it seems all those hard work are for waste, the munny pouch is stolen! And now Roxas and the others will have to postpone their plan...
Twilight Town is the first world in the game where you play as Sora.
Sora's Story
First Visit
After the cutscene where he wakes up, you'll gain control of Sora. You'll be outside the mansion, so open the nearby Treasure Chests and then enter the forest. Although they are NPCs outside the mansion, Donald and Goofy are your main party members, and will fight alongside Sora in every world where battles are present.
You'll be automatically taken to the Useral Spot (?), where Sora feels like he's been to this town before, but thinks he must have imagined it. Here, you'll meet up with Hayner, Pence and Olette, the three friends of Roxas, but something's not right about them. Hayner will act rude at first, because Sora and his pals have meddled into their spot. Olette then mistakes Sora for being a fellow High School student by asking if he has finished his homework, which suprises Sora. The two trios then introduce themselves. Pence and Olette then mention that somebody is looking for Sora and his friends. They don't know who that person was, because he wore a coat, but Pence mentioned that he had big, round ears. Donald thinks it's King Mickey. Sora asks where he is, and tell him that the King's at the station.
Now you have control of the party again. There's a save point next to you, so save the game. Now head over to Market Street and climb the hill to the station. If you have enough Munny, try to purchase some Potions, as they can be helpful.
Finally, upon reaching the Station, a bunch of strange foes (later revealed to be Dusks will attack you. You should try to take out as many as you can. After the battle, Sora and his friends will drop to the ground, exusted. Just as a Dusk prepares to attack the trio, a mysterious figure in a black coat will destroy the remaining Dusks. The figure is revealed to be King Mickey, who then tells the trio to board a train and leave the town. He then hands over a pouch containing 5,000 munny and a blue orb before running off.
Sora then takes this encounter as a sign that Riku may be okay, since he was traped in the Realm of Darkness alongside the king. Because of this, Sora has decided to go look for Riku, so that the two of them can return to the islands together, since Kairi is there waiting for them. He then asks his friends that they are going to do. Goofy then asks that does he have to ask, causing Sora to laugh at their faces. Donald and Goofy then look at each other's faces, and they all laugh. Sora then agrees to stick together for one more journey, which is the train ride.
Go inside the station, and another cutscene will begin.