Tron- Why is tron one of the most important Disney character.
Idk... i think we should change that..also, should we have individual pages for limits or just leave them on the person's page who does that limit? or just put them all on the limit page and separate them by person?(spidy)
but we should not change it just say citation needed Well, if you say so.. im all for changing or just getting rid of it..
NEW i think its because he is the reason hollow bastion changed to radiant garden
Tron was never human
"Unlike his movie counterpart, Tron speaks as if he had never experienced human life or emotions, contrary to having a fleshy form that was digitized into the virtual world."
I think whoever wrote this was confusing Tron with the film's human protagonist Kevin Flynn. Tron was always a program. Flynn was the one with the "fleshy form that was digitized into the virtual world."
Now, Tron is not technically human, but does he have any sort of heart?--Nanohano 23:56, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
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Well don’t you need a Body and Soul to have a heart? Does he have those?--Nanohano 03:25, November 16, 2009 (UTC)
I really don't think he can qualify for one, while he does seem to have some emotional range, He's still a computer program. So he can't really become a Heartless, but who know... Still one thing confuses me, Tron's dacing at the end. Someone said that Sora created it. That's ummm.. unlikey, since he types using Hunt and Peck. I think it'd be more like Leon, or Cid. Hyperwre_2.0 19:05, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah Nitrous it's called his Identity Disk as it does what a heart would do it stores the information/memories of who tron is. And I'm going with the with the Kingdom Heart's definition of Heart and well the definition of Identity DIsk and I'm aware how old these above posts are I'm just saving other people the trouble of looking it up themselves.--Xander19 06:46, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
Correct Infomation?
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Sorry in advance but this is gonna be long
Maybe that Master Xehanort theory is correct but it was seen that Scrooge McDuck could travel between worlds so anyone could really if they had the means to. Another possibility is that Flynn's Arcade(fanname for the proper User world) was destroyed during the time between BBS and KH1 and someone managed to save a copy of the grid/Space Paranoids and have it sent to a nearby world saving it and leading to the events in KH2(personally I'd bet on a Jet Bradley connection there)
In 3D and/or KH3 they could visit the real world Space Paranoids originated from and get sucked in a end up trying to find tron and helping sam, quorra and kevin get out leading to a confrontation with rinzler where Kevin Flynn reveals it to be tron, who eventually not only remembers Flynn but also somehow remembers Sora Donald and Goofy, can't really explain why though, leading to the whole events in the user world and they see Alan Bradley in the distance and think he's tron but realize he's too old or something and then they watch like they do for every other couple as Sam and Quorra ride off to see the sunrise.["Xander19"]
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I am very glad you asked that. hypothetically speaking if Tron despite being a program had a heart than despite being a copy his 'heart' would be connect to his real self sorta like in chain of memories where Leon and the others hadn't met Sora before but their is a sense of familiarity there thus he remembers sora despite never meeting for real as with the HB gang in CoM get it? ["Xander19"]
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First I replayed the game and RG Tron never mentioned anything about the original grid being destroyed though 17m's suggestion about CLU is feasible when you consider all the other crazy things in the kingdom hearts universe. Or it could end up like I said with the real Tron, then Rinzler, remembering thanks to Sora, as he connects everything. Or it's plays out like the movie with Sora's addition altering the story slightly. And it is possible for there to be a copy of the Grid V2 considering Sam made one at the end of the movie, though that was a back-up copy to try fix things. Oh and thank you 17m I didn't know that could work :) Xander19
Oh and I just thought of something if they did go with the original world, Grid of Legacy(my new fanname for that world), then everything is connected by having a certain other User being a Keyblade Master. Or is that not a good idea to have that to make sense. Or copy Tron in Legacy world but somehow that might take away how awesome Legacy was (I am being a little sarcastic cause chances are 17m had the right idea in the first place if they do use Tron Legacy in a future game but I would prefer to see the real world not the copy even if it's all a flashback of somekind) Xander19