Lea KHBBS.png
Destati Dream XIII - I see you still play with toy swords! That's cute.
TALK - Now this right here! Tada! Whaddya think?
Hello, Wikians! This page pretty much sums up everything about me and my life with Kingdom Hearts.
Destati Dream XIII
File:Lea bbs.png
Real Name Nicole (prefer Nikki)
Gender Female
Birthdate November 6, 1997
Age 13
Alignment Twilight
Favorite Hero Terra
Least Favorite Hero Sora
Favorite Villains Organization Members 1-11
Least Favorite Villains Maleficent and Pete
Favorite Weapon Sharpshooter Arrowguns
Least Favorite Weapon Lady Luck Keyblade

Eternal Flames KHII.pngAbout MeEternal Flames KHII.png

As you might've guessed, the Kingdom Hearts series is my all time most favorite of anything. Regardless, I enjoy a few Final Fantasies as well.

  • Favorite game: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Favorite movie: Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children (Technically, it is a movie.)
  • Favorite TV show: The Big Bang Theory
  • Favorite websites: The KHWiki (duh), KH13, and Mangafox
  • Favorite Music: Openings by Utada Hikari and many tunes throughout KH and FF
  • Favorite Non-Square Enix music (brace yourself, it's a long list): I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith, You're Beautiful by James Blunt, I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, Run Away and Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner, Umbrella and Hey,Soul Sister by Train, Apologize by One Republic featuring Timbaland, Just The Way You Are and Grenade by Bruno Mars, My Heart Will Go On(Titanic theme) by Celine Dion, and lastly Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera. I actually like many more than this, but these are at the top of my list.

Tip:I listen to all my favorite songs for free on the Majic 95.5 website. Just click the "Station's Playlist" button and type in the name of either the song,singer, or album in the top right corner of the second screen that should pop up. They even have tunes from FF!

  • I am currently writing a fantasy genre novel. Fingers-crossed that I can get it published.
  • I love to draw and have been improving.
  • I have been homeschooled since the 3rd grade.

NOTE: I have a rather awkward schedule for a homeschooler. This is mostly because of my Dad's work schedule- when he's home, he prefers we spend time together than for me to stare at a computer screen unless school related. The result? I'm only on the computer for non-school related things at around midnight and after. I will also never be online at Wednesday night/Thursday morning and Thursday night/Friday morning. Even though my computer privileges are cut dramatically, I enjoy spending time with him (what he considers "spending time together" is usually just me playing either a KH or FF game. He enjoys watching and says it's like a good movie- this is mostly because he's not very good at electronics, including videogames, so I have to play the games for him as he sits back and watches the storyline).

  • I like most characters, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Organization members 1-11.
  • I enjoy going for a refreshing walk with my sister.
  • Love animals!
  • Love to eat!

Fun Fact: I envy my sister for the spelling of her name. It's Jaxmine (notice the X?). I have to call myself Nicolex just to have that privilege! >_<

File:Lea Frisbee.png Goals File:Lea Frisbee.png

  • Write as convincingly as Master Xehanort
  • Talk as educated as Vexen
  • Get my book published
  • Make 1,000 edits

Eternal Flames KHII.pngPersonalityEternal Flames KHII.png

Many seem to consider me a likeable person. When I used to go to an actual school, I made friends quickly. In a way, I am much like Axel/Lea. I will only be a "clever little sneak" if I think it's for the greater good, but if I consider that person my best friend I won't hide anything at all. Period.

I cherish my true friends, but at the same time, I don't meddle in their lives.

I consider my sister the most bestest friend of all time, but sometimes she reminds my of Saix/Isa. Guess the X in her name suits her. This is mostly because she's the responsible one and I'm usually the more easygoing one. Sort of a Lea/Isa situation.

Also, how I am on the computer is pretty much how I am in real life. Although, I'm a tad less social in real life. I only have friends mostly because they came to me, since I wouldn't intentionally go over to introduce myself. Some might call me a bit anti-social, I suppose.

File:Lea Frisbee.png Appearance File:Lea Frisbee.png

I look much older than my age. Even though I'm only 13, most assume I'm 16 or 17. Many people have seemed surprised when I tell them my actual age. I'm either 5'7" or 5'8", forgot which one. I am very slender, but not skinny. If you saw a picture of me, you'd probably say I have an Aerith body figure.

I have long, extremely dark, brown hair (may as well call it black). I still have slight baby cheeks, sort of reminiscent of Demyx's facial shape. Regardless, my eyes are certainly not green like his. Mine are pitch black. But, because of the many resemblances I do share with him, I began styling my hair similar to his. Not with a mohawk or mullet, of course. Instead, I style my bangs. I also tie my hair into a slightly messy fashion.

Eternal Flames KHII.pngWhat The Kingdom Hearts Series Is To MeEternal Flames KHII.png

Kingdom Hearts

This was my very first game I got of the series. Actually, to be more precise, this was my very first Square Enix game. The storyline instrigued me and I had discovered my first favorite character. Wait for it... Ansem, Seeker of Darkness! I played and played, then I finally beat the game. The secret ending had me asking for more. But, to this very day, I still haven't beat Sephiroth. Oh, well. At least I got everything else in it.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

While I was surfing the internet for a walkthrough on KH, I stumbled across this. "Could this be the next in the series?" I thought to myself. That very day, Dad took me to Gamestop and bought it for me (told you he enjoys the storyline). Once again, I played and played, but I have to admit that I wish Square Enix had kept the original battle system. My first glimpse of the Organization! I loved them as soon as I saw them, excluding Larxene. If it wasn't for them, I probably would've taken the game back for a refund due to it's difficulty. I had gotton stuck on my first battle with Vexen. I died, literally, about twenty times! When I finally won, the following cutscene made me roll my eyes due to it's irony. Sora saying, "As if I'd ever lose to you!" ring a bell? After that battle, the rest of the game was a breeze. Then, I went on to Riku's story and loved the two members that were introduced. After beating both storylines, I never actually re-played Re:CoM, and never went for the 100%. Instead, I just re-watched all my favorite cutscenes in theater mode. This is actually what got my sister interested as well.

Kingdom Hearts II

While walking through Gamestop, by a stroke of luck, I saw KHII sitting on a shelf. Again, Dad bought it that very day and I played and played. I enjoyed this battle system much more than Re:CoM's, and loved every member that got introduced. I liked Roxas too, but not as much as the others. But, once the game got to the part in Hollow Bastion and you had to fight Demyx, something strange happened. My sister and I felt really hurt after that battle. As each member faded away, we felt more and more depressed. By the time I beat the game with 100% on Standard mode, I truly wished it had a theater mode. I ended up playing it one more time, but I made sure to make separate save slots for each of my favorite cutscenes. Now, I surf through said save points whenever I feel like watching the Organization.

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

A game revolving around the Organization?! Everyone wanted this one. This became my favorite in the series, although I did feel a bit depressed towards the end. I liked Xion at first, but soon, it got to the point where I was happy to see her fade away. I have beaten the game with 100% on Beginner and Standard mode, and currently trying on Proud mode. My favorite part is playing as the members in Mission Mode.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Got the bundle pack and loved it. I was soooo happy to see the Org members original selves, although I wish they'd of put Demyx, Luxord, and Marluxia. A ten-year-old Dem-Dem would've made the game perfect! Oh, well... Anyway, I've gotten 100% on Proud mode with all three characters, including the Mysterious Figure. In my opinion, it has the best battle system so far. I'm also extremely happy for the theater mode.

Kingdom Hearts:Re:Coded

I don't actually own this one, but I did watch everything on Youtube. I personally found this one rather useless for the fact that anything in it worth mentioning could've been put in a simple 10-minute cutscene, if that.

Future Games

I am eagerly waiting for Kingdom Hearts:Dream Drop Distance and the expected Kingdom Hearts III.

File:Lea Frisbee.png New Introductions File:Lea Frisbee.png

Kingdom Hearts also introduced me to Final Fantasy. I got X and X-2 since I have a PS2, not a PS1, but the game I actually wanted was VII. So, I beat the two games, and then watched everything else on Youtube. I watched every FF with voice acting. As for the one's without VA's, I read about them on the FFWiki. My sister and I had determined our favorite characters of FF (in order from most favorite to less favorite): Kuja, Reno, Genesis Rhapsody, Angeal Heweley, Zack Fair, Could Strife, Seymour Guado, Sephiroth, and Squall Leonheart. We also kinda like Tseng.

Eternal Flames KHII.pngAs Of NowEternal Flames KHII.png

My sister and I have gotten emotionally attached to Org member's 1-11 and now really like Terra. We're also fans of Master Xehanort, Ansem,SoD, and Vanitas. I like Ventus more than Roxas, but consider them both pretty cool. Not a fan of the Disney characters, except Hades- he's the only one that makes me laugh. Even after all this, I still dislike Larxene and Xion.

As you already know, I am also a member of this Wiki. I hope to become a good editor and look forward to my stay as a user.

File:Lea Frisbee.png My Kingdom Hearts Wiki Friends File:Lea Frisbee.png

If you want to be my friend, just ask!

This list is not in any particular order and I look forward to it's growth as more get added.

Sora-Avatar50px-1.png _This user is a good friend of
_Dan da Man36.
KH2_Riku.jpg This user understands the values of friendship and loyalty, and has become friends with Mechajin!
iaza19276213142500.gif This user has met and befriended a Mysterious Zorua.
sho.gif You thought this user had no friends? As if!

Interdiction KHD.png Sharpshooter KHII.png Lindworm KHII.png Frozen Pride KHD.png Skysplitter KHD.png Book of Retribution KHD.png Userboxes Lunatic KHII.png Eternal Flames KHII.png Arpeggio KHII.png Fair Game KHII.png Graceful Dahlia KHD.png Interdiction KHD.png

Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
13 This user is 13 years old.
Template:User OXIII
Template:User World That Never Was
DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...
Template:User Xemnas Quote
yidmdso.png This user wonders if you've been a good boy.
Template:User Xigbar Quote
Vfr6rba.png This user would like you to enlighten us about that pet project of yours.
Template:User Xaldin Quote
U8rK9tX.png This user is a scientist... yes!
Template:User Vexen Quote
SSbX48t.png This user will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward!
Template:User Lexaeus Quote
ha5QErC.png This user will make you see that your hopes are nothing... nothing but a mere illusion!
Template:User Zexion Quote
zpt3vzO.png This user is a master of the moon. Now move aside!
Template:User Saix Quote
Axel1_zps9ufogdop.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?
Template:User Axel Quote
Bzyb62y.png This user is a master of water.
Template:User Demyx Quote
68TxGmg.png This user wonders if you know the rules.
Template:User Luxord Quote
cjREgxg.png This user is a master of flowers.
Template:User Marluxia Quote Template:User Nobody
bB42t12.png This user is a fan of Terra.
Template:User Xehanort Heartless Template:User Xehanort
BMdaYVP.png This user is a fan of Terra-Xehanort.
Template:User MX
nXQSvrR.png This user is a fan of slave to Vanitas.

Q6a5k5G.png This user is a fan of Squa-- uh, Leon. Whatever.
ou5JnEC.png This user is not interested in anything except Cloud.
knFHeVL.png This user is a fan of the One-Winged Angel.
UserCreeper.png This user is a stealthy Creeper; can you predict his or her next move?
UserDusk.png The user you see before you is known as a Dusk.
Sorcerer_zpsylntasrz.png This user is an unstoppable Sorcerer. Dare you try to break his or her poise?
UserSniper.png This user is a Sniper and has got you in his or her sights.
Dragoon_zpsbi69h5on.png This user is a powerful Dragoon. You would do well to learn from him or her.
Berserker_zpsxrvxi22f.png This user is a mighty Berserker and warns you to move aside!
UserAssassin.png This user is a paid Assassin.
Dancer_zps1tw3iwb6.png Everybody dance! This user thinks Dancers are love.
Gambler_zpsyu6xrvr7.png This user is a Gambler. Raise or Fold?