This is it: the beginning of the end. The sixteen souls remaining here have each taken the hearts, the hopes, the honor of three other warriors to be where they are now... and none of them plan on ending that streak here. Atop this mountain, eight must fall; eight more powerful, strong hearts must join Kingdom Hearts. The luminescent heart above shines down on the remaining warriors, reminding them that this is how it is meant to end. Role model shall face child; villain shall face hero; member shall face member. The ground and sides of the pillars quake as the canyons continue to rupture and fall from the pressure of the war... just as shall eight more warriors. The keys, blades, and other weapons are raised into the air, and they charge for what might be their last battle.
Opening Finals!
Opening Finals!
Votes for Demyx
Votes for Aqua
- Demyx, your musical instruments will only carry you so far until someone with a real weapon comes along. --
07:44, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
- For teh sexeh --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono
07:47, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
- still teh sexiest character, evah
Battle Observatory
Opening Finals!
Opening Finals!
Votes for Ventus
Votes for Terra
- I lost some respect for Ventus when he beat up those random spinny things in LoD. --
07:45, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
Battle Observatory